
单词 imitation
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARTIFICIAL〕Ted was wearing an imitation leather jacket. 特德穿着一件仿皮的夹克。朗文写作活用〔ARTIFICIAL〕The dark blue sweater had imitation pearls sewn across the front. 这件深蓝色的毛衣,前面缝着一些人造珍珠。朗文写作活用〔COPY〕The necklace was a cheap imitation, but she was obviously very proud of it. 那条项链是廉价的仿制品,但她显然非常以此为傲。朗文写作活用〔COPY〕The original woodframe house had been covered with imitation brick siding. 原先的木结构房屋已覆上了仿制的砖墙板。朗文写作活用〔GOOD ENOUGH〕He gave a passable imitation of Charlie Chaplin. 他模仿查理·卓别林还算不错。朗文写作活用〔Gothicism〕The use or imitation of Gothic style, as in architecture.哥特式:建筑上使用哥特式风格或仿哥特式风格美国传统〔Grecism〕Something done in imitation of Greek style or spirit.对希腊风格或精神的模仿美国传统〔REAL〕The dress had a designer label, but I couldn't tell if it was the real McCoy or a cheap imitation. 这连衣裙上有品牌商标,但我说不清它是真货还是廉价仿制品。朗文写作活用〔Sapphic〕Of, relating to, or being a verse, stanza, or poem in accentual meter composed in imitation of Sapphic quantitative verse.模储备萨福诗体的:模仿萨福音量音节的诗行、诗节或诗的美国传统〔TOUCH〕Good imitation leather looks and feels like the real thing. 上好的人造皮革看上去、摸上去就像真皮一样。朗文写作活用〔UGLY〕The boy was twisting one side of his face in grotesque imitation of his grandfather. 那男孩歪起半边脸,做怪相模仿他爷爷。朗文写作活用〔agate〕Games A playing marble made of agate or a glass imitation of it.【游戏】 玛瑙纹玩具弹子:一种由玛瑙或仿玛瑙的玻璃制成的玩具弹子美国传统〔antique〕The art of the Renaissance was inspired by imitation of the antique.文艺复兴时期的艺术受到了复古风的启发。外研社新世纪〔artificial〕Made in imitation of something natural; simulated.模拟的:照自然的东西仿造的;模仿的美国传统〔artificial〕She would never wear imitation pearls.她绝不会戴假珍珠。牛津高阶〔autopen〕A mechanical device used for writing imitations of a personal signature.自动签名机:用于模拟某个人签名的机械装置美国传统〔ayatollah〕A high-ranking male Shiite religious authority, generally assuming a political role and regarded as worthy of imitation.阿亚图拉:高级的男性伊斯兰教什叶派宗教权威,一般担任一个政治角色并被认为是值得仿效的对象美国传统〔balloon〕He ballooned his cheeks in imitation of a fat lady.他模仿着一个胖太太的样子,鼓起了双颊。英汉大词典〔birdcall〕An imitation of the song or cry of a bird.摹仿鸟叫的声音美国传统〔castor〕A hat made of beaver fur or an imitation.海狸皮帽:用海狸皮或其仿制品制成的帽子美国传统〔clinquant〕Imitation gold leaf; tinsel; glitter.仿金箔:仿造金片;闪闪发光的金属;闪烁美国传统〔coarse〕A stand-up comedian performed a coarse imitation of the President.滑稽说笑的喜剧演员粗劣地模仿总统。美国传统〔costume jewelry〕Jewelry made from inexpensive metals and imitation or semiprecious stones.人造珠宝饰物,半宝石半宝石:由不贵的材料和人造珠宝或半宝石所做出的珠宝美国传统〔counterfeit〕A fraudulent imitation or facsimile.摹本:诈骗性的模仿或摹真本美国传统〔counter〕An imitation coin; a token.硬币:伪造的硬币;纪念品美国传统〔detect from〕The customer detected an imitation from a real thing.这名顾客发现了假冒品。21世纪英汉〔dummy〕An imitation of a real or original object, intended to be used as a practical substitute.模拟靶:实际或初始目标的模拟物,用作练习时的替代物美国传统〔emulation〕Imitation of another.效仿:模仿另一个美国传统〔fob ... off〕The salesman fobbed off an imitation diamond on the lady.推销员用欺骗手段把假钻石卖给了这位太太。21世纪英汉〔fob off with〕The salesman fobbed the lady off with an imitation diamond.