“the greatest”例句

单词 the greatest
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ART/CULTURE〕Leonardo was the greatest artist of his time. 莱奥纳多是他那个时代最伟大的艺术家。朗文写作活用〔BE〕Laurence Olivier was the greatest actor of his generation. 劳伦斯·奥利维尔是他那个时代最伟大的男演员。朗文写作活用〔EXPERIENCE〕Winning this award is the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. 获得这个奖是降临在我身上的一件最美好的事情。朗文写作活用〔Josquin Desprez〕Flemish composer considered the greatest of the Renaissance. He is noted for both his liturgical and secular compositions.约斯昆·迪斯佩斯:法兰德斯作曲家,文艺复兴时期最伟大的人物。以其宗教及世俗音乐作品闻名美国传统〔acclaim〕She is being acclaimed (= publicly recognized) as the greatest dancer of her generation.她被赞誉为同时代最伟大的舞蹈演员。剑桥高阶〔all-important〕Of the greatest importance; crucial.至关重要的;关键的美国传统〔as〕Van Dyck was regarded as the greatest painter of his time.凡·戴克被视为他那个时代最伟大的画家。麦克米伦高阶〔book〕He's the greatest athlete of all time, in my book.在我看来,他是有史以来最好的运动员。麦克米伦高阶〔concentration〕The greatest concentration of traffic is downtown.交通最密集的地方是商业中心区。牛津搭配〔consequence〕His military victories had the greatest consequence for world history.他的军事胜利对世界历史有最重要的意义。外研社新世纪〔count among〕He was counted among the greatest writers of the century.他被认为是本世纪的最伟大作家之一。21世纪英汉〔fall〕The greatest task fell to me.最重的任务派到我头上美国传统〔feat〕The tunnel was one of the greatest engineering feats of the 19th century.这条隧道是 19 世纪最伟大的工程之一。牛津搭配〔go down〕He will go down as one of the greatest leaders this country has ever known.他将作为这个国家有史以来最伟大的领导人之一被载入史册。韦氏高阶〔great〕The news came as possibly the greatest shock of my life.这个消息可能是我一生中最大的打击。朗文当代〔great〕Who do you think is the greatest modern novelist? 你认为谁是最伟大的现代小说家?剑桥高阶〔hail〕US magazines hailed her as the greatest rock'n'roll singer in the world.美国各家杂志把她奉为世界上最伟大的摇滚歌手。外研社新世纪〔indeed〕Brendel is certainly a fine musician. Indeed, I regard him as one of the greatest pianists of our time.布兰德尔当然是一位优秀的音乐家,我甚至认为他是我们这个时代最伟大的钢琴家之一。麦克米伦高阶〔lion〕The greatest or best part.最大或最好的部分美国传统〔magnum opus〕The greatest single work of an artist, a writer, or a composer.巨著,力作:一位艺术家、作家或者作曲家最伟大的一件作品美国传统〔maximal〕Being the greatest or highest possible.成为最伟大的或可能最高的美国传统〔maximum〕The greatest possible quantity or degree.最大量:最大数量或最高程度美国传统〔met〕In his 30 years at the Met, he was regarded as one of the greatest Verdi baritones of his generation.在大都会歌剧院的30年间,他被认为是他这一代最优秀的男中音。剑桥高阶〔mind〕She was one of the greatest minds of her generation.她是她那一代人中最聪慧的人之一。牛津高阶〔occurrence〕The greatest occurrence of coronary heart disease is in those over 65.65岁以上者是冠心病的最高发人群。外研社新世纪〔optimally〕Her plants were optimally placed to receive the greatest amount of light.她的植物放在最好的地方,可以接收到最充足的光照。韦氏高阶〔plane〕All four of the boats planed across the Solent with the greatest of ease.四艘船都极其自如地从索伦特海峡一掠而过。外研社新世纪〔politician〕He's the greatest politician of his generation.他是他那一代人中最伟大的政治学家。外研社新世纪〔prize〕World peace is the greatest prize of all.世界和平是最可贵的。牛津高阶〔rank among〕I think Ba Jin ranks among the greatest writers.我认为巴金可以被列入最伟大作家的行列。21世纪英汉〔rank〕He ranks among the greatest boxers of all time.他跻身于历史上最伟大拳击手之列。牛津搭配〔rate as〕A large number of people rated him as one of the greatest scientists of the world.很多人认为他是世界上最伟大的科学家之一。21世纪英汉〔regard〕I have the greatest regard for his abilities.我极其钦佩他的能力。牛津搭配〔respect〕I have the greatest respect for your brother.我非常尊敬你的哥哥。牛津高阶〔routinely〕He is routinely described as the greatest scientist since Einstein.人们一再宣称他是爱因斯坦之后最伟大的科学家。外研社新世纪〔spread〕The greatest hope for reform is the gradual spread of information.对改革最大的希望是信息能够因此逐渐传播。外研社新世纪〔thine〕Thine is the greatest burden.你的家人乃是最大的负担。英汉大词典〔transact〕The sale was transacted in conditions of the greatest secrecy.这笔交易是在极其保密的状态下进行的。剑桥高阶〔tyranny〕Self-expression and individuality are the greatest weapons against tyranny.自我表现与追求个性是反抗暴政的最佳武器。柯林斯高阶〔unreadable〕For some this is the greatest novel in the world. For others it is unreadable.对于一些人来说这是世界上最伟大的小说,但对于另一些人来说,它不值得一读。柯林斯高阶〔upheaval〕Having a baby will mean the greatest upheaval in your life.有了孩子意味着你的生活要发生重大变化。外研社新世纪〔walk of life〕One of the greatest pleasures of this job is meeting people from all walks of life.这份工作最大的乐趣之一在于可以接触到各行各业的人。柯林斯高阶Blunkett's Circus is the greatest show on earth (=in the world).布伦基特的马戏团是世界上最出色的。剑桥国际She's been called the greatest opera singer of all time (= ever to have lived).人们称她为前所未有的最伟大的歌剧演唱家。剑桥国际The collapse of the company was described as the greatest financial debacle in US history.这家公司的倒闭被喻为是美国历史上最严重的一次金融大崩溃。剑桥国际The conquest of outer space is one of the greatest triumphs of modern science. 征服外层空间是现代科学最杰出的成就之一。译典通The explosive power of the bomb was the greatest ever used in a terrorist attack.在恐怖分子袭击所用的炸弹中这颗的爆炸力最强。剑桥国际The programme recounted the career of one of the greatest sporting heroes of our time.这个节目讲述了一位当代最伟大的体育明星的职业生涯。剑桥国际We will deal with your order with the greatest possible expedition (= as quickly as possible).我方将尽快处理你方定单。剑桥国际What they did showed the greatest humaneness. 他们的行为显示了最崇高的人道。译典通

