例句 PRESS1 to push something firmly, especially with your fingers2 to press something so that it becomes flatter or smaller3 to press something to remove the liquid from itRELATED WORDSsee alsoPUSHSQUASH1 to push something firmly, especially with your fingers 尤指用手指按压 press /pres/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to push something firmly with your fingers or with your feet. In American English push is usually used to describe what you do to buttons, bells etc 〔用手指或脚〕压;按;挤;推〔美国英语中用push描述对按钮、铃等的动作〕 The doctor gently pressed her stomach. 医生轻柔地按压她的胃部。 I pressed the brake pedal, but nothing happened. 我踩了刹车,但是没有用。press something down She stuffed the papers back in the box and pressed the lid down. 她硬把文件塞回箱子里,然后压下盖子。press a button/bell/key British in order to make a machine work, a bell ring etc 【英】按钮/铃/键 Which key do I press to delete it? 按哪个键可以将它删除? To get coffee, put your money in the machine and press the green button. 要咖啡的话,把钱投进机器然后按绿色按钮。 squeeze /skwiːz/ [transitive verb] to push something firmly inwards by pressing on both sides of it, especially with your hands or fingers 捏;挤压〔尤指用手或手指〕 I squeezed the toothpaste tube, but nothing came out. 我挤了牙膏管,但没有东西出来。 a horrible doll that cried when you squeezed it 捏压时会发出哭声的恐怖娃娃squeeze something out of something I can't squeeze any more tomato paste out of this tube. 这软管里再也挤不出番茄酱来了。squeeze somebody's arm/hand as a sign of love or friendship 捏某人的手臂/手〔爱或友好的象征〕 Alice squeezed my arm affectionately, and said goodbye. 艾丽斯温柔地捏了捏我的手臂道别。 pinch /pɪntʃ/ [transitive verb] to press someone's skin tightly between your fingers and thumb, so that it hurts 捏;掐;拧 Dad! Katy just pinched me! 爸爸!凯蒂拧我! touch /tʌtʃ/ [transitive verb] especially American to press a button, for example on a telephone or a computer screen, in order to make a choice, get information, or make something work - used especially in instructions 【尤美】按〔电话或电脑屏幕上的按钮;尤用于指导说明〕 For room service, touch button 9. 客房服务按9号键。 knead /niːd/ [transitive verb] to press a soft substance such as clay or dough a mixture of flour and water used to make bread repeatedly with your hands 揉;捏〔黏土或生面团等软物质〕 She kneaded the dough and shaped it into loaves. 她把生面团揉捏成长条状。 The clay should be kneaded thoroughly to remove any bubbles of air. 黏土应该彻底揉捏,以去除气泡。2 to press something so that it becomes flatter or smaller 挤压某物使之变薄或变小 press /pres/ [transitive verb] We pressed the flowers between the pages of a book. 我们把花夹在书页里。press something into something press something to make it a different shape 把某物压〔捏〕成某形状 The cookie dough is then pressed into small shapes and baked in a hot oven. 小甜饼的生面团被捏成小块,放进已经预热的烤箱里烘烤。 flatten /ˈflætn/ [transitive verb] to press something into a flat shape 把…弄平;压平 Place the balls of cookie dough on a baking sheet, and flatten each one with your hand. 将球状的小甜饼生面团放在烤盘上,用手逐个压扁。 She said that the crash-helmet would flatten her hair-do. 她说防撞头盔会压平她的发型。 roll also roll out [transitive verb/transitive phrasal verb] /rəʊl, ˌrəʊl ˈaʊt/ to make something flat using a tool or machine shaped like a tube 〔用工具或机器〕滚压 Roll the pastry as thin as you can. 把油酥面团滚压得越薄越好。roll out something/roll something out Roll the dough out to a thickness of four centimetres. 把生面团滚压成4厘米厚。 compress /kəmˈpres/ [transitive verb] to press something together, so that it takes up less space - used especially in technical contexts 压缩;压紧〔尤用于技术方面〕 Behind the factory is a machine that compresses old cars into blocks of scrap metal. 工厂后面是一台把旧汽车压成废金属块的机器。 compression /kəmˈpreʃən/ [uncountable noun] The engine's efficiency depends on the effective compression of gas in all its cylinders. 发动机的效率取决于所有汽缸内气体压缩的有效性。3 to press something to remove the liquid from it 挤压某物以除去里面的液体 squeeze /skwiːz/ [transitive verb] Squeeze the lemons and pour the juice into a jug. 榨压柠檬,把汁水倒入壶里。 Alice squeezed the wet sponge. 艾丽斯挤了挤湿漉漉的海绵。freshly squeezed orange/lemon etc juice juice that has been pressed from a fruit, and that has not had any chemicals, sugar etc added 鲜榨的橙汁/柠檬汁等 I start the day with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. 我喝一杯鲜榨的橙汁开始一天的生活。 wring out /ˌrɪŋ ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] to press and twist wet cloth or wet clothes in order to remove water from them 〔把湿布或湿衣服〕绞;拧 wring out something Would you wring out these towels and hang them up to dry? 你能否把这些毛巾绞干,再把它们晾起来?wring something/it/them out I had to take off my skirt and wring it out when I got home. 回家后,我得脱下裙子,把它拧干。

