
单词 驱魔
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cast〕He claimed to have the power to cast out demons.他宣称有驱魔的神力。牛津高阶〔exorcise〕After the priest exorcised the spirit/house/child, apparently, the strange noises stopped.听说在牧师驱除了邪魔/驱除了房子里的妖气/给孩子驱魔后,奇怪的噪音就没有了。剑桥高阶〔exorcise〕The movie is about a priest who tries to exorcise demons from a young girl.这部影片讲述的是一位试图给少女驱魔的祭司。韦氏高阶〔exorcism〕The exorcism was broadcast on television.驱魔仪式在电视上播放。外研社新世纪〔exorcize〕The girl, alleged to be possessed by the devil, was exorcized live on TV.这女孩据称被魔鬼附身, 电视上现场报道了为她驱魔的过程。外研社新世纪〔medicine dance〕A ritual dance performed by some Native American peoples to obtain supernatural assistance, as in healing or crop control.驱魔舞:某些北美印第安人祈求天佑来治病或控制庄稼生长等跳的宗教仪式性的舞蹈美国传统After the priest exorcised the spirit/house/child the strange noises stopped.神父驱除邪魔/给房子/孩子驱魔后,怪声停止了。剑桥国际

