
单词 女孩
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BAD〕You've been a bad girl -- you know you're not allowed in my room when I'm not there. 你这女孩真不听话—你明知道我不在时你不可以进我的房间。朗文写作活用〔BEAUTIFUL〕A pretty girl like you should have a boyfriend. 像你这样的漂亮女孩应该有个男朋友。朗文写作活用〔COLD〕Look at her. The poor girl's quite blue with cold. 瞧这可怜的女孩,冻得皮肤都发青了。朗文写作活用〔IGNORE〕The waiter totally ignored Glen and served a girl who had come up beside him. 侍者根本不理睬格伦,转而去照应进来坐在他身旁的一位女孩子。朗文写作活用〔Negress〕A Black woman or girl.黑人妇女或女孩美国传统〔PRETEND〕The two little girls used to make believe that they were princesses. 两个小女孩过去常假扮成公主。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕The girls wanted to set the table, but they were more of a hindrance than a help. 那些女孩子想来摆餐具,却帮了倒忙。朗文写作活用〔SHOCKED/SHOCKING〕The little girl seemed speechless with terror. 那小女孩怕得好像话都说不出来了。朗文写作活用〔SITUATION〕Do girls learn better in an all-female environment? 女孩子在全是女性的环境里是不是学得更好?朗文写作活用〔UGLY〕Like many teenage girls, she was worried that she was unattractive. 和许多十几岁的女孩子一样,她也担心自己没有魅力。朗文写作活用〔argue〕Those girls are always arguing! 那些女孩老是在争吵!麦克米伦高阶〔be on another planet〕Some days that girl seems as if she's on another planet.那个女孩有时候看起来很怪异。剑桥高阶〔blonde〕There were two little girls, one Asian and one with blonde hair.那里有两个小女孩,一个是亚洲女孩,一个是金发女孩柯林斯高阶〔bloomer〕Girls' underpants of similar design.女孩子们类似样式的内衣裤美国传统〔brownie〕The girls wanted to join a Brownie pack (= group).女孩们想参加幼女童子军军团。剑桥高阶〔call ... up〕The girl's face called up in his mind the image of his dead wife.这个女孩的面貌使他回想起他死去的妻子的形象。21世纪英汉〔chum up〕She chummed up with some girls from Bristol on holiday.她假期里跟几个从布里斯托来的女孩成了好朋友。剑桥高阶〔close〕As a little girl, Karen was closest to her sister Gail.在还是个小女孩的时候, 卡伦同姐姐盖尔的关系最亲。外研社新世纪〔conservative〕The girl was well dressed, as usual, though in a more conservative style.和平时一样, 这个女孩衣着讲究, 只是风格更为传统。外研社新世纪〔cooking〕Boys are just as keen on cooking as girls are.男孩跟女孩一样热衷烹饪。外研社新世纪〔copy girl〕A girl employed by a newspaper or broadcast news office to carry copy and run errands.勤务女工:报社或广播机构雇用来递送稿件及跑腿的女孩美国传统〔court〕Relatives of the dead girl were in court.死去女孩的亲属们出庭了。牛津搭配〔daintily〕The girls were dainty and feminine.这些女孩子娇美温柔。柯林斯高阶〔definition〕Give your brows extra definition with Outdoor Girl's Eyebrow Pencil in Brown.用“户外女孩”品牌的棕色眉笔更加清晰地勾勒出眉形。柯林斯高阶〔devil〕The girl devilled her parents for a new computer.这小女孩缠着父母要一台新电脑。21世纪英汉〔do ... up〕The boys and girls were all done up in costumes.男孩女孩们都穿上了化装服。21世纪英汉〔drag for〕They dragged the lake for the body of the missing girl.他们在湖中打捞失踪女孩的尸体。21世纪英汉〔dream〕Into the bar walked the girl of his dreams.他理想中的女孩走进了酒吧。麦克米伦高阶〔dream〕She's every adolescent schoolboy's dream.她是每一个青春期男生的梦中女孩朗文当代〔dunk in〕The girl is allowed to dunk her biscuits in her coffer.这女孩得到允许,可以把饼干放在咖啡里浸一浸吃。21世纪英汉〔existence〕The girl's parents continued to ignore her very existence.女孩的父母继续无视她的存在。