推销员哄骗这位太太购买了假钻石。21世纪英汉〔fugue〕Music A polyphonic composition in which themes or a theme stated successively by a number of voices in imitation are developed contrapuntally.【音乐】 赋格曲:一种多韵律乐曲,其一个或多个旋律为相继进入的声部所模仿对位性发展而成美国传统〔ha-ha〕A sound made in imitation of laughter.哈哈:模仿发笑的声音美国传统〔hobbyhorse〕A child's riding toy that consists of a long stick with an imitation horse's head on one end.竹马,木马:一种儿童用来骑玩的有一根一端仿造马头形状木棍的玩具美国传统〔imitation〕Imitation is an age-old problem for businesses but fighting it has not got any easier.产品仿制是企业面临的老问题, 但反仿制斗争依旧艰难。外研社新世纪〔imitation〕A child learns to talk by imitation.小孩子通过模仿学会说话。牛津高阶〔imitation〕Accept no cheap imitations of our product! 请抵制模仿我们产品的廉价货!牛津搭配〔imitation〕An imitation firearm was used in the robbery.抢劫案中用了一支假枪。外研社新世纪〔imitation〕Built in imitation of Rome's Colosseum, the folly dominates the hill above Oban.那座华而不实的仿罗马椭圆形竞技场建筑占据了大半个山头, 俯瞰着奥本。外研社新世纪〔imitation〕Children are seen as learning to write by direct imitation of adult models.人们认为儿童通过直接模仿成人范本学习写作。牛津搭配〔imitation〕Children learn by imitation of adults.儿童通过模仿成人来学习。韦氏高阶〔imitation〕Computers are just poor imitations of our brains.电脑只是对我们大脑的拙劣仿制。外研社新世纪〔imitation〕He did a hilarious imitation of his father.他学他父亲的样子,好玩极了。韦氏高阶〔imitation〕He does a perfect imitation of a turkey.他能逼真地模仿火鸡。牛津搭配〔imitation〕He does a very good imitation of Liza Minelli.他模仿莉莎・米内利很是惟妙惟肖。牛津搭配〔imitation〕He does an imitation of Barack Obama.他滑稽地模仿巴拉克 · 奥巴马。牛津高阶〔imitation〕He gave an imitation of Peter looking out of the window.他学彼得朝窗外张望的那副模样。英汉大词典〔imitation〕He gave his imitation of Queen Elizabeth's royal wave.他模仿伊丽莎白女王挥手致意。柯林斯高阶〔imitation〕He gave his imitation of the way Jodie walked.他模仿乔迪走路的样子。外研社新世纪〔imitation〕He puffed out his cheeks in a passable imitation of his dad.他鼓起两边腮帮子, 还算凑合地模仿他爸爸的样子。外研社新世纪〔imitation〕He said the proposal was a pale imitation of the government's policy.拙劣的仿制品麦克米伦高阶〔imitation〕His songs are just cheap (= low quality) imitations of Beatles tunes.他的歌只是对甲壳虫乐队曲调的拙劣模仿。剑桥高阶〔imitation〕I could do a pretty good imitation of him.我可以惟妙惟肖地学他的样子。柯林斯高阶〔imitation〕I could do a pretty good imitation of him.我可以把他的样子学得很像。外研社新世纪〔imitation〕In the 1930's some young men grew beards, in imitation of D. H. Lawrence.在20世纪30年代,有些年轻人学D. H.劳伦斯的样,蓄起大胡子。英汉大词典〔imitation〕It's not real silk - it's just imitation.这不是真丝——是人造的罢了。剑桥高阶〔imitation〕Kim can do a great imitation of Woody Allen.金能惟妙惟肖地模仿伍迪·艾伦。麦克米伦高阶〔imitation〕Many corporate methods have been adopted by American managers in imitation of Japanese practice.美国的营商者采用了很多取法日本的公司经营之道。牛津高阶〔imitation〕Many people think that children learn language by imitation.很多人认为儿童通过模仿学语言。朗文当代〔imitation〕Molly learned her golf by imitation.莫莉通过模仿学会了打高尔夫球。柯林斯高阶〔imitation〕She acted, she danced, she did imitations .她模仿着边演边跳。朗文当代〔imitation〕She can do a wonderful imitation of a blackbird's song.她能惟妙惟肖地模仿乌鸫的鸣啭。剑桥高阶〔imitation〕She wore an imitation of a sailor's hat.她戴着一顶仿制的水手帽子。