
单词 成金色
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COLOUR〕The beach was full of bleached blondes. 海滩上全是头发染成金色的女人。朗文写作活用〔brown〕The stairs are decorated in golds and earthy browns.楼梯油漆成金色和土褐色。柯林斯高阶〔brown〕The stairs are decorated in golds and earthy browns.楼梯被装饰成金色和土褐色。外研社新世纪〔gild〕The sun gilded the great river with its splendor.太阳的光辉把大河染成金色英汉大词典〔overgild〕Morning sunlight overgilds the rooftops.晨曦把屋顶染成金色英汉大词典〔split end〕Dry, brittle hair and split ends were the unfortunate consequence of years of dyeing it peroxide blond.头发干枯易断、发梢分叉是常年把头发漂染成金色的后果。剑桥高阶〔weave〕To recreate Alexander the Great's mane of hair, the actor had blonde dye and a weave.为了再现亚历山大大帝又长又密的头发,这位演员把头发染成金色还织了发。剑桥高阶She has dyed her brown hair peroxide blonde.她把棕色头发用过氧化物染成金色剑桥国际〔à la〕She has her hair blonde and curly, à la Marilyn Monroe.她仿照玛丽莲•梦露的样子,把自己的头发弄成金色卷发。剑桥高阶

