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例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔REASON〕He offered no explanation for his absence at the previous day's meeting. 他对缺席前一天的会议没有给出解释朗文写作活用〔explanation〕Did the company offer an explanation for the delays? 那家公司对多次延期给出解释了吗?韦氏高阶〔grasp for〕His sudden decision to quit the race has left his supporters grasping for explanations.对于他突然放弃比赛的决定,支持者迫切要求他给出解释韦氏高阶〔proffer〕The army has not yet proffered an explanation of how and why the accident happened.军队还没有对这次事件发生的经过和原因给出解释柯林斯高阶

