“pitch on”例句

单词 pitch on
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔pitch a fit/tantrum〕My three-year-old pitched one of her temper tantrums when we tried to leave the party early.我三岁大的女儿在我们试图提早离开聚会时大发脾气。韦氏高阶〔pitch on〕I have pitched on a perfect place for our picnic by lucky chance.我幸运地偶然发现一个十分理想的野餐地点。21世纪英汉〔pitch on〕The spot pitched on for the city must be reckoned very judicious.这个城市的选址必须要是极为明智的才行。外研社新世纪〔pitch on〕We'd have pitched on you, had yon happened to be here.如果你碰巧在这里,我们定会选中你的。21世纪英汉〔pitch on〕Why pitch on me? I'm not to blame!为什么责怪我?不该我负责!21世纪英汉〔pitch〕Estimates have been deliberately pitched on the conservative side.有意作了保守的估计。牛津搭配〔pitch〕I'll agree not to say anything, and warn the others not to queer your pitch on one condition.我同意什么也不说, 而且还会警告其他人不要破坏你的计划, 不过得有一个条件。外研社新世纪〔pitch〕The new stallholder had a good pitch on a street corner.这位新的摊主在街角有个很好的摊位。麦克米伦高阶〔pitch〕We pitched on the other side of the hill.我们在山的那边扎营。21世纪英汉Our ship rolled and pitched on the heavy sea. 我们的船在波涛汹涌的海面上摇晃颠簸。译典通You were lucky to be pitched on. 你被选中,真是幸运。译典通

