
单词 nectar
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔REMOVE〕The bird uses its long beak to extract nectar from the flowers. 鸟用细长的喙汲取花蜜。朗文写作活用〔bee plant〕Any of numerous plants that attract bees for nectar or pollen.蜜源树:一种吸引蜜蜂采花蜜或花粉的植物美国传统〔distil(l)〕These flowers distil(l) a sweet nectar.这些花渗出甘美的花蜜。英汉大词典〔fertilize〕Bees fertilize plants as they collect nectar from flowers.蜜蜂采花蜜的时候使植物受粉。韦氏高阶〔fertilize〕Flowers are often fertilized by bees as they gather nectar.花常在蜜蜂采蜜时受粉。牛津高阶〔honeycreeper〕Any of various small, often brightly colored tropical American birds of the family Coerebidae, having a curved bill adapted for sucking nectar from flowers.细嘴食蜜鸟,旋蜜雀:一种小而颜色鲜艳的蜜鸟科美洲热带鸟类,有弧形喙,适于从花中吮吸花蜜美国传统〔honeyeater〕Any of various birds of the family Meliphagidae of Australia and adjacent regions, having a long extensible tongue adapted for sucking nectar from flowers.蜜雀:一种生长属于澳大利亚及邻近地区、蜜鸟科的鸟,有长的可伸展的舌头,适于从花中吮吸花蜜美国传统〔honey〕A sweet substance, such as nectar.甜汁:甜的物质,如花蜜美国传统〔honey〕A sweet yellowish or brownish viscid fluid produced by various bees from the nectar of flowers and used as food.蜂蜜:各种蜜蜂从花蜜酿制而成的甜味黄色或褐色粘性液体,并把它作为食物美国传统〔lorikeet〕Any of several small, often brilliantly colored Australasian parrots that feed primarily on soft fruits or the nectar and pollen of flowers and blooming trees.短尾鹦鹉:一种澳大拉西亚的体小、通常色彩鲜艳的鹦鹉,主要食软果或水果原汁花与开花树木和花的蜜美国传统〔lory〕Any of various brightly colored Australasian parrots having a tongue with a brushlike tip that is used to feed on nectar and pollen.吸蜜小鹦鹉:一种澳大拉西亚的色彩艳丽的鹦鹉,具有刷子一样尖端的舌头,用于食花蜜和花粉美国传统〔mainly〕The birds live mainly on nectar.这些鸟主要以花蜜为食。外研社新世纪〔mainly〕The birds live mainly on nectar.这些鸟主要以花蜜为食。柯林斯高阶〔nectary〕A glandlike organ, located outside or within a flower, that secretes nectar.蜜腺:像腺体的器官,位于花的外部或内部能分泌甘美的液体美国传统〔nectar〕Am I just hallucinating after too much sweet nectar from a whisky bottle?难道我喝了太多杯美味的威士忌酒而产生幻觉了?外研社新世纪〔nectar〕The Greek gods feasted on ineffably fragrant substances called ambrosia and nectar.希腊众神享用名为“仙果”和“琼浆”的妙不可言的美味。外研社新世纪〔nectar〕The adult flies feed on nectar.成蝇以花蜜为食。外研社新世纪〔nectar〕The bee turns nectar into honey.蜜蜂把花蜜转化为蜂蜜。剑桥高阶〔nectar〕This wine tastes like nectar (= tastes excellent).这酒饮来就似琼浆玉液。剑桥高阶〔nectar〕To TV game producers, humiliation is sweet nectar.对电视游戏制作者来说, 越丢脸的事物就越受欢迎。外研社新世纪〔nectar〕Tony sipped from his glass. 'Mmm. Ambrosia. Nectar of the gods. Divine. Wonderful.' 托尼从杯中抿了一口感叹道:“哇,人间美味啊,神灵的琼浆玉液呀,天赐之物,太棒了。”柯林斯高阶As we sat in the garden, we could hear the bees buzzing from one flower to the next collecting nectar.我们坐在花园里可以听到蜜蜂采花蜜时从一朵花飞到另一朵花发出的嗡嗡声。剑桥国际Bees gather nectar from flowers. 蜜蜂采集花蜜。译典通The bee turns nectar into honey.蜜蜂把花蜜转化为蜂蜜。剑桥国际The bees spend the summer collecting nectar and turning it into honey. 蜜蜂夏天采集花蜜并将它酿成蜂蜜。译典通This wine tastes like nectar (= tastes excellent).这酒饮来似琼浆玉液。剑桥国际

