“come up”例句

单词 come up
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGREE〕Congress could not come up with an agreement on a spending plan for next year. 国会未能就明年的支出计划达成一致。朗文写作活用〔IDEA〕Unless someone comes up with a brainwave soon, I can't see how we can possibly get out of this mess. 除非有人马上想出个好办法,否则的话我不知道我们怎样收拾这烂摊子。朗文写作活用〔IGNORE〕The waiter totally ignored Glen and served a girl who had come up beside him. 侍者根本不理睬格伦,转而去照应进来坐在他身旁的一位女孩子。朗文写作活用〔INTELLIGENT〕American scientists have come up with an ingenious way of getting rid of cockroaches. 美国科学家想出了一个消灭蟑螂的妙法。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕It's very easy to be an armchair critic but much harder to come up with solutions that will work. 坐着空谈是很容易的,但要拿出可行的解决办法来就难得多了。朗文写作活用〔TOWARDS〕Total strangers used to come up to me and tell me how much they'd enjoyed the show. 以前常有完全不认识的人走过来对我说他们非常喜欢那次演出。朗文写作活用〔WAY〕We explored every possible avenue, but still couldn't come up with a solution. 我们研究了各个可能的途径,但还是想不出解决方法。朗文写作活用〔acceptable〕We must come up with a solution that our customers will find acceptable.我们必须想出一个顾客可以接受的解决办法。牛津搭配〔aside〕Leaving/Putting aside the question of money for the moment, we need to come up with a workable schedule.现在先不谈钱的问题,我们得拿出一个可行的日程安排。韦氏高阶〔come up to〕I have seen very few girls who come up to my standards.我没有看到几个符合我的标准的女孩子。外研社新世纪〔come up with the goods〕What they promise sounds impressive enough - let's see if they come up with the goods.他们的承诺听起来很郑重——我们来看看他们是否会履行诺言。剑桥高阶〔come up〕A question has come up about the budget.一个关于预算的问题被人提起。韦氏高阶〔come〕He could always come up with a reason for them to linger another month.他总能想出个理由来让他们再耽上一个月。英汉大词典〔come〕His case comes up next week.他的案子下周开庭审理。麦克米伦高阶〔come〕How am I supposed to come up with $10,000? 我怎么能拿得出一万美元来?朗文当代〔come〕How soon can you come up with the money? 你什么时候能拿出这笔钱?牛津高阶〔come〕I'm afraid something urgent has come up.恐怕有紧急事情发生。牛津高阶〔come〕She lives downtown and rarely comes up to this part of the city.她住在市中心,很少到市里的这一带来。韦氏高阶〔come〕Strangers come up to him in the street and say how much they enjoy his books.街上的陌生人走近他,并告诉他他们是多么喜欢读他写的书。麦克米伦高阶〔come〕We wanted to buy the house but we couldn't come up with the cash.我们想买这幢房子,但拿不出这笔现款。朗文当代〔come〕We'll let you know if any vacancies come up.一有空缺,我们就会通知你。牛津高阶〔creative〕They've come up with some creative new ways to make money.他们想出了一些有创意的赚钱新方法。韦氏高阶〔fail〕They have failed to come up with any practical solutions.他们没有提出任何切合实际的解决办法。麦克米伦高阶〔fallback〕What's our fallback if they don't come up with the money? 要是他们拿不出钱,我们如何应变?牛津高阶〔game plan〕You need to come up with a game plan, and stick to it.你需要制定一个行动方案,然后据此行事。剑桥高阶〔goods〕As long as I come up with the goods, my boss is very happy.只要我按要求做, 老板就很高兴。外研社新世纪〔goods〕He's a great player. He always comes up with the goods on the day.他是一名优秀的球员,比赛总是能够不负所望。朗文当代〔gradient〕Trains come up a steep gradient to the station.火车开上通向车站的陡坡。外研社新世纪〔half〕Half the fun of gardening is never knowing exactly what's going to come up.园艺的最大乐趣是谁也不知道到底会长出什么。牛津高阶〔opening〕We don't have any openings now, but we'll call you if something comes up.我们现在没有职位空缺,一旦有的话我们会给你打电话。柯林斯高阶〔page〕You can always page her if anything important comes up.如果发生什么重要的事情,你可以随时传呼她。麦克米伦高阶〔pied-à-terre〕This isn't my principal home, just a pied-à-terre I use when I come up to town.这不是我的主要住宅, 只是我到镇上时的一个临时歇脚处。外研社新世纪〔rumour〕His name has come up in the rumour mill as a possible director for the project.有谣传说他可能出任这个项目的主管。朗文当代〔sale〕The land has come up for sale again.那块地又上市出售了。牛津搭配〔scheme〕She's come up with a hare-brained scheme for getting her novel published.她想出了一个让自己的小说得以发表的不靠谱计划。牛津搭配〔several〕Ben's case is not unique but one of several I have come up against during the past few years.本的案子并不特殊,我在过去的几年中也碰到了几起这样的案子。柯林斯高阶〔swelling〕A large swelling had come up on my ankle.我的脚踝处起了一个很大的肿块。麦克米伦高阶〔time〕I don't think I set out to come up with a different sound for each album. At the same time, I do have a sense of what is right for the moment.我不觉得我一开始就特意为每张专辑设定了不同的曲风。然而,我确实知道当时想要的是什么感觉。柯林斯高阶〔tip〕Occasionally my stockbroker comes up with a hot tip for me.非常好的秘密消息麦克米伦高阶〔trumps〕Sylvester Stallone has come up trumps at the US box office with his new movie Cliffhanger.西尔维斯特•史泰龙凭借其新片《绝岭雄风》取得美国票房大捷。外研社新世纪〔trump〕Dwayne has come up trumps with a goal worthy of winning any match.德韦恩意外地蒙进了一个可以拿下任何比赛的球。柯林斯高阶〔wild〕I just let my imagination run wild and come up with as many ideas as I can.我只是信马由缰地去想象,让脑海里冒出尽可能多的想法。牛津搭配Come up to my room and I'll show you my engravings.到我的房间来,我给你们看我的版画。剑桥国际Glancy had to come up with ingenious ways to finance his own films because major studios were not interested.由于一些主要电影制片厂对格兰西的影片不感兴趣,他不得不想出巧妙的方法为自己筹资。剑桥国际I've got to go--something has just come up at home and I'm needed there.我得走了----家里发生了点事,需要我去。剑桥国际She comes up from Washington about once a month on the train.她大约每月乘火车从华盛顿北上一次。剑桥国际Sorry darling, something unexpected has come up (= has happened) at the office, I'll be home late.亲爱的, 很抱歉, 办公室里发生了意外的事, 我回家要晚一些。剑桥国际The union is good at talking but they hardly ever come up with/deliver the goods (= produce what is wanted).工会只会空谈,但他们几乎从未有过成果。剑桥国际The water was up to/had come up to the level of the windows.水已经涨到窗户高了。剑桥国际Your work does not come up to the requirements. 你的工作不符合要求。译典通

