
单词 连衣裤
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔dancewear〕Clothing such as leotards and warmup suits that are worn for dance practice and exercising.舞蹈衣:在舞蹈练习和锻练时所穿的衣服,如紧身连衣裤和准备运动时所穿的运动服美国传统〔maillot〕A pair of tights or a leotard of such fabric, worn for ballet or gymnastics.紧身衣:芭蕾舞演员或者体操运动员穿的紧身裤或者类似这种织物的紧身连衣裤美国传统〔overall〕The mechanic was wearing a pair of blue overalls.机修工穿着一件蓝色工装连衣裤牛津高阶〔pantywaist〕A child's undergarment consisting of a shirt and pants buttoned together at the waist.连衣裤装:一种用钮扣将短裤扣在背心上的儿童内衣美国传统Their range of swimwear includes one-pieces and bikinis.他们的系列泳装包括连衣裤式的和比基尼式的。剑桥国际

