“in labor”例句

单词 in labor
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BABY〕Sara was in labor for sixteen hours with our first child. 我们的头胎孩子出生时,萨拉分娩了16小时。朗文写作活用〔couvade〕A practice in certain non-Western cultures in which the husband of a woman in labor takes to his bed as though he were bearing the child.拟娩,假分娩:一些非西方文化中的习俗,丈夫在其妻子分娩时卧床,好象他也在分娩美国传统〔crown〕To reach a stage in labor when a large segment of the fetal scalp is visible at the vaginal orifice. Used of a fetus or the head of a fetus.露顶:分娩中包括胎儿头盖的大部分出现在阴道口的阶段。用于指胎儿或胎儿的头部美国传统〔in labor〕She has been in labor for several hours.她开始分娩已经好几个小时了。韦氏高阶〔mainstay〕This principle of collective bargaining has been a mainstay in labor relations in this country.这一集体谈判原则已经成为该国劳动关系的重要基础。柯林斯高阶〔parturient〕About to bring forth young; being in labor.临产的,分娩的:即将生育的;处于分娩期的美国传统〔saving〕The new system will provide a saving in labor.这个新系统将实现人工成本的节省。韦氏高阶The woman is in labor. 这位妇女在分娩。译典通