牛津搭配〔fleeting〕The girls caught only a fleeting glimpse of the driver.女孩们只是匆匆瞥见了司机。外研社新世纪〔frantic〕The girl was frantic with fear/worry.那女孩感到极度恐惧/焦虑。韦氏高阶〔gallivant〕A girl's place is in the home, not gallivanting around and filling her head with nonsense.女孩子就该在家呆着,不能四处闲逛,成天胡思乱想。柯林斯高阶〔gamine〕She was girlish and gamine.她既女孩子气又俏皮。韦氏高阶〔gawk〕Don't just stand there gawking at those girls! 别站在那儿盯着那些女孩傻看!朗文当代〔girlhood〕She had shared responsibility for her brother since girlhood.她还是个小女孩时就开始分担照顾弟弟的责任了。外研社新世纪〔girlie〕She's very girlie, all frills and curls.她很有女孩气,卷卷的头发,穿着有褶皱的衣服。麦克米伦高阶〔gorgeously〕All the girls in my house are mad about Ryan, they think he's gorgeous.跟我同住的女孩都对瑞安很痴迷,她们觉得他非常性感。柯林斯高阶〔go〕The doctor went over the girl carefully but could find no broken bones.医生给女孩作了仔细的检查,但没有发现骨折。英汉大词典〔grin〕A mischievous grin spread across the little girl's face.小女孩的脸上露出顽皮的笑容。牛津搭配〔head〕He fell head over heels in love with a girl at university.他在大学里疯狂地爱上了一个女孩外研社新世纪〔here〕Dr Culver nervously muttered 'Here goes,' and gave the little girl an injection.卡尔弗医生紧张地咕哝道“开始打了”, 接着给那个小女孩打了一针。外研社新世纪〔high maintenance〕She was a high-maintenance girl who needed lots of attention.她是个很缠人的女孩,需要很多的关注。柯林斯高阶〔hot〕The girl he's dating is really hot.跟他约会的那个女孩十分性感。韦氏高阶〔justice〕The girl's killers have never been brought to justice.杀害那女孩的凶手们一直都逍遥法外。麦克米伦高阶〔lean〕The girl leaned on the desk.女孩倚靠在书桌上。21世纪英汉〔leer〕He has been leering at a girl at the next table.他一直在色迷迷地斜眼看桌边的女孩21世纪英汉〔limber up〕Next door, 200 girls are limbering up for their ballet exams.200名女孩正在隔壁为即将到来的芭蕾舞考试做准备活动。外研社新世纪〔look〕The two girls exchanged knowing looks.两个女孩交换了会心的眼神。牛津搭配〔metamorphose〕From an easy going young girl, she had metamorphosed into a neurotic middle-aged woman.她从一个随和的年轻女孩变成了一个神经质的中年妇女。朗文当代〔mill〕There were hundreds of boys and girls milling around [about] on the lawn.几百个男女孩子在草坪上乱挤乱转。文馨英汉〔minx〕A girl or young woman who is considered pert, flirtatious, or impudent.冒失或轻佻的女子:被认为唐突、轻佻或不谨慎的女孩或年轻女人美国传统〔mistake about〕I was mistaken about the girl, she's not as clever as I thought.我错看了这个女孩,她不是我过去以为的那样聪明。21世纪英汉〔modesty〕There were shrieks of embarrassment from the girls as they struggled to protect their modesty.女孩们拼命把身体遮盖起来, 发出尴尬的尖叫声。外研社新世纪〔mount〕A flush mounted to the girl's face.那个女孩的脸涨红了。文馨英汉〔mystery〕The girl's name remains a mystery.这个女孩的名字还是个谜。韦氏高阶〔mystify〕They were totally mystified by the girl's disappearance.那女孩失踪使他们大惑不解。牛津高阶〔namely〕Two girls, namely Mary and Alice, are absent today.两个女孩,那就是玛丽和爱丽丝,今天缺席。文馨英汉〔pall〕The book had no pictures and soon palled on the little girl.这书没有插图,小女孩很快就感到乏味了。英汉大词典〔remind〕The girls constantly had to be reminded about their chores.不得不经常提醒那些女孩子料理好自己的事情。朗文当代〔run〕He ran to the girl's aid [to help the girl].他赶去帮助那个女孩文馨英汉〔sensible〕She was a sensible girl and did not panic.她是一个理智的女孩,没有惊慌失措。柯林斯高阶〔side〕The two girls were standing side by side.这两个女孩肩并肩站着。