
单词 鼻烟
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LOT〕The law seeks to regulate smokeless tobacco, popularly known as ‘snuff.’ 法律在寻求办法,管制俗称“鼻烟”的无烟烟草。朗文写作活用〔inlay〕Bentley thought about inlaying snuff boxes with pictures of 'Kings and Queens'.本特利考虑过把“国王与王后”系列图片镶嵌到鼻烟壶上。外研社新世纪〔pinch〕He took a pinch of snuff.他吸了一撮鼻烟韦氏高阶〔rappee〕A strong snuff made from a dark, coarse tobacco.浓烈粗鼻烟:一种由暗色,粗糙的烟草制成的强烈的鼻烟美国传统〔snuffbox〕A small, often decorated box with a hinged lid, used for carrying snuff.鼻烟盒:一种小的、有经装饰的铁链盖子的盒子,用来装鼻烟美国传统〔snuffbox〕Pain is in the area of the anatomical snuffbox and is worse with wrist flexion.解剖学鼻烟盒区域疼痛,手腕屈曲时更为严重。剑桥高阶〔snuffer〕One who uses snuff.吸鼻烟美国传统〔snuff〕He took a pinch of snuff.他吸一撮鼻烟英汉大词典〔snuff〕He took a pinch of snuff.他吸了一撮鼻烟朗文当代〔snuff〕My grandfather used to take snuff.我祖父以前常吸鼻烟文馨英汉〔snuff〕The quantity of this tobacco that is inhaled at a single time; a pinch.一撮鼻烟:一次吸入的这种烟叶的数量;一撮鼻烟美国传统〔snuff〕To use or inhale snuff.用或吸鼻烟美国传统〔snuff〕Very few people take snuff nowadays.现在很少有人吸鼻烟了。剑桥高阶〔tobacco〕The leaves of this plant, dried and processed chiefly for use in cigarettes, cigars, or snuff or for smoking in pipes.烟草叶:这种植物的叶子,晒干后加工,主要用于制作香烟、雪茄、鼻烟或在烟斗中抽美国传统My father used to take snuff. 我父亲过去常吸鼻烟译典通She gave me an antique snuff box for my birthday.她送给我一个古式鼻烟盒作为生日礼物。剑桥国际Very few people take snuff nowadays.现在很少有人吸鼻烟剑桥国际

