
单词 handles
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bermuda bag〕An oval handbag with wooden handles and decorative removable covers.百慕大包:一种椭圆形的带有木柄和装饰性活动盖的手包美国传统〔GOOD AT〕Price handles the role of the angry wife with great skill. 普赖斯把愤怒的妻子这一角色处理得非常有技巧。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕An accountant handles the school's finances. 一位会计负责管理学校的资金。朗文写作活用〔Malacca〕The stem of the rattan palm, used for making canes and umbrella handles.马六甲白藤茎:白藤榈的茎,用于制造手杖和伞柄美国传统〔RISK〕A company's reputation is on the line in the way it handles complaints. 如何处理好投诉是与公司的声誉攸关的事。〔朗文写作活用〔amount〕The call centre handles a huge amount of complaints every day.客户服务中心每天处理大量的投诉。麦克米伦高阶〔ampulla〕A nearly round bottle with two handles used by the ancient Romans for wine, oil, or perfume.双耳细颈瓶:一种近圆形的双柄瓶,古罗马人用它盛酒、油或香水美国传统〔ash〕The strong, elastic wood of this tree, used for furniture, tool handles, and sporting goods such as baseball bats.白蜡木:这种树的坚硬有弹性的木材,用于(制作)家具、工具柄、运动器材如板球拍等美国传统〔barrow〕A flat, rectangular tray or cart with handles at each end.担架,独轮车:一个扁平的长方形托架,两端都有手把美国传统〔beam〕The main horizontal bar on a plow to which the share, colter, and handles are attached.车辕、犁柄:犁上主要的横棍,用以固定犁铧、犁刀和柄美国传统〔beech〕The wood of any of these trees, used for flooring, containers, plywood, and tool handles.山毛榉木:这些树的任一种木材,用于地板、容器、胶合板及木具的木柄中美国传统〔bottle〕A receptacle having a narrow neck, usually no handles, and a mouth that can be plugged, corked, or capped.瓶:有一窄颈,通常无柄和一个可用塞子、软木栓或盖子封口的容器美国传统〔boxwood〕Boxwood is used for making small carved objects and tool handles.黄杨木用于制作小型雕刻品和工具把手。剑桥高阶〔braid〕Leather was braided to make handles for evening bags.皮革被编成辫状来制作晚宴包的提手。外研社新世纪〔brass〕The door handles were made of brass.门把手是黄铜做的。剑桥高阶〔buckhorn〕The material of such a horn, used especially to make handles for knives and tools.鹿角的材料:尤指用来制刀柄和工具手柄的鹿角美国传统〔bulk〕Despite its bulk and weight, the Mercedes handles like a small car.尽管梅塞德斯汽车体积庞大笨重,但操控起来像一辆小巧的汽车。麦克米伦高阶〔bureau〕The bureau handles millions of requests each year.该办事处每年处理数百万项请求。牛津搭配〔business〕She handles the publicity and all that business.她负责宣传等方面的事务。朗文当代〔cargo〕The port handles cargo from all over Asia.这个港口处理从亚洲各地运来的货物。牛津搭配〔cashier〕A store employee who handles cash transactions with customers.店员:处理与顾客现金交易的商店雇员美国传统〔city desk〕The newspaper department that handles local news.本地新闻部:处理地方新闻的报纸编辑部美国传统〔city editor〕Chiefly British A newspaper editor who handles commercial and financial news.【多用于英国】 金融和商业新闻主编:一家报纸处理商业和金融消息的主编美国传统〔city room〕The department in a journalistic editorial office that handles local news.城市部门:在报纸业的社论公司里处理地方新闻的部门美国传统〔cocobolo〕The hard, durable wood of such a tree, deep orange-red with black streaking or mottling, used for small specialty items such as knife handles.