
单词 跨国公司
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPANY〕The recording business is now controlled by multinational corporations. 唱片业现在由跨国公司控制。朗文写作活用〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕A handful of multinational companies dominate the economy. 少数跨国公司控制着经济。朗文写作活用〔COUNTRY〕Multinational companies have often been accused of employing cheap labour in developing countries. 经常有人指责跨国公司在发展中国家雇用廉价劳动力。朗文写作活用〔COUNTRY〕The government is attempting to stimulate the economy by attracting multinational corporations. 政府试图通过吸引跨国公司来刺激经济。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕The company is a multi-national corporation, which has branches all over the world. 这是一家跨国公司,世界各地都有分公司。朗文写作活用〔REPUTATION〕This is exactly the kind of incident that brings international companies into disrepute. 这正是那种使跨国公司声名狼藉的事。朗文写作活用〔WORK FOR SB〕We are a multi-national corporation with 140,000 employees worldwide. 我们是一家跨国公司,全球共有14万名雇员。朗文写作活用〔WORLD〕Multinational companies create, in effect, a global economy. 跨国公司实际上创造了全球经济。朗文写作活用〔WORLD〕The top 50 multi-national companies control about 80% of world trade. 前50家跨国公司控制了80%左右的全球贸易。朗文写作活用〔alongside〕Our profits seem small alongside those of the big multinational companies.与那些大的跨国公司相比,我们的利润似乎很少。麦克米伦高阶〔arm〕The British company is one arm of a large multinational.这家英国公司是一个庞大的跨国公司的分部。剑桥高阶〔back〕The group is backed by big multinationals.该团体受到大型跨国公司的资助。外研社新世纪〔blind〕International companies are all too often blind to local needs.一些跨国公司往往不了解本地的需求。朗文当代〔boss〕She was the boss of a large international company.她曾是一家大型跨国公司的老板。剑桥高阶〔cahoot〕The multinational corporation is in cahoot with local firms.这家跨国公司和当地商号合营。英汉大词典〔centralization〕In the mass production era multinational firms tended to centralize their operations.在大规模生产的时代,跨国公司往往实行集权化经营。柯林斯高阶〔centralize〕In the mass production era multinational firms tended to centralize their operations.在大规模生产的时代, 跨国公司一般都实行集约化经营。外研社新世纪〔crowd sb/sth out〕Small local businesses have been crowded out by large multinationals.当地的小公司已被大跨国公司排挤出局。剑桥高阶〔dominate〕The industry is dominated by five multinational companies.这个行业受五家跨国公司控制。朗文当代〔footing〕This will help small firms compete on a more even footing with multi-national companies.这将有助于小企业与跨国公司进行更加公平的竞争。外研社新世纪〔front〕He fronts a multinational company.他领导一家跨国公司牛津高阶〔move〕The big multinationals moved in and started pushing up prices.那些大的跨国公司插手进来,开始抬高价格。朗文当代〔multinational〕A company or corporation operating in more than two countries.跨国公司:在两个以上国家运营的公司美国传统〔multinational〕Are multinationals now more powerful than governments? 现在跨国公司比政府更有影响力吗?剑桥高阶〔multinational〕Multinationals have made large investments in Thailand.跨国公司在泰国进行了大量投资。朗文当代〔octopus〕Something, such as a multinational corporation, that has many powerful, centrally controlled branches.章鱼式的东西:如跨国公司这样有许多强大的、由中心控制的分支的事物美国传统〔optimize〕The multinational enterprise optimizes productive resources, market opportunities, and talents beyond and across national boundaries.这家跨国公司最高效地利用了国内外生产资源、市场机遇以及人才资源。外研社新世纪〔peek〕The film peeks behind the scenes of a multinational corporation.该影片揭示了一家跨国公司的内幕。剑桥高阶〔re-engineer〕We help multinational companies re-engineer their communications systems.我们协助跨国公司重新规划他们的通讯系统。麦克米伦高阶〔set〕International companies set the price of oil.跨国公司决定石油价格。朗文当代〔swindle〕They were accused of swindling millions of dollars out of several international companies.他们被指控诈骗了几家跨国公司数百万美元的钱财。麦克米伦高阶〔with〕We're an international company with offices in Paris, New York, and Sydney.我们是一家跨国公司,在巴黎、纽约和悉尼都有办事处。剑桥高阶Although many multinational US companies have foreign managers, there is a feeling that real control should be kept in true-blue American hands.虽然许多美国的跨国公司都有外籍经理, 但总觉得真正的控制权应保持在忠心效力的美国人手里。剑桥国际Fungibles have been issued by several multinational companies to raise funds from different markets at the same time.几家跨国公司已发行了一些股票,目的是同时在不同市场上筹集资金。牛津商务He fronts a multinational company.他领导一家跨国公司牛津商务His plight shows what can happen when a tiny company faces the full legal power of a wrathful multinational company.他的困境说明,当一家小公司面临一家动真格的跨国公司的全部法律威力时会发生什么。剑桥国际It's a real game of cat and mouse between the multinationals and the small independent companies in the software market at the moment.目前在软件市场上,跨国公司和小型独立公司展开了一场前者终将获胜的长期竞争。剑桥国际Japan hosts the biggest proportion of the world's major multinationals.设在日本的世界主要跨国公司所占比重最大。牛津商务Shareholders are in favour of a trade sale to a large international company.股东赞成让大型跨国公司收购。牛津商务She was the boss of a large international company.她是一家规模很大的跨国公司的老板。剑桥国际The country is now host to 96 multinationals.这国家现在是 96 家跨国公司的东道国。牛津商务The country's industry is largely controlled by the multinationals.这国家的工业在很大程度上被众多跨国公司控制着。牛津商务The film peeks behind the scenes of a multinational corporation.电影是以一个跨国公司为背景的。剑桥国际The journalists were sent to Paris as guests of a multinational company.这些记者作为一个跨国公司的客人被派往巴黎。剑桥国际They claimed that multinationals increased employment in their host countries.他们声称跨国公司扩大了所在国的就业。剑桥国际We're an international company with offices in Paris, New York and Sydney.我们是一家跨国公司,在巴黎,纽约和悉尼有办事处。剑桥国际

