
单词 forgets
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔If memory serves (me rightly/correctly)〕Dad has a selective memory: he remembers the times he was right and forgets the times he was wrong.爸爸记事情是有选择性的:他做对的全都记得,做错的就忘得一干二净。韦氏高阶〔ORGANIZE〕He's a nice guy, but he's not very organized and he forgets a lot of things. 他人不错,但不是很有条理,总是丢三落四的。朗文写作活用〔betting〕What's the betting she forgets to bring the money for you? 是不是有可能她忘记把钱带来给你?麦克米伦高阶〔big deal〕It's no big deal . Everybody forgets things sometimes.没有关系,谁都有记性不好的时候。朗文当代〔deep〕He is often so deep in his books that he forgets to eat.他常常专心于读书以致忘了吃饭。牛津高阶〔forget〕He's someone who never forgets a face (=forgets who someone is) .他是那种见人一面就过目不忘的人。朗文当代〔god〕He makes a god of his work, and forgets his family.他以工作为第一神圣要务,而不顾家庭。英汉大词典〔having said that〕He forgets most things, but having said that, he always remembers my birthday.他总忘事,不过,他一直记得我的生日。剑桥高阶〔lace ... up〕He is always absent-minded and sometimes even forgets to lace up his shoes.他总是心不在焉,有时连系鞋带都忘了。21世纪英汉〔moan〕Thelma's always moaning (about something), and forgets how lucky she actually is.特尔玛总爱抱怨,忘记了实际上她是多么地幸运。剑桥高阶〔promptly〕One continues to learn things in life, then promptly forgets them.人在一生中会不断学习新东西, 但很快又忘掉它们。外研社新世纪〔say〕Ben never forgets to say "Please" and "Thank you".本从来不忘说“请”和“谢谢”。剑桥高阶〔show〕It's a poor show if he forgets your birthday.要是他忘了你的生日,那可太差劲了。牛津高阶〔what's the betting?〕What's the betting Dan forgets to bring the tickets? 丹十有八九会忘了带票,你敢打赌吗?剑桥高阶〔what〕What if she forgets to bring it? 要是她忘记带来,会怎么样呢?牛津高阶Aunt Mary is such a scatterbrain that she always forgets something. 玛莉阿姨糊里糊涂的,她总是忘东忘西。译典通Ben never forgets to say “Please” and “Thank you”.本从不忘记说“请”和 “谢谢”。剑桥国际Clive flatters himself (=is proud of the fact) that he never forgets a name.克莱夫很得意自己从不忘记别人的名字。剑桥国际Every time Russell borrows my bicycle he forgets to return it, and it's getting beyond a joke.拉塞尔每次借了我的自行车总忘记还,这很叫人生气。剑桥国际He forgets most things, but having said that (= despite what I say), he always remembers my birthday.大多数事情他都会忘记,虽然话是这么说,我的生日他倒总是记得的。剑桥国际He always forgets himself. 他总是一心为他人。译典通If an actor forgets his words, he has to improvise. 演员要是忘记台词,那就只好即兴现编。译典通If she forgets to take her tablets, she gets these strange convulsive movements in the whole of her body.要是她忘了服药,她全身就会奇怪地抽搐不已。剑桥国际My son has a memory / mind like a sieve (= He forgets things easily).我儿子的记忆力像个筛子(很容易忘记事情)。剑桥国际