黄檀木:这种树的坚硬耐用的木材,深橙红色间有黑色条纹或斑驳,用于小的特制品如刀把美国传统〔cutout〕Slang A mutually trusted intermediary who handles communications between espionage agents.【俚语】 联络人:彼此信任的中介人,处理间谍之间的通讯美国传统〔decorative〕The handles are decorative and practical.这些手柄既有装饰效果又实用。韦氏高阶〔distribution〕The company handles the distribution of goods to stores nationwide.这家公司负责给遍布全国的商店配送货物。韦氏高阶〔ease〕The machine now handles the most complex documents with ease.这台机器现在能轻松处理极复杂的文件。外研社新世纪〔freeze onto〕In severe cold, your fingers can freeze onto metal handles,so be sure to cover your hands.严冬时,你的手指会被冻在金属把手上,所以你一定得戴上手套。21世纪英汉〔goblet〕Archaic A drinking bowl without handles.【古语】 无柄酒杯:一种无柄的饮酒用的碗美国传统〔go〕He'd gone over the car with a cloth, wiping fingerprints from the steering wheel and the door handles.他用一块布迅速地擦了一下车,并把方向盘和门把手上的指纹擦掉了。麦克米伦高阶〔grace〕She handles her problems with grace and dignity.她处理自己的问题,既有尊严又不失风度。韦氏高阶〔handle〕He handles an ax like a born woodsman.他使起斧子就象是一个天生在森林中居住的人。美国传统〔handle〕He handles his motorcycle well.他驾驶摩托车很娴熟。韦氏高阶〔handle〕He handles people with tact.他待人很老练。21世纪英汉〔handle〕He handles stolen goods.他买卖赃物。外研社新世纪〔handle〕I'm looking for a car that handles well in the snow.我想找一辆适合在雪地行驶的车。韦氏高阶〔handle〕My wife handles my investments.我妻子管理我的投资。外研社新世纪〔handle〕Opposition leaders will be watching carefully to see how the Prime Minister handles the crisis.反对党领导人将密切注意首相如何处理这一危机。朗文当代〔handle〕She handles all the bookkeeping.她负责所有簿记。韦氏高阶〔handle〕The handles on the bag were torn.这个包的提带都扯破了。韦氏高阶〔handle〕The Post Office handles nearly 2 billion letters and parcels over the Christmas period.圣诞节期间邮政局要处理 20 亿件邮件。朗文当代〔handle〕The airport handles both passenger and cargo flights.这个机场可以起降客运航班和货运航班。韦氏高阶〔handle〕The car handles well in any weather.这辆车在任何天气下开起来都很灵便。牛津高阶〔handle〕The car handles well, even on wet roads.这辆汽车很好开,即使在潮湿的路上也没问题。朗文当代〔handle〕The car handles well.这辆汽车很好驾驶。牛津同义词〔handle〕The car handles well.这辆车开起来很灵便。21世纪英汉〔handle〕The depot handles over two million tonnes of freight a week.火车站每星期处理200多万吨的货物。麦克米伦高阶〔handle〕The finance department handles all the accounts.财务部处理所有账目。朗文当代〔handle〕The helpline handles 100 calls an hour.救助热线每小时接听100个电话。麦克米伦高阶〔handle〕The library routinely handles a wide variety of queries.图书馆日常要处理各种各样的咨询。牛津搭配〔handle〕The new Lada handles like a dream.这辆新的拉达车非常好开。外研社新世纪〔handle〕The writer handles the matter briefly and concisely.作者把内容处理得简明扼要。英汉大词典〔handle〕They own a store that handles rugs.他们有一个地毯商店。韦氏高阶〔handle〕This book handles the problems of old age.这本书探讨老年问题。英汉大词典〔handle〕This car handles easily.这辆汽车开起来很灵便。英汉大词典〔handle〕This dealer only handles used cars.这个经销商只买卖旧车。外研社新世纪〔handle〕This machine handles well.这部机器运转良好。英汉大词典〔handle〕This shop handles paper and stationery.这家商店经销纸张文具。英汉大词典〔handle〕This store handles the sort of liquor you need.这家商店出售你要的那种酒。21世纪英汉〔handle〕Who handles the marketing in your company? 