
单词 公民身份
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COUNTRY〕After five years in the US, foreign nationals can apply for full US citizenship. 在美国居住五年后,外国侨民可以申请美国公民身份朗文写作活用〔COUNTRY〕Krebs was granted French citizenship in 1992. 1992年,克雷布斯正式取得法国公民身份朗文写作活用〔automatically〕Israel offers automatic citizenship to all Jews who want it.以色列为所有希望获得公民身份的犹太人敞开大门。柯林斯高阶〔citizen's arrest〕An arrest made by a citizen, for whom legal authority arises from the fact of citizenship, rather than by an officer of the law.公民的逮捕权:公民所进行的逮捕,其合法权力源于具有公民身份的事实而不是法律的执行者美国传统〔citizenship〕He renounced his U.S. citizenship and moved to Canada.他放弃美国公民身份,移居加拿大。英汉大词典〔citizenship〕I have applied for French citizenship.我已经申请了法国公民身份朗文当代〔citizenship〕Mary has dual British and American citizenship.双重公民身份麦克米伦高阶〔citizenship〕Only people who can trace their family history in Kuwait back before 1920 are entitled to citizenship.只有在科威特的家族史可以追溯到1920年以前的人才有资格获得公民身份外研社新世纪〔citizenship〕The Israeli Law of Return confers Israeli citizenship on any Jew.以色列《回归法》授予每个犹太人以色列公民身份牛津搭配〔deport〕He was arrested, deprived of his citizenship, and then forcibly deported.他被逮捕, 剥夺了公民身份, 之后又被强制流放。外研社新世纪〔incubus〕Joyce regarded his US citizenship as a moral and political incubus.