
单词 食物援助
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLASS〕A group of fourth-years are collecting money for food aid to Africa. 一群四年级学生为了向非洲提供食物援助而在进行募捐活动。朗文写作活用〔CONDITION〕Emergency food aid should be given with no strings attached. 提供紧急食物援助不应该附带任何条件。朗文写作活用〔dire〕The country is in dire need of food aid.这个国家极需食物援助朗文当代〔good〕Food aid isn't much good until the fighting stops.在战斗停止之前,食物援助是没有太大用处的。剑桥高阶〔need〕Food aid is urgently needed.迫切需要食物援助牛津高阶〔severely〕The UN wants to send food aid to 10 countries in Africa severely affected by the drought.联合国希望给非洲 10 个旱情严重的国家输送食物援助柯林斯高阶Starvation can only be averted with massive food aid from the West.唯有西方国家慷慨提供食物援助才能防止饥荒。剑桥国际We must send food aid to help Russia through the asperities of winter.我们必须提供食物援助以帮助俄国度过严酷的冬天。剑桥国际