你们公司谁负责市场营销?剑桥高阶〔handling〕The act or an instance of one that handles something.管理,操纵:人们触摸、操作或管理某事的动作或情况美国传统〔harbour〕Bathroom door handles can harbour germs.厕所门把手上可能带有病菌。剑桥高阶〔huge〕The bank handles huge sums of money.银行处理大量金钱。牛津同义词〔jar〕A cylindrical glass or earthenware vessel with a wide mouth and usually no handles.广口坛子:一个圆柱体的玻璃或陶瓷的广口且通常无柄的容器美国传统〔land office〕A government office that handles and keeps records of the sale or transfer of public land.土地管理局:处理和记录公共土地的买卖或转移关系的政府机关美国传统〔lazy tongs〕Tongs having a jointed extensible framework operated by scissorslike handles, used for grasping an object at a distance.惰钳:有一连接并能伸展构造的钳子,用剪刀状把手操作,用于夹取远处的物体美国传统〔light〕She handles this difficult subject with a light touch.她处理起这种难题来得心应手。牛津高阶〔lost〕His wife handles all the finances – he'd be lost without her.所有财务上的事全由他妻子一手操办,要是没有她的帮助,他将一筹莫展。麦克米伦高阶〔loving cup〕A large ornamental wine vessel, usually made of silver and having two or more handles.大酒杯:一种大的装饰性的酒杯,通常用银做成,有两个或多个柄美国传统〔match〕All items are made to order, so you can match handles with the colour scheme of a room.所有的物品都能定做, 因此你可以根据房间的色系选择搭配的把手。外研社新世纪〔media〕Their PR officer handles TV, radio, and print media interviews.他们的公共关系官员负责应对电视、广播以及纸媒的采访。牛津搭配〔moor〕Suitcases having handles can be firmly moored to a vehicle.有把手的小提箱可以稳妥地固定在车子上。文馨英汉〔ornamental〕The handles on each side of the box are purely ornamental (= they are for decoration only).盒子两边的把手纯粹是装饰性的。剑桥高阶〔parcel post〕A postal service or department that handles and delivers packages.包裹邮递:一种处理和发送包裹的邮政业务或部门美国传统〔pincers〕A grasping tool having a pair of jaws and handles pivoted together to work in opposition.镊子,钳子:一种抓握工具,有一对虎钳牙及交叉的柄,放在轴上一起反方向工作美国传统〔pin〕Steel pins held the handles in position.钢钉将把手固定住了。麦克米伦高阶〔plastic〕The handles are made from 100% recycled plastic.手柄由 100% 的再生塑料制成。牛津搭配〔plate〕We normally plate the car handles with nickel and then chrome.我们通常先用镍再用铬来镀汽车的拉手。剑桥高阶〔present〕At present, the airport handles 110 flights a day.目前,该机场每天有 110 个航班起落。朗文当代〔proudly〕The handles stand proud of the doors of the car.把手位于车门之外。柯林斯高阶〔role〕Sbaraglia handles this difficult role well.斯巴拉格利亚将这个难演的角色处理得很好。牛津搭配〔rung〕Nautical One of the spokes or handles on a ship's wheel.【航海】 舵轮轮辐:船舵上的轮辐或把手美国传统〔see〕We want to see how he handles the problem.我们要看看他如何处理这个问题。英汉大词典〔shopping bag〕A strong bag with handles for carrying a shopper's purchases.购物袋:一种装有提手用来装购物者所购物品的牢固的口袋美国传统〔social secretary〕A personal secretary who handles social correspondence and appointments.社交秘书:处理社会交往和约会的私人秘书美国传统〔spoke〕Nautical One of the handles projecting from the rim of a ship's steering wheel.【航海】 舵轮把柄:安装在轮船舵轮边上的手柄美国传统〔stiffly〕Train doors have handles on the inside. They are stiff so that they cannot be opened accidentally.火车车门内侧有把手。把手都很紧,防止意外开启。