
单词 anchors
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔abutment〕A structure that anchors the cables of a suspension bridge.系缆墩:支撑吊桥缆绳的结构美国传统〔anchor〕Collins anchors the 6 o'clock news.柯林斯主持 6 点钟的新闻节目。朗文当代〔anchor〕Every evening she anchors in the news show.每晚她在新闻广播中主持节目。[参较 co-anchor]21世纪英汉〔anchor〕His attention anchors on his friend.他的注意力集中在朋友身上。英汉大词典〔anchor〕She anchors the nightly news broadcast.她主持晚间新闻播报。韦氏高阶〔anchor〕Steve anchors the team's defense.史蒂夫在该队的防线上一柱擎天。朗文当代〔boatswain〕A warrant officer or petty officer in charge of a ship's rigging, anchors, cables, and deck crew.水手长:管理轮船装备、抛锚、线缆和甲板船员的准尉或职务较低的官员美国传统〔commission〕One of the ship's anchors was out of commission.船的一个锚坏了。朗文当代〔davit〕Any of various types of small cranes that project over the side of a ship and are used to hoist boats, anchors, and cargo.吊艇柱:一种小型起重机,在船边上突出并用来举起小船、锚和货物美国传统〔hawse〕The arrangement of a ship's anchor cables when both starboard and port anchors are secured.左舷和右舷的锚同时使用时船的锚链的布置美国传统〔hawse〕The space between the bows and anchors of an anchored ship.船抛锚后船首与锚之间的空间美国传统〔mooring〕Equipment, such as anchors or chains, for holding fast a vessel or an aircraft.系泊索具:一种用来系泊船只或飞机的设备,例如锚或链美国传统〔moor〕To secure a vessel or an aircraft with lines or anchors.用绳索或锚停泊船只或飞机美国传统She anchors a 45-minute news show at noon. 她每天中午主持四十五分钟的新闻广播。译典通

