
单词 striving
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TRY〕Toni has been striving to achieve musical recognition for the past ten years. 托尼在过去十年里力争在音乐方面得到认同。朗文写作活用〔WORK HARD〕The Omanis are industrious people, striving to make their country prosperous. 阿曼人是个勤劳的民族,努力使自己的国家繁荣昌盛。朗文写作活用〔agonistic〕Striving to overcome in argument; combative.好争议的:努力争取在争论中获胜的;好战的美国传统〔base community〕A lay group, especially in South America, practicing nonliturgical religious devotions and striving for socioeconomic improvement in the community.社区基础成员:一个凡俗的团体,尤指在南美从事非礼拜式宗教祈祷并为该社区社会经济的发展努力的那些人美国传统〔chase〕People who adore the thrill of the chase know that prizes, like diamonds, are worth striving for.享受追求过程中刺激的人们知道, 奖赏和钻石一样, 是值得为之奋斗的 。外研社新世纪〔chase〕People who adore the thrill of the chase know that prizes, like diamonds, are worth striving for.享受追求过程中的刺激的人们清楚,奖赏和钻石一样,是值得为之一搏的。柯林斯高阶〔committed〕He has become committed, striving to write poetry touching the everyday life of ordinary people.他已成了一个观点明确的诗人,努力创作触及平民百姓日常生活的诗歌。英汉大词典〔competition〕Rivalry between two or more businesses striving for the same customer or market.竞争:两个或多个商人之间为了夺取同一消费者或市场的竞争美国传统〔conation〕The aspect of mental processes or behavior directed toward action or change and including impulse, desire, volition, and striving.意动:引起包括冲动、欲望、暴力和奋斗等外在行动或变化的心理方面的活动或行为美国传统〔existence〕They are striving to bring into existence a new kind of society.他们正努力创造一个新型社会。牛津搭配〔grace〕Martin Luther's breakthrough from anxious striving to the experience of grace马丁•路德从急于斗争向蒙受恩典的突破外研社新世纪〔keep〕She has a desire for success that keeps her striving to do better.她渴望成功,不断努力上进。韦氏高阶〔less〕Borrowers are striving to ease their financial position by spending less and saving more.借债人正努力减少支出、增加储蓄,以缓解财务紧张的窘况。柯林斯高阶〔moderne〕Striving to be modern in appearance or style but lacking taste or refinement; pretentious.做作地追求现代的:力求具有现代样式或外观但不雅观或缺少品味的;自命不凡的美国传统〔prize〕Something worth striving for; a highly desirable possession.珍品:值得努力争取的东西;令人羡慕的拥有美国传统〔reconciliation〕He is striving to bring about a reconciliation between the two conflicting sides.他正在努力使冲突双方达成和解。牛津搭配〔rivalrous〕Even geographical separation cannot quell their rivalrous strivings.甚至地理上的间隔也不能使他们之间敌对的斗争平息下来。英汉大词典〔several〕We are striving to reach an agreement which will satisfy the several interests of the parties concerned.我们正在努力达成一个能满足有关各方各自利益的协议。剑桥高阶〔sportsmanship〕Conduct and attitude considered as befitting participants in sports, especially fair play, courtesy, striving spirit, and grace in losing.运动员精神:适合参与运动的行为或态度,特别是公平竞争、礼貌谦逊、奋斗精神、胜不骄败不馁美国传统〔strife〕Archaic Earnest endeavor or striving.【古语】 奋斗,尽力美国传统〔strive〕I am striving to explain explicitly.我力争做出详尽的说明。21世纪英汉〔strive〕I am constantly striving after artistic beauty.我一直在努力追求艺术美。牛津搭配〔strive〕I was still striving to be successful.我仍在努力争取成功。朗文当代〔strive〕They are desperately striving for some sort of dignity.他们在拼命争取某种尊严。牛津搭配〔striving〕Realism is needed, and a constant striving to improve.要实事求是, 通过不断努力来改进。外研社新世纪〔struggle〕Strenuous effort; striving.努力;奋斗美国传统〔transparently〕We are now striving hard to establish a transparent parliamentary democracy… 我们现在正努力建立明晰的议会民主制。柯林斯高阶〔transparent〕We are now striving hard to establish a transparent parliamentary democracy.我们现在正在努力建立公开透明的议会民主。外研社新世纪All of us will continue striving to meet the very highest standards.我们每个人都会继续努力以达到最高标准。剑桥国际She's always striving for excellence, and refuses to settle for second best.她总是想成为最好的,不愿退而求其次。剑桥国际This is the goal we are striving toward. 这是我们奋斗的目标。译典通Today women are striving to occupy positions previously closed to them. 现今妇女正在努力争取以往不对她们开放的职位。译典通We are striving to reach an agreement which will satisfy the several interests of the parties concerned.我们正努力达成一个能满足有关各方各自利益的协议。剑桥国际We are supposed to be striving towards a better society for all and yet xenophobic violence has intensified.我们被认为在努力为所有人争取一个更好的社会,然而排外暴力却更严重了。剑桥国际