朗文当代〔imitation〕She wore an imitation pearl necklace.她戴着一条人造珍珠项链。外研社新世纪〔imitation〕Some of the mourners had shaved their heads in imitation of their hero.有些哀悼者学着他们的偶像剃了光头。外研社新世纪〔imitation〕Ten-year-olds have started wearing lipstick and make-up in imitation of the older girls.10岁的女孩子已经开始模仿年龄大些的女孩涂抹口红和化妆了。剑桥高阶〔imitation〕The imitation of leaves by certain butterflies is unbelievably perfect.某些蝴蝶的叶形拟态达到了难以置信的乱真程度。英汉大词典〔imitation〕The actors carried imitation guns.演员携带着假枪。牛津同义词〔imitation〕The ceiling is supported by imitation marble columns.天花板是用人造大理石柱支撑的。外研社新世纪〔imitation〕The film was dismissed as a crude imitation of Hitchcock's earlier work.该影片被认为是对希区柯克早期作品的粗劣仿制。麦克米伦高阶〔imitation〕The gun was found to be an imitation.那支枪被发现是仿制品。外研社新世纪〔imitation〕The poems, some in imitation of Whitman, are unremarkable.这些诗歌,有些模仿了惠特曼的风格,乏善可陈。牛津搭配〔imitation〕The real diamonds are in a museum. These are just imitations.真的钻石在博物馆里,这些只是仿制品。韦氏高阶〔imitation〕The remake of 'Casablanca' was a pale imitation (=something that is much less good than the thing it imitates) of the original movie.重拍的《卡萨布兰卡》远不如原版。朗文当代〔imitation〕The restaurant was designed in imitation of a Japanese temple.这家餐厅是仿照一座日本寺院设计的。韦氏高阶〔imitation〕Their version of jazz funk is a pale imitation of the real thing.他们的演奏版本是对真正的乡土爵士乐的拙劣模仿。牛津搭配〔imitation〕They are mere imitations of existing products.那些不过是现有产品的仿制品而已。牛津搭配〔imitation〕They discussed important issues in imitation of their elders.他们模仿长辈的口气讨论重要问题。柯林斯高阶〔imitation〕They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.他们说模仿是最诚挚的颂扬。麦克米伦高阶〔imitation〕This latest production is a pale imitation of the original(= it is not nearly as good).最新推出的制作远不如它所依据的原著精彩。牛津高阶〔imitation〕We learn many things by imitation.我们通过模仿学会许多东西。英汉大词典〔imitation〕You can learn by imitation.你可以通过模仿来学习。外研社新世纪〔imitative〕Of or involving imitation.模仿的:属于或关于模仿的美国传统〔impression〕A humorous imitation of the voice and mannerisms of a famous person done by an entertainer.趣味模仿:演员对名人的声音和仪态的幽默的模仿美国传统〔inspire〕The design of the car has inspired many imitations.受这款车设计的引发出现了很多模仿品。剑桥高阶〔jewelry〕Ornaments, such as bracelets, necklaces, or rings, made of precious metals set with gems or imitation gems.珠宝:由嵌有宝石或仿制宝石的珍贵金属制成的装饰品,如手镯、项链或戒指美国传统〔job〕It's an original, not one of those imitation jobs.这是原件,不是仿制品。剑桥高阶〔leatherette〕Imitation leather.人造革美国传统〔majolica〕Pottery made in imitation of this earthenware.花饰上釉陶器:模仿这种陶器制作的陶器美国传统〔marabou〕A hat or garment trimmed with the down of a stork or an imitation of it.羽毛装饰:饰有这种鹳毛或仿制品的帽子或衣服美国传统〔marabou〕The down of one of these storks or an imitation of it made from other bird feathers.秃鹳的羽毛:这些鹳的羽毛或用其它鸟毛制成的仿制品美国传统〔maraschino cherry〕A cherry preserved in a syrup flavored with real or imitation maraschino.酒浸樱桃:一种浸在掺有真的或人造樱桃酒的糖浆中的樱桃美国传统〔marble〕To mottle and streak (paper, for example) with colors and veins in imitation of marble.使…具有大理石花纹:用类似于大理石的颜色和条纹(如在纸上)弄上斑纹和条纹美国传统〔marbling〕The decorative imitation of marble patterns printed on page edges and endpapers of books.