
单词 入住
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔POSSIBLE〕Is it possible to find a room in a good hotel for less than $100? 100美元之内能入住一家好的酒店吗?朗文写作活用〔PRETEND〕The man registered at a Las Vegas hotel as Dustin Hoffman, and it wasn't until he left without paying his bill that people realized he was an impostor. 那个男人在拉斯韦加斯一家酒店以达斯汀·霍夫曼的名字登记入住,直到他没付账溜走时人们才意识到他是个冒牌货。朗文写作活用〔VISIT〕We have nowhere for visitors to sleep at the moment as the spare room is being decorated. 目前客房正在装修,所以我们没有地方给客人入住朗文写作活用〔available〕Parking is available for people staying at the hotel.入住宾馆的客人有停车位。韦氏高阶〔book in/book into somewhere〕After booking into our hotel, we went straight down to the beach.登记入住酒店后,我们就径直去了海滩。剑桥高阶〔book in/book into somewhere〕As soon as she arrived in Tokyo, she booked in at her hotel.她一到东京就登记入住了酒店。剑桥高阶〔book into〕He was happy to book into the Royal Pavilion Hotel.他很高兴能入住圣庭苑酒店。外研社新世纪〔book into〕Today Mahoney booked himself into one of the best hotels in Sydney.今天, 马奥尼登记入住了悉尼最豪华的一家酒店。外研社新世纪〔book in〕He was happy to book into the Royal Pavilion Hotel.他很高兴能入住圣庭苑酒店。柯林斯高阶〔book in〕The three men stayed at two hotels in Nottingham, booking in at one the day before the crime.这3个人住在诺丁汉的两家旅馆里,而且都是在案发的前一天登记入住柯林斯高阶〔book in〕They booked in at a cheap hotel.他们在一家便宜旅馆登记入住外研社新世纪〔book in〕Today Mahoney booked himself into one of the best hotels in Sydney.今天,马奥尼自己到悉尼最好的一家旅馆办理了入住手续。柯林斯高阶〔book sb in/book sb into sth〕I've booked you in at the Savoy.我已经安排你入住萨伏伊旅馆。剑桥高阶〔book sb in/book sb into sth〕They've booked us into the hotel in the main square.他们已经安排我们入住主广场的酒店。剑桥高阶〔book〕I'd just arrived at the conference and hadn't had time to book in.我刚刚到达,还没来得及办理入住登记手续。麦克米伦高阶〔book〕Several tourists were booking in.有几名游客正在办理入住手续。朗文当代〔boutique hotel〕You will stay in a contemporary boutique hotel on the beach in South Sands bay.你在南沙湾会入住一家海滨精品酒店。剑桥高阶〔breaking and entering〕The thief was arrested and charged with breaking and entering.窃贼被逮捕,被指控非法侵入住宅。韦氏高阶〔celebrity〕The hotel is well known for its celebrity guests.这家饭店因有明星入住而闻名遐迩。麦克米伦高阶〔check into〕We checked into a hotel.我们入住了一家酒店。韦氏高阶〔check in〕Check us in at the hotel and wait for my call.去宾馆替我们办理好入住手续,然后等我的电话。柯林斯高阶〔check in〕Check us in at the hotel and wait for my call.帮我们办理旅馆的入住手续并等我的电话。外研社新世纪〔check in〕Guests cannot check in before 4:00 PM.客人下午4点前不能办理入住手续。韦氏高阶〔check in〕I'll ring the hotel. I'll tell them we'll check in tomorrow.我会给旅馆打电话, 告诉他们我们明天入住外研社新世纪〔check in〕I'll ring the hotel. I'll tell them we'll check in tomorrow.我来给旅馆打电话,通知他们我们明天入住柯林斯高阶〔check〕Have you checked in yet? 你办理完入住手续了吗?麦克米伦高阶〔check〕He checked in at the Europa Hotel.他在欧罗巴酒店登记入住朗文当代〔check〕We won't be able to check into the hotel until 3 o'clock.我们要到下午3点才能办理酒店的入住手续。麦克米伦高阶〔check〕We've checked in at the hotel.我们已经在旅馆登记入住牛津高阶〔clerk〕The clerk checked us in and gave us our key.接待员给我们办理了入住手续,然后给了我们钥匙。剑桥高阶〔connect〕Your flight arrives at 12.30, when it connects with a bus service to your hotel.您的航班10点半到达,那儿有联运长途客车到您入住的酒店。剑桥高阶〔crash〕I was exhausted after the long flight, so I just checked into the hotel and crashed.长途飞行之后我精疲力竭,入住旅店后倒头便睡了。韦氏高阶〔date〕You will need to give the dates you wish to stay and the number of rooms you require.需要提供想要入住的起止日期以及所需的房间数目。柯林斯高阶〔date〕You will need to give the dates you wish to stay.需要提供想要入住的起止日期。外研社新世纪〔desk〕We went to the reception desk to check into our room.我们去接待处办理入住手续。韦氏高阶〔drink〕You will be offered a welcome drink on arrival at the hotel.入住后酒店会送上迎宾酒水。牛津搭配〔entrance〕Reporters even managed to gain entrance to her hotel.记者们甚至设法得到了进入她入住的那家酒店的许可。朗文当代〔essential〕There is essential work to be done before the building can be re-occupied.这座楼在重新入住前必须进行必要的维修。剑桥高阶〔false〕He registered at the hotel under a false name.他入住酒店登记的是假名。