
单词 惰性
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LAZY〕Mark thinks that the welfare system encourages laziness. 马克认为福利制度助长人的惰性朗文写作活用〔arouse from〕The lazybones must be aroused from their unwillingness to work.这些懒汉必须从不愿工作的惰性中解脱出来。21世纪英汉〔diluent〕An inert substance used to dilute.稀释剂:用于稀释的惰性物质美国传统〔entropy〕A hypothetical tendency for all matter and energy in the universe to evolve toward a state of inert uniformity.退降:宇宙中物质和能量降值惰性均匀状态的一种假设性趋势美国传统〔family〕Helium is one of the family of inert gases.氦气是惰性气体的一种。麦克米伦高阶〔inertia〕After 10 years in an unsatisfying job she overcame her inertia and went back to school.从事一份并不令人满意的工作10年之后,她克服自己的惰性心理,重新回到了学校。韦氏高阶〔inertia〕Love brought me to Liverpool and inertia kept me there.爱情把我带到了利物浦, 惰性则让我留在了那里。外研社新世纪〔inertia〕Projects were frequently abandoned through sheer inertia.项目常常纯粹因为惰性而被放弃。牛津搭配〔inertia〕The forces for change are not sufficient to overcome bureaucratic inertia.变革的力量不足以克服官僚主义惰性牛津搭配〔inertia〕The organization is stifled by bureaucratic inertia.官僚主义的惰性扼杀了这个组织。剑桥高阶〔inertia〕They failed to make a needed change in the system through sheer inertia.他们完全是因为惰性而未能对制度作出必要的变革。英汉大词典〔inertia〕This might help you overcome inertia.这可能有助于你克服惰性柯林斯高阶〔inert〕Chemistry Not readily reactive with other elements; forming few or no chemical compounds.【化学】 惰性的:与其它元素反应不活泼的;不能形成或很少能形成化合物的美国传统〔noble〕Chemistry Inactive or inert.【化学】 不活跃的或惰性美国传统〔noble〕Helium is a noble gas.氦是一种惰性气体。韦氏高阶〔noble〕Platinum is a noble metal.铂是一种惰性金属。韦氏高阶〔passive〕Chemistry Unreactive except under special or extreme conditions; inert.【化学】 不起化学反应的:只有在特殊的或极端的状态下才起化学反应的;惰性美国传统〔propellant〕A compressed inert gas, such as a fluorocarbon, that acts as a vehicle for discharging the contents of an aerosol container.压缩气体:被压缩的惰性气体,比如碳氟化合物,这种气体充当喷撒器中物质的载体美国传统〔silex〕Finely ground tripoli used as an inert paint filler.硅石:用作惰性颜料填充物的磨得很细的硅石土美国传统〔trypsinogen〕The inactive precursor of trypsin, produced by the pancreas and converted to trypsin in the small intestine by enterokinase.胰蛋白酶原:胰蛋白酶的惰性前体;由胰制造并由肠激酶在小肠内转化为胰蛋白酶美国传统Companies still benefit from the inertia which leaves insurance policies with the same companies year after year.一些公司仍从年复一年地把保险单交给同一公司的惰性中获利。剑桥国际Inert gases form one group of the periodic table.惰性气体是周期表上的一组(元素)。剑桥国际Light bulb filaments break because they oxidize -- replacing all the air with an inert gas would prevent this.灯泡的灯丝由于氧化会断开,将所有的空气换成惰性气体可以防止这种氧化现象。剑桥国际The organization is stifled by bureaucratic inertia and a failure to change to meet the needs of modern society.官僚主义的惰性及不能为满足现代社会的需要而进行变革等因素扼杀了这个组织。剑桥国际