大理石刻纹:模仿大理石花纹在书页边和衬页上印制的装饰性花纹美国传统〔mimesis〕The imitation or representation of aspects of the sensible world, especially human actions, in literature and art.模仿:文学或艺术中对可感知世界的某些侧面的模仿或表现,尤指人类的行为美国传统〔mimic〕A copy or an imitation.复写品或仿制品美国传统〔mirror〕Something worthy of imitation.榜样:值得模仿的东西美国传统〔mock-heroic〕A satirical imitation or burlesque of the heroic manner or style.嘲弄地模仿英雄风格的作品:对英雄行为或风格的讽刺的模仿或戏谑美国传统〔mock〕An imitation or a counterfeit.模仿或假冒美国传统〔oleograph〕A chromolithograph printed with oil paint on canvas in imitation of an oil painting.石印油画,仿油画石板画:用油画颜料印在画布上的仿油画的彩色石印画美国传统〔orchestrion〕A large mechanical instrument resembling a barrel organ that produces sound in imitation of an orchestra.机械风琴:外形类似手摇风琴、可仿管弦乐效果奏出声音的一种大型机械乐器美国传统〔ormolu〕An imitation of gold.金的仿制品美国传统〔oroide〕An alloy of copper, zinc, and tin, used in imitation gold jewelry.金色铜:一种由铜、锌和锡制成的合金,用于仿制黄金首饰美国传统〔pagoda〕A structure, such as a garden pavilion, built in imitation of a many-storied Buddhist tower.塔状:一种结构,如花园里的亭子,模仿多层的佛塔而建的美国传统〔pale imitation〕Modern luxury ships are a pale imitation of the glamour and style of the early ocean liners.现代豪华游轮同早期远洋海轮相比,其魅力与风格都大为逊色。剑桥高阶〔pale〕The cheese is a pale imitation of real Parmesan.这种干酪模仿的是帕尔梅森干酪,但比真品差远了。朗文当代〔pale〕The remake of the movie was a pale imitation of the original.重拍的这部电影是对老版的东施效颦。韦氏高阶〔pale〕The squad had become a pale imitation of the team that defeated New Zealand.该队已经成了击败新西兰的那支球队的拙劣模仿者。麦克米伦高阶〔parchment〕Paper made in imitation of this material.仿羊皮纸:仿这样材料做的纸美国传统〔passable〕He can do a passable imitation of the maths teacher.他对数学老师的模仿还真有点像。朗文当代〔passable〕He gave a passable imitation of his dad.他模仿他的父亲模仿得还可以。外研社新世纪〔passable〕Stan puffed out his thin cheeks in a passable imitation of his dad.斯坦鼓起瘦瘦的脸颊,像模像样地模仿着他的爸爸。柯林斯高阶〔pattern〕A person or thing considered worthy of imitation.模范,榜样:被认为值得模仿的人或事物美国传统〔pinchbeck〕A cheap imitation.赝品:廉价的仿制品美国传统〔pinchbeck〕An alloy of zinc and copper used as imitation gold.铜锌合金:作为仿金品使用的铜锌合金美国传统〔piss-poor〕All the local beers were piss-poor imitations.当地生产的啤酒都是低劣的仿制品。朗文当代〔pongee〕A soft, thin cloth woven from Chinese or Indian raw silk or an imitation thereof.茧绸;山东府绸:一种轻柔的薄布料,由中国或印度产的原丝或它们的仿制品织成美国传统〔rank〕These poems are rank imitations of Keats.这些诗明目张胆地模仿济慈。英汉大词典〔rhinestone〕A colorless artificial gem of paste or glass, often with facets that sparkle in imitation of a diamond.莱茵石:一种无色的含铅玻璃或玻璃的人造宝石,常具有钻石般的发光表面美国传统〔rush out〕The store is rushing out imitations of top fashions.这家商店正在赶制顶级时装的仿制品。外研社新世纪〔sad〕The new version is a sad imitation of the original movie.这部影片的新版本是对原版的蹩脚模仿。韦氏高阶〔satinet〕A thin inferior satin or an imitation satin, especially one containing cotton.缎纹棉毛呢:一种劣质的薄缎或仿缎,尤指含棉的那种美国传统〔saw〕In the hotel lounge an awful chamber orchestra was sawing away under a lot of imitation palm leaves.在旅馆大厅浓密的人造棕叶之下,一支蹩脚的室内乐乐队正在演奏。英汉大词典〔scagliola〕Plasterwork in imitation of ornamental marble, consisting of ground gypsum and glue colored with marble or granite dust.