
单词 语素
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔clisis〕The process of making or becoming a clitic.附着语素化:产生或变成附着语素的过程美国传统〔clitic〕Of or relating to a clitic or clisis.附着语素(化)的:属于或和附着语素或附着语素化有关的美国传统〔free form〕The plural ‘s’ is not a free form, as it must always be attached to a noun.表示复数的 s 不是自由语素,必须附着于名词。牛津高阶〔infix〕Linguistics To insert (a morphological element) into the body of a word.【语言学】 中缀:在一个字中间加入语素美国传统〔marker〕Linguistics An element that indicates grammatical class or function; a derivational or inflectional morpheme.【语言学】 标记:表示语法种类或功能的成分;衍生的或曲折演化来的语素美国传统〔morphemics〕The morphemic structure of a language.一种语言的语素组织美国传统〔morph〕A phoneme or sequence of phonemes that is assumed to be an allomorph though its assignment to a particular morpheme has not been established.一个音素或一列连续音素,尽管它对于某一特定词素的搭配还未确立,但仍被认为是一语素变体美国传统〔morph〕An allomorph.语素变体美国传统〔opposition〕Linguistics Contrast in a language between two phonemes or other linguistically important elements.【语言学】 元素的相对:语言中两个音素的相对或其它重要的语素的相对美国传统〔primary〕Having a word root or other linguistic element as a basis that cannot be further analyzed or broken down. Used of the derivation of a word or word element.具有不可分的语根的:具有不能再分析或分解的词根或其他语素的用于词或词素的派生美国传统〔prime〕Each semantic target is paired with a semantically related prime.每个语义目标都在语义上有相对应的语素外研社新世纪A corpus of spoken language has been gathered from all over the country for the purposes of examining regional differences.他们从全国各地搜集了口语素材以考查其地区差异。剑桥国际

