
单词 非常得意
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PROUD〕After deceiving us all like that, she went away, no doubt very pleased with herself. 她就那样骗了我们,然后逃之天天,毫无疑问,她对此一定非常得意朗文写作活用〔cock-a-hoop〕He was cock-a-hoop about his success.他对自己的成功感到非常得意文馨英汉〔fiercely〕He was fiercely proud of his love poems.他对他的情诗感到非常得意英汉大词典〔gloat〕Anti-abortionists are gloating over the court's decision.法庭的判决让反堕胎主义者非常得意柯林斯高阶〔pleased with yourself〕Simon's looking very pleased with himself today.西蒙今天看起来非常得意剑桥高阶〔uniformly〕She will probably take great pride in wearing school uniform.她大概会为穿上校服而感到非常得意柯林斯高阶