柯林斯高阶〔stock〕The frame of a plow, to which the share, handles, coulter, and other parts are fastened.犁架:犁的架子,犁把手、犁刀及其它部分固定于其面美国传统〔terrain〕The car handles particularly well on rough terrain.这种汽车特别适宜在崎岖不平的地带行驶。剑桥高阶〔touch〕He handles this controversial subject with a light touch.他轻松地处理了这个有争议的问题。牛津搭配〔transmit〕There was no vibration transmitted to the handles and the machine wasn't noisy either.没有任何振动传导到手柄,机器也没有任何噪音。柯林斯高阶〔twist〕Her hands began to twist the handles of the bag she carried.她双手开始捻弄手提包的拎带。柯林斯高阶〔twist〕Her hands began to twist the handles of the bag.她双手开始拧着手提包的拎带。外研社新世纪〔unscrew〕You'll have to unscrew the handles to paint the door.要漆这扇门,你得把门把手上的螺丝拧开拿下来。牛津高阶〔video〕My new laptop handles video really well.我的新手提电脑很适合播放录像。剑桥高阶〔watch〕Watch how well she handles the ball.看她是如何熟练地控制球的。麦克米伦高阶〔wheelbarrow〕A one- or two-wheeled vehicle with handles at the rear, used to convey small loads.手推车,独轮车:一种独轮或两轮的车子,把手在后部,用以运送小的货物美国传统〔who〕Someone who handles stress well will be more suited for the job.能很好应对压力的人更适合此项工作。韦氏高阶All our cutlery has bone handles.我们所有的刀具都有骨柄。剑桥国际As a lawyer, she has a high success rate in (= is successful in a large number of) the cases she handles.作为一名律师,她办案的成功率很高。剑桥国际Ash is often used for making tool handles.木常被用于制作工具的手柄。剑桥国际Boxwood is used for making small carved objects and tool handles.黄杨木被用来制作小型雕刻和工具的把柄。剑桥国际CHIPS handles about 240 000 transactions a day.美国纽约票据交换所银行间支付系统每天处理大约 24 万笔交易。牛津商务Eddie handles marketing, sales and finance.艾迪负责营销、销售和财务事项。牛津商务Horn (= the substance animals’horns consist of) is sometimes used to make decorative objects such as knife handles or jewellery.角(质)有时被用作诸如刀柄或饰件之类的装饰性物品。剑桥国际Knives with handles made of bone should not be put in a dishwasher.带有骨柄的餐刀不应放进洗碟机里。剑桥国际She always handles her clients with tact and grace.她总是机敏而得体地与她的主顾们打交道。剑桥国际The handles on each side of the box are purely ornamental (= They are for decoration only).这个盒子两边的把手纯粹是装饰性的。剑桥国际The car handles particularly well on rough terrain.这种汽车特别能应付崎岖的地形。剑桥国际The centre handles over 6 000 inbound calls a week from all around the world.中心每周要处理来自世界各地 6 000 多个呼入电话。牛津商务The door handles were made of brass and needed cleaning and polishing regularly.门把柄是由黄铜做的,需要定期清洗和擦拭。剑桥国际The people with handles don't always give the biggest tips.有头衔的人给的小费并不一定是最多的。剑桥国际The port handles both containerized and dry cargo.这个港口同时处理集装箱货物及干货。牛津商务The recruiting agency handles mainly permanent placements.这个招聘机构主要安排固定工作。牛津商务The system handles huge amounts of data.这系统处理大量资料。牛津商务This new biography handles (=discusses) his suicide with much more sensitivity and sympathy than previous books about him.这本新传记对他自杀的讨论,比以往有关的书更细腻和富有同情心。剑桥国际We normally plate the car handles with nickel and then chrome.我们通常先用镍再用铬来镀汽车的拉手。剑桥国际Who handles the day-to-day work of the department? 谁负责部门的日常工作?牛津商务

