
单词 mixtures
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔digitalin〕One of several mixtures of digitalis glycosides that are extracted from the leaves or seeds of the common foxglove.洋地黄叶片的糖苷混合物:一种毛地黄属葡糖苷的混合物,从普通熟地的叶子或种子里得到美国传统〔mixture〕Many teas and tobaccos are mixtures.许多茶叶和烟叶是混合物。英汉大词典〔primary color〕Psychological primaries red, yellow, green, and blue, plus the achromatic pair black and white. All colors may be subjectively conceived as mixtures of these.原色:红、黄、绿、蓝,再加上非彩色的一对黑与白。每一种颜色可被主观地认为是这些颜色的混合色美国传统〔proteinoid〕A proteinlike polypeptide formed abiotically from amino acid mixtures in the presence of heat, thought to resemble early evolutionary forms of protein.类蛋白质:一种类似蛋白质的多肽,由氨基酸混合物受热后以无生命的形式形成,人们认为它类似于蛋白质进化过程中的早期阶段美国传统〔subtractive〕Color Of or being a color produced by light passing through more than one colorant, each of which inhibits certain wavelengths, as in mixtures of pigments.【色彩】 相减基色的:由日光穿过一种以上颜料,而每种颜料都阻挡某种波长形成的颜色的,如混合的颜料中美国传统〔xylidine〕Any of various mixtures of xylidine isomers.一种二甲基苯胺同分异构体的混合物美国传统