韦氏高阶〔flat〕Our flat is one of the two occupied in the block.这栋住宅楼中两套有人入住,我们的是其中一套。牛津搭配〔habitable〕A lot of improvements would have to be made before the building was habitable.这座大楼在可以入住之前还需要进行大量的修缮工作。剑桥高阶〔hoist〕Hoisting my suitcase on to my shoulder, I turned and headed toward my hotel.我把手提箱扛到肩上,转身向入住的旅馆走去。柯林斯高阶〔hoist〕Hoisting my suitcase on to my shoulder, I turned and headed toward my hotel.我把行李箱扛到肩上, 转身朝入住的旅馆走去。外研社新世纪〔home invasion〕Burglary of a dwelling while the residents are at home.住宅入侵:当住户在家时闯入住宅盗窃美国传统〔hotel〕They checked into a cheap hotel.他们入住了一家便宜的宾馆。朗文当代〔hotel〕We checked into the hotel, then went for a walk along the beachfront.我们办好旅馆入住手续后就去海滩散步了。牛津搭配〔hyped up〕We were both so hyped up about buying the house, we could not wait to get in there.我们俩买房子时激动无比, 迫不及待地想要入住外研社新世纪〔influx〕The hotel has received a large influx of guests.这家旅馆入住客流较大。牛津搭配〔matted〕The rest of the women entered the dwelling and sat on the matted floor.其余的女士进入住所, 坐在铺着毯子的地板上。外研社新世纪〔occupancy〕Construction begins this month, and occupancy is scheduled for next August.本月开始动工建设, 预定明年8月入住外研社新世纪〔occupancy〕Current occupancy levels must be sustained with aggressive marketing if Brisbane's top hotels are to survive.布里斯班的高级酒店想要生存下来的话, 就必须通过积极的市场营销来维持当前的入住水平。外研社新世纪〔occupancy〕Hotel occupancy has been as low as 40%.酒店入住率最低达到40%。柯林斯高阶〔occupancy〕Hotel occupancy is down to 40%.酒店入住率降到了40%。外研社新世纪〔occupancy〕Hotels in Tokyo enjoy over 90% occupancy.东京的旅馆入住率高达 90%以上。朗文当代〔occupancy〕Tour operators report low occupancy rates.旅游业经营者反映客房入住率低。外研社新世纪〔occupancy〕Tour operators report low occupancy rates.旅游业经营者反映客房入住率低。柯林斯高阶〔occupation〕The development will not be available for occupation until the summer.这一开发项目要到夏天才能入住外研社新世纪〔occupation〕The following applies only to tenants in occupation after January 1 2010.以下规定仅适用于从 2010 年 1 月 1 日起入住的房客。牛津高阶〔occupation〕The houses will be ready for occupation by March.这些房子 3 月份便可入住牛津搭配〔occupation〕The new homes will be ready for occupation in August.这些新房子8月份就可以入住了。麦克米伦高阶〔occupy〕The building was purchased and occupied by its new owners last year.这幢大楼去年被新房主买下并入住了。朗文当代〔oversell〕Hotels routinely oversell their rooms, expecting a small percentage of no-shows.预计有少部分预订但不入住的情况,宾馆一般都会超售客房。韦氏高阶〔owner〕New owners will have to wait until September before moving in.新业主要等到9月份才能入住柯林斯高阶〔prorate〕The rental will be prorated if occupancy does not begin on the first day of the month.如果房客不是月初入住的话,租金将按比例计算。剑桥高阶〔reduction〕Guests staying 14 nights will receive a 10% reduction.入住 14 天的客人可享有 10% 的优惠。牛津搭配〔register〕First, you need to register at the reception desk.首先, 你需要在前台登记入住外研社新世纪〔register〕We registered at the hotel.我们在酒店登记入住韦氏高阶〔scatter-site〕Relating to or being publicly funded low-income housing units scattered throughout middle-income residential areas.分散的住房建筑:分散在中收入居民地,由公众投资或与之有关的低收入住房单位美国传统〔specify〕All residences provide accommodation for both man and women, unless otherwise specified.所有寓所男性和女性均可入住, 除非另有说明。外研社新世纪〔supplement〕Single rooms are available at a supplement.入住单间需支付附加费。牛津搭配〔turn〕At every turn smoke and flame stopped efforts to get into the living quarters.到处是烟雾和火焰,根本无法进入住处。柯林斯高阶〔unashamed〕We then checked into the hotel for a weekend of unashamed luxury.我们随后入住宾馆,无所顾忌地享受了一个奢侈周末。剑桥高阶I arrived at ten and booked straight into a hotel.我十点到达后直接前往旅馆登记入住牛津商务No-shows are a problem for hotel managers.预订了房间而不来入住的客人对酒店经理而言是个难题。牛津商务Our room occupancy rate is high.我们的客房入住率很高。牛津商务Revenue per available room is the key benchmark in the hotels sector.每间可供入住房间的收入是酒店业的基准尺度。牛津商务The robber used force to get into the house. 强盗使用暴力强行进入住宅。译典通There is essential work to be done before the building can be re-occupied.重新入住楼房之前有些必要的事待做。剑桥国际Toyota's diversification into housing and telecommunications 丰田进入住房和通讯领域的业务多样化牛津商务

