
单词 失去工作后
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔consolation〕When she lost her job, her only consolation was that she had some savings in the bank.她失去工作后,唯一的安慰就是银行里还有些积蓄。牛津搭配〔depth〕After losing his job, he sank into the depths of misery/despair/depression.失去工作后,他陷入了痛苦/绝望/低迷的深渊。韦氏高阶〔hand to mouth〕They have been living hand to mouth since he lost his job. = It's been hand to mouth since he lost his job.自从他失去工作后,他们一直生活得很拮据。韦氏高阶〔obsessively〕You were suffering from a period of obsessive depression after losing your job.你正处于失去工作后一段过度焦虑的抑郁期。柯林斯高阶〔obsessive〕You were suffering from a period of obsessive depression after losing your job.你正处于失去工作后一段强迫性的抑郁期。外研社新世纪〔put the boot in〕After he lost his job, his wife put the boot in by announcing she was leaving him.他失去工作后妻子又说要离开他,真是屋漏偏逢连夜雨。剑桥高阶〔roller coaster〕He was on an emotional roller coaster for a while when he lost his job.他失去工作后,有段时间情绪总是大起大落。剑桥高阶After he lost his job, he seemed to sink into a miasma of poverty and despair.失去工作后,他好像沉入了贫穷与绝望的不良影响中。剑桥国际After she lost her job, she had to go on the streets. 她失去工作后,不得不去当妓女。译典通Even after losing his job, he was too proud to accept handouts. 甚至在失去工作后,他仍然很骄傲,不愿接受施舍。译典通

