
单词 站稳脚跟
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔big time〕He took a long time to settle in to big-time football.他花了很长时间才在顶级足球联赛站稳脚跟柯林斯高阶〔established〕She was just beginning to get established here.她刚开始在这里站稳脚跟麦克米伦高阶〔establish〕He has just set up his own business but it will take him a while to get established.他刚建立起自己的公司,但要站稳脚跟还得花上一段时间。牛津高阶〔establish〕They want to establish their children in the family business.他们想让自己的子女在家族企业中站稳脚跟韦氏高阶〔find your feet〕They quickly found their feet in their adopted country.他们很快在收留他们的国家站稳脚跟韦氏高阶〔foothold〕Companies must establish a firm foothold in Europe.各公司必须在欧洲站稳脚跟外研社新世纪〔footing〕Seb struggled to keep his footing on the slippery path.塞勃努力在溜滑的小道上站稳脚跟朗文当代〔footing〕The sand no longer gave men a secure footing.沙子已让人无法站稳脚跟外研社新世纪〔foot〕I don't know anyone in England but I am sure I will manage when I find my feet.我在英格兰不认识什么人,但是我相信自己一旦站稳脚跟就可以独当一面。柯林斯高阶〔foot〕Once he had found his feet he was able to deal with any problem.他一站稳脚跟, 就能处理任何问题了。外研社新世纪〔plant〕I firmly planted my feet and refused to move.我坚定地站稳脚跟,毫不移动。韦氏高阶The company is hoping to establish a toehold in the American market.这家公司希望在美国市场站稳脚跟牛津商务We only just started up the business last year so we haven't really gained a foothold in the market yet.我们去年刚刚开始做起这生意,所以还没有在市场上站稳脚跟剑桥国际

