
单词 患病的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HAPPY〕As a clown he visits local hospitals to cheer up sick children. 身为小丑的他走访当地各家医院,为患病的儿童打气。朗文写作活用〔ILL/SICK〕Sheila spent months looking after her sick mother. 希拉几个月里一直在照顾她患病的母亲。朗文写作活用〔contact〕Visitors should avoid all contact with sick birds and only eat poultry products that have been thoroughly cooked.游客应彻底避免接触患病的禽类, 只食用完全煮熟的禽产品。外研社新世纪〔deal with sth〕Her new movie deals with the relationship between a woman and her sick daughter.她的新电影讲述的是一个女人与她患病的女儿之间发生的故事。剑桥高阶〔display〕In a remarkable display of generosity, the students gave the money they had raised for the class trip to their sick classmate.学生们把筹集的班级出游款赠给了患病的同学,表现出不同寻常的慷慨。韦氏高阶〔examination〕Further examination is needed to exclude the chance of disease.仍需进一步检查以排除患病的可能性。外研社新世纪〔examine〕Further examination is needed to exclude the chance of disease.需要进一步检查以排除患病的可能。柯林斯高阶〔froth〕The sick animal was frothing at the mouth.那只患病的动物在口吐白沫。21世纪英汉〔later〕He needed round-the-clock care in the later stages of his illness.在患病的晚期,他需要全天候的照料。剑桥高阶〔lesion〕An infected or diseased patch of skin.感染性的皮肤:一块感染或患病的皮肤美国传统〔perk〕My sick friend perked up.我那患病的朋友精神好起来了。英汉大词典〔plunge into〕She plunged at once into a description of her latest illness.她马上开始谈起她最近患病的情况。21世纪英汉〔prevalence〕Medicine The total number of cases of a disease in a given population at a specific time.【医学】 疾病的流行程度:某一特定时间里在给定数目的人群中所有患病的人数美国传统〔sickness〕The condition of being sick; illness.患病的状态;生病美国传统〔sickness〕There's a lot of sickness around this winter.今年冬天患病的人很多。剑桥高阶〔sick〕She found herself with two small children, a sick husband, and no money.她发觉自己有两个年幼的孩子和一个患病的丈夫, 却没钱养活他们。外研社新世纪〔sick〕Suffering from or affected with a physical illness; ailing.生病的:患生理疾病或受其侵袭的;患病的美国传统〔speculation〕News of the president's illness fuelled/prompted speculation that an election will be held later in the year.总统患病的消息引起了人们的猜测,认为在今年晚些时候会举行一次选举。剑桥高阶〔uncommon〕It's not uncommon for people to become ill when they travel.人们在旅行途中患病的情况很常见。剑桥高阶〔visible〕Check the plant for any visible signs of disease.检查一下这棵植物,看看有没有患病的迹象。朗文当代The disorder was once fatal in childhood but modern treatment permits many afflicted children to live into adulthood.这种疾病对儿童曾是致命的,但现代化的治疗使许多患病的儿童活到了成年。剑桥国际

