“all done”例句

单词 all done
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔be〕The problem is getting it all done in the time available.问题是要在现有的时间内把它全部完成。牛津高阶〔be〕The problem is to get it all done in the time available.问题是要在现有的时间内把它全部完成。牛津高阶〔computer〕Ticket reservations are all done on computer.订票全是在计算机上完成的。麦克米伦高阶〔did herself up〕She really did herself up for the party. = She was all done up for the party.为参加聚会,她着实打扮了一番。韦氏高阶〔do ... up〕The boys and girls were all done up in costumes.男孩女孩们都穿上了化装服。21世纪英汉〔do up〕They did up the room in bright colors for the party. = The room was all done up in bright colors for the party.为了聚会,他们用明亮的色调装饰了房间。韦氏高阶〔done〕I'm all done with the vacuuming. Is there anything else I can do? 我用吸尘器吸完地板了。还有什么要我做的吗?剑桥高阶〔do〕The children were all done up in matching outfits.孩子们都穿戴上比赛服装美国传统〔do〕We were all done in after the long hike.长途徒步旅行后,我们都累垮了。英汉大词典〔entertainment〕It wasn't serious—it was all done in fun.那不是认真的,全是闹着玩的。牛津高阶〔fun〕It wasn't serious - it was all done in fun.那不是认真的,全是闹着玩的。牛津高阶〔heat〕It was all done in the heat of the moment and I have certainly learned by my mistake.所有的一切都是在一怒之下干的,我无疑已经从自己的错误中吸取了教训。柯林斯高阶〔heat〕It was all done in the heat of the moment and I have certainly learned by my mistake.那是一时情急做的事, 现在我真的吸取教训了。外研社新世纪〔in〕It was all done purely in fun.做这些事纯粹是闹着玩的。朗文当代〔magnificent〕You've all done a magnificent job.你们活儿干得都很出色。牛津高阶〔on-site〕Production is all done on-site.所有的生产均在现场完成。韦氏高阶〔past〕In the past, this sort of work was all done by hand.在过去,这种活儿完全是手工完成的。剑桥高阶〔play〕It was all done in play.它全都是在玩笑中做的美国传统〔possible〕I can't get it all done by Friday - it's just not possible.我星期五前无法全部完成——是不可能的。剑桥高阶〔taste〕The love scenes are all done in the best possible taste.爱情场景的设计品味极佳。牛津搭配〔trick〕It's all done using trick photography(= photography that uses clever techniques to show things that do not actually exist or are impossible).这都是利用特技摄影产生的假象。牛津高阶I can't get it all done by Friday -- it's just not possible.我到星期五完成不了----根本不可能。剑桥国际

