
单词 转轴
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔North Pole〕The northern end of Earth's axis of rotation, a point in the Arctic Ocean.北极:地球转轴的北端,北冰洋上的一点美国传统〔South Pole〕The southern end of Earth's axis of rotation, a point in Antarctica.南极:地球自转轴的南端,南极点美国传统〔arbor〕A spindle of a wheel, as in watches and clocks.轮的转轴,如在表和钟里的美国传统〔cam〕An eccentric or multiply curved wheel mounted on a rotating shaft, used to produce variable or reciprocating motion in another engaged or contacted part.凸轮:安装于旋转轴上的偏心轮或复合曲线轮,用以使相连的或相接触的其它部件产生多变的或往复的运动美国传统〔centripetal force〕The component of force acting on a body in curvilinear motion that is directed toward the center of curvature or axis of rotation.向心力:作用于曲线运动中物体上的力的组成部分,指向曲线的中心或旋转轴美国传统〔drive shaft〕A rotating shaft that transmits mechanical power from a motor or an engine to a point or region of application.驱动轴:把机械动力从发动机或电动机传递到所需点或部位的旋转轴美国传统〔eccentric〕Physics A disk or wheel having its axis of revolution displaced from its center so that it is capable of imparting reciprocating motion.【物理学】 偏心轮:转轴不在中心的盘或轮,能导致周而复始的运动美国传统〔equatorial telescope〕An astronomical telescope that keeps a star in view by revolving about an axis that is parallel to the earth's axis of rotation.赤道仪:一种天文望远镜,能通过围绕与地球自转轴平行的极轴旋转来保持一颗星在其视线中美国传统〔equator〕A similar great circle drawn on the surface of a celestial body at right angles to the axis of rotation.天球赤道:在天体表面与自转轴成直角的大圆美国传统〔glass harmonica〕An instrument consisting of a set of graduated glass bowls on a rotating spindle that produce tones when a finger is pressed to their moistened rims.玻璃碗琴:由一组固定在旋转轴上的分音级的玻璃杯组成的乐器,手指擦过湿润的碗沿时便产生音调美国传统〔headstock〕A nonmoving part of a machine or power tool that supports a revolving part, such as the spindle of a lathe.头座:机器或动力工具上用于安装旋转部件的不能移动的部分,如车床的转轴美国传统〔idle wheel〕A gear, wheel, or roller interposed between two similar parts to convey motion from one to the other without change in speed or direction of motion.惰轮,空转轮:位于两个相似部分之间,把运动不改变速度和方向地从一个传到另一个的齿轮、轮子或转轴美国传统〔meridian〕A curve on a surface of revolution, formed by the intersection of the surface with a plane containing the axis of revolution.回转面曲线:回转面与通过旋转轴的平面相交而形成的位于回转面上的曲线美国传统〔meridian〕A plane section of a surface of revolution containing the axis of revolution.切平面:通过旋转轴回转面的部分平面美国传统〔moment〕The tendency to cause rotation about a point or an axis.旋转轴:使绕点或轴旋转的倾向美国传统〔paper cutter〕A device for trimming paper to desired dimensions, typically a ruled board with a long pivoted cutting knife attached to one side.裁纸刀,切纸机:一种把纸张裁剪到所需尺寸的器具,通常有一个一旁装有一把有转轴的长裁剪刀的直边美国传统〔pawl〕A hinged or pivoted device adapted to fit into a notch of a ratchet wheel to impart forward motion or prevent backward motion.掣爪,棘爪:一种枢轴或转轴器械,能与齿轮缺口或齿间吻合来前进或防止后移美国传统〔pole〕Geography Either of the regions contiguous to the extremities of the earth's rotational axis, the North Pole or the South Pole.【地理学】 南极,北极:与地球的自转轴的两端相连的地区中的任一地区,即北极或南极美国传统〔stud〕Any of various protruding pins or pegs in machinery, used mainly as a support or pivot.柱螺栓:机器上的各种突出钉子或螺栓,主要用作支撑物或转轴美国传统〔tachometer〕An instrument used to measure the rotations per minute of a rotating shaft.转速表:一种用于测量一根转轴每分钟转动次数的仪器美国传统〔wiper〕A projecting cam, as on a rotating shaft, that activates another machine part.凸轮:如转轴上突出的挺杆,使另一个机器零件活动美国传统He used an electric tool, which had hundreds of strong metal teeth on a rotating shaft, to clear the soil of weeds.他用一台旋转轴上有数百个金属齿的电动工具来清除地里的野草。剑桥国际

