
单词 脚部
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔deformed〕He has three fingers on each hand and deformed feet.他双手均为三根手指, 且脚部畸形。外研社新世纪〔design〕The shoes are designed to keep your feet warm and dry.这种鞋的主要功能是保持脚部温暖干燥。韦氏高阶〔foot fault〕A fault against the server, as in tennis, called for failure to keep both feet behind the base line.发球踏线:如在网球运动中,发球者因脚部踏或越过底线而犯规美国传统〔foot rot〕A degenerative bacterial infection of the feet in certain hoofed animals, especially cattle or sheep, often resulting in loss of the hoof.腐蹄病:某些有蹄动物脚部患的退化性细菌感染,尤其是牛或羊,常导致截蹄美国传统〔heel〕The part, as of a sock, shoe, or stocking, that covers the rounded posterior portion of the human foot.(鞋、袜等物)的后跟:袜子或鞋的盖住人类脚部圆形后半部的部分美国传统〔leg〕The part of a garment, especially of a pair of trousers, that covers the leg.(衣着的)脚部:衣物的一部分,尤指裤子覆盖双腿的那一部分美国传统〔leg〕The part of the limb between the knee and foot in vertebrates.腿:脊椎动物四肢上位于膝盖和脚部之间的那部分美国传统〔localizability〕The infection seemed to localize in the foot.感染似乎局限于脚部21世纪英汉〔localize〕Gravity has localized the swelling to the foot and ankle.重力已将肿胀控制在脚部和脚踝处。剑桥高阶〔moleskin〕A soft material, often with an adhesive backing, used especially on the feet to protect against chafing.包足绷带布:一种柔软材料,通常带有粘连衬背,尤指用于脚部防止摩擦美国传统〔once-over〕The toenails and cuticles get the once-over and feet are moisturized.脚趾甲和趾甲根部的表皮进行了修剪清洁, 脚部也做了保湿护理。外研社新世纪〔saphena〕Either of two main superficial veins of the leg, one larger than the other, that begin at the foot.隐静脉:从脚部开始的腿上的两条主要浅静脉之一,其中一条比另一条要长美国传统〔searing〕She woke to feel a searing pain in her feet.她醒来时感到脚部火辣辣地疼。外研社新世纪〔skyboard〕A lightweight board similar to a snowboard, usually equipped with foot bindings and a recovery parachute, used for skysurfing.滑水板:类似滑雪板的轻型板,通常配备有脚部固定装置及保护伞,空中冲浪时使用美国传统〔sluggish〕Circulation is much more sluggish in the feet than in the hands.脚部的循环比手部的循环缓慢得多。外研社新世纪〔sluggish〕Circulation is much more sluggish in the feet than in the hands.脚部的循环比手部的循环缓慢得多。柯林斯高阶〔warm〕These will keep your feet warm.这可以使你的脚部保持温暖。牛津搭配〔x-ray〕I had my foot/wrist/chest x-rayed.我做了个脚部/手腕/胸部的X光检查。韦氏高阶I've booked a foot massage and pedicure for Friday.我预约了星期五的脚部按摩和修脚。剑桥国际Running can strengthen your heart and muscles, but conversely (=considering the opposite argument), it can also damage your knee joints and the bones in your feet.跑步能增强你的心脏和肌肉,但反过来说也可能损伤你的膝关节和脚部骨骼。剑桥国际