人造大理石:仿装饰用的大理石材料,是构成土石膏和大理石颜色的粘结剂或花岗石粉美国传统〔shadow〕An imperfect imitation or copy.赝品:拙劣的模仿或复制美国传统〔sham〕Something false or empty that is purported to be genuine; a spurious imitation.赝品:某些被声称为真实的却为假的或劣着质的东西;虚假的模仿物美国传统〔shoddy〕Something of inferior quality; a cheap imitation.低劣的东西;劣质的仿制品美国传统〔simulation〕Imitation or representation, as of a potential situation or in experimental testing.模拟:模仿或演习可能发生的情况或在试验性的测试中进行模仿和演习美国传统〔slavish〕It was a slavish imitation of his professor's work.这是他对他教授的作品的一味模仿。麦克米伦高阶〔spiritual〕A work composed in imitation of such a song.模仿圣歌所创作的乐曲美国传统〔surimi〕Minced, processed fish used in the preparation of imitation seafood, especially imitation crabmeat, lobster, and scallops.碎鱼块:切碎的、加工的鱼肉,代用作海产品,诸如蟹肉、龙虾肉和干贝肉的代用品美国传统〔tee-hee〕A sound made in imitation of a giggle or titter.嘻嘻嘻,嘿嘿嘿:模仿傻笑或偷笑的声音美国传统〔tortoiseshell〕A synthetic imitation of natural tortoiseshell.仿玳瑁:模仿自然玳瑁的人工仿造品美国传统〔travesty〕An exaggerated or grotesque imitation, such as a parody of a literary work.模仿:一种夸张或怪诞的模仿,如对一个文学作品的滑稽模仿美国传统〔warmed-over〕These commercials are just warmed-over imitations of earlier TV ads.这些广告不过是以前电视广告改头换面的模仿。剑桥高阶〔worshipful〕Franklin's almost worshipful imitation of his cousin.富兰克林对表哥近乎崇拜的模仿柯林斯高阶〔worshipful〕Franklin's almost worshipful imitation of his cousin富兰克林对表哥近乎崇拜的模仿外研社新世纪Imitation astrakhan cloth is made from ordinary wool and mohair.仿羔皮织物是用普通羊毛和马海毛制成的。剑桥国际He grew beards in imitation of the actor. 他为了模仿那个演员,蓄起了胡子。译典通He was charged under section 17 of the 1968 Firearms Act (= according to that part of the law) with possessing an imitation firearm at the time of committing a theft.据“1968年轻武器法令”的第17款,他被指控为在实施盗窃过程中持有假冒枪支。剑桥国际Her imitation of John was spot-on.她对约翰的模仿非常准确。剑桥国际Her imitation of Madonna is dead-on (= exactly right).她模仿麦当娜像极了,丝毫不差。剑桥国际His songs are just cheap (=low quality) imitations of Beatles tunes.他的歌只是对甲壳虫乐队曲调的低劣模仿。剑桥国际I learned the song by imitation. 我透过模仿学会了这支歌。译典通In imitation of the older girls, even the ten-year-olds have started wearing lipstick and make-up.甚至连10岁的女孩子们也模仿年龄大的女孩开始抹口红和化妆。剑桥国际It's not real silk --it's just imitation.这不是真丝----只是人造的。剑桥国际Modern luxury ships are a pale imitation of the glamour and style of the early ocean liners.现代豪华船只同早期远洋轮的魅力与风格相比,实乃东施效颦也。剑桥国际Pattie, puffing an imaginary cigar, did a brilliant imitation of Brian's way of walking.帕蒂吸着一支假想的香烟,学布莱恩走路的样子学得像极了。剑桥国际She can do a wonderful imitation of a blackbird's song.她能维妙维肖地模仿乌鸫的叫声。剑桥国际The design of the car has inspired many imitations.这辆小汽车的设计导致很多模仿品。剑桥国际The man was wearing an imitation leather jacket. 这人穿著一件人造革皮夹克。译典通The vase is an imitation of the one in the museum. 这只花瓶是博物馆那只的仿制品。译典通The wine that is made and sold here is a pale imitation of (=it is similar to but not as good as) the real thing.这里酿售的酒是逊于真货的仿制品。剑桥国际These commercials are just warmed-over imitations of earlier TV ads.这些商业广告只是早些时候电视广告的翻版。剑桥国际

