
单词 迷走
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔nerve〕The vagus nerve controls heart rate and breathing.迷走神经控制着心率和呼吸。牛津搭配〔seventh-inning stretch〕A juncture in a game, usually after six and one-half innings of play, when the fans get out of their seats to stretch their legs.第七局的休息:棒球比赛中的过渡时间,通常第六局半之后,此时球迷走出座位伸伸腿美国传统〔vagal〕Of or relating to the vagus nerve.迷走神经的:属于或有关迷走神经的美国传统〔vagotomy〕Surgical division of fibers of the vagus nerve, used to diminish acid secretion of the stomach and control a duodenal ulcer.迷走神经切断术:切断迷走神经纤维的外科手术,目的是减少胃内的酸性分泌物并控制十二脂肠溃疡美国传统〔vagotonia〕Overactivity or irritability of the vagus nerve, adversely affecting function of the blood vessels, stomach, and muscles.迷走神经过敏:迷走神经过分兴奋或过敏,对血管,胃和肌肉的功能有不利影响美国传统〔vagotropic〕Affecting or acting on the vagus nerve. Used chiefly of a drug.影响迷走神经的或作用于迷走神经的。主要用于药物美国传统〔vagus〕The vagus nerve.迷走神经美国传统〔vasovagal〕Relating to or involving blood vessels and the vagus nerve.血管迷走神经的:与血管和迷走神经有关的,或含有血管和迷走神经的美国传统〔vasovagal〕Some had a frank vasovagal reaction with yawning, bradycardia and pallor.有些人有打呵欠、心搏徐缓以及苍白等明白无误的血管迷走神经反应。英汉大词典

