
act up acting action action film/action movie action-packed
activate active activist activities activity
actor ACTOR/ACTRESS actress actual ACTUALLY
actually/as a matter of fact/in fact acute ad ad nauseam ad-lib
adamant adapt adapt to adaptable adaptation
ADD add insult to injury add on add to add up
add up to add variety add variety to add-on added
addict ADDICTED addiction addictive addition
additional additive address adept adequate
adequately adhere adhesive adjacent adjoin
adjoining adjourn adjournment adjudicate adjust
adjust to adjustment adjustments administration admirable
admiration ADMIRE admirer admission ADMIT
admit/accept defeat admit/confess admittedly adolescence adolescent
adopt adorable adore adorn adrenaline
adulation ADULT adult education adult life adultery
adulthood advance advance on advance/further ADVANCED
advancement ADVANTAGE advantages and disadvantages adventure adventurous
adversary adverse adversity advertise advertisement
ADVERTISING advice advisable ADVISE advised
adviser advocate aerobics affable affair
affairs affect affected affection affectionate
affiliation affinity affirmative affluent afford
affordable affront afield afloat afoot
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