外研社新世纪〔signal〕His scolding was a signal for the girl to start crying.他的严厉责备使那女孩哭了。英汉大词典〔sink to a whisper〕The child's voice sank to a whisper as she admitted that she had broken the window.那个女孩承认自己打破窗户玻璃时,声音低得如同耳语。剑桥高阶〔slumber〕The older three girls are still slumbering peacefully.稍大的 3 个女孩还在安静地睡着。柯林斯高阶〔smother〕The girl's parents were also burned as they tried to smother the flames.女孩的父母试图扑灭大火的时候也被烧伤了。柯林斯高阶〔sniff around/round〕His engagement hasn't stopped him from sniffing around other girls.订婚也不能阻止他四处寻找其他女孩韦氏高阶〔snugly〕The little girl had a woolen scarf wrapped snugly round her neck.小女孩脖子上暖呼呼地围着一条羊毛围巾。英汉大词典〔spoken for〕Both girls were spoken for.两个女孩都已经名花有主了。剑桥高阶〔stick〕The conductor pointed his stick at the girl with the horn.指挥把他的指挥棒指向吹号的女孩外研社新世纪〔sway〕The girl tossed her hair and walked away, swaying her hips in an exaggerated fashion.女孩一甩头发, 走开了, 一边走一边夸张地扭着屁股。外研社新世纪〔taught〕He taught the girl to read and write.他教女孩看书写字。21世纪英汉〔though〕The girl is better, though not yet cured.女孩好一点了,不过仍未痊愈。21世纪英汉〔top〕She's a top girl with a great sense of humour.她是个讨人喜欢的女孩,很有幽默感。麦克米伦高阶〔trust ... to〕The girl trusts to her memory too much.女孩过于依赖自己的记忆力。21世纪英汉〔try it on〕He tried it on with a girl at the pub.他在酒吧里勾搭一个女孩韦氏高阶〔tutor〕The girl tutored in English.女孩在家庭教师指导下学英文。21世纪英汉〔twine〕The girl twined her hands.那女孩交叉起双手手指。英汉大词典〔underthings〕Underwear, especially of women or girls.女子内衣裤:贴身衣,尤指女人或女孩美国传统〔unsteady〕She knew first-hand the impact an unsteady parent could have on a sensitive young girl.她有亲身体验, 知道情绪变化无常的家长对一个敏感的小女孩会产生什么影响。外研社新世纪〔watch〕The girl watched the baby yesterday afternoon.女孩昨天下午照看了小宝宝。21世纪英汉〔wench〕A young woman or girl, especially a peasant girl.村姑:年轻的女人或女孩,尤指农村女孩美国传统〔whip out of〕The girl whipped a flower out of her bag and waved it.女孩从书包里抽出一枝花挥舞着。21世纪英汉〔whisper〕She leaned over and whispered to the girl next to her.她探过身对身旁的女孩低声耳语。韦氏高阶〔work〕Girls and boys study woodwork and metalwork at this school.在这所学校里,男孩和女孩们学习木工和金属制造手艺。剑桥高阶A girl answering the description of missing teenager, Angela Jones, was last night spotted in Hull.一个女孩,与对失踪少女安吉拉·琼斯的描述相符,昨晚在赫尔被人瞧见。剑桥国际Ann is a slight girl. 安妮是个瘦弱的女孩译典通His scheme to win the girl backfired and she went to another guy. 他追求那女孩的计划产生了反效果,现在她名花另有主。译典通It's a girl, not a boy.是个女孩,不是男孩。剑桥国际Nobody has yet come forward with any information relating to the girl's death.还没有人出来提供关于这女孩之死的任何消息。剑桥国际She's such an energetic (= very active) little girl! 她是一个那么充满活力的小女孩剑桥国际The girl broke out in a rash today. 今天,这女孩身上出了疹子。译典通The girl dresses fashionably. 那女孩穿著时髦。译典通The little girl clings to her mother. 小女孩黏著妈妈不放。译典通The little girl pranced about the room in her new clothes. 小女孩穿著新衣在屋里雀跃。译典通The little girl was almost stark with cold. 小女孩简直是冻僵了。译典通Tina was a pale little gutter girl. 蒂娜是个脸色苍白的贫民区的小女孩译典通You're a very naughty girl, pulling the head off your sister's doll! 你真是个顽皮的女孩,竟拔掉你妹妹的玩具娃娃的头!剑桥国际

