“exception to”例句

单词 exception to
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXCEPT〕Most couples who break up seem to find it hard to remain friends. Kim and Gerry are exceptions to that rule. 大多数夫妻分手之后好像都很难继续做朋友,但是金和格里却是其中的例外。朗文写作活用〔OFFEND〕I take great exception to the suggestion that I neglected my responsibilities. 他们言外之意是说我失职,我对此大为生气。朗文写作活用〔OFFEND〕I took exception to what he said about my family. 我对于他说我家里人的话很是生气。朗文写作活用〔OFFEND〕Paul took exception to her advice, which he said undermined his self-esteem. 保罗对她的劝告很不悦,说是伤害了他的自尊。朗文写作活用〔course〕Of course there are exceptions to every rule.当然,每条规定都会有例外。朗文当代〔disinterest〕The exception to Balfour's disinterest in social issues was education.贝尔福对教育以外的社会问题都不感兴趣。朗文当代〔exception〕And the problem is that they take exception to any kind of noise whatsoever.问题是他们反感任何形式的噪音。柯林斯高阶〔exception〕And the problem is that they take exception to any kind of noise whatsoever.而且问题在于他们不能容忍任何形式的噪音。外研社新世纪〔exception〕Guide dogs are the one exception to the store's ban on dogs.这家商店禁止带狗入内,但导盲犬除外。牛津搭配〔exception〕He also took exception to having been spied on.他也讨厌被暗中监视。柯林斯高阶〔exception〕He also took exception to having been spied on.他对自己被监视一事也很愤怒。外研社新世纪〔exception〕He took exception to what I said.他反对我说的话。英汉大词典〔exception〕I have found an exception to this rule.我发现了该规则的一个例外情况。外研社新世纪〔exception〕I take great exception to the fact that you told my wife before you told me.你还没告诉我就先对我妻子讲了,为此我非常生气。牛津高阶〔exception〕I took the greatest exception to his rude remarks.我对他那些粗鲁无礼的话非常生气。英汉大词典〔exception〕Keratin is an exception to the rule.角蛋白是个特殊情况。外研社新世纪〔exception〕Most of his family are sports enthusiasts, but he's the exception to the rule.他家中大部分人都是体育迷,但他是个例外。牛津搭配〔exception〕No one could possibly take exception to his c omments.任何人都不可能对他的意见提出异议。牛津高阶〔exception〕She is the exception to the rule.她是个例外。外研社新世纪〔exception〕She took exception to his rude behaviour.她对他的粗鲁行为不满。英汉大词典〔exception〕The Bush administration decided to make an exception to the Delaney clause.布什政府决定在德莱尼修正案中增设例外条款。外研社新世纪〔exception〕The last exception to the ban was made in April 1973.最后一次例外开禁是在1973年4月。英汉大词典〔exception〕The spelling of this word is an interesting exception to the rule .这个单词的拼法是该规则一个有趣的例外。朗文当代〔exception〕There are exceptions to every rule.每条规则皆有例外。剑桥高阶〔exception〕There are always a lot of exceptions to grammar rules.语法规则总是有很多例外。牛津高阶〔exception〕There are occasional exceptions to my generalization.我的概括偶然也有例外。牛津搭配〔exception〕There are some exceptions to every grammatical rule.每条语法规则都有一些例外的情况。麦克米伦高阶〔exception〕There was an interesting exception to this general pattern.此通用模式有一个有意思的例外。牛津搭配〔exception〕There will be no exceptions to this rule.这一规则没有例外。韦氏高阶〔exception〕They represent an exception to the rule.他们代表的是这项规定的例外情况。牛津搭配〔exception〕They took some exception to it.他们对它有些异议。英汉大词典〔exception〕Tom took great exception to my remark about Americans.汤姆对我有关美国人的评论极为不满。朗文当代〔exception〕Why did you take exception to what he said? He was only joking.你何必因为他说的那些话生气呢?他只不过是在开玩笑嘛。剑桥高阶〔general〕There is one exception to this general principle.这个一般性原则有一例外。牛津高阶〔obviously〕There are obviously exceptions to this.这其中无疑存在特例。柯林斯高阶〔obviously〕There are obviously exceptions to this.对此当然有例外情况。外研社新世纪〔rule〕There are few exceptions to the general rule that bars close at midnight.酒吧一般午夜关门,很少有例外的情形。牛津搭配〔rule〕Unfortunately there is an exception to every rule .不幸的是每项规则都有例外。朗文当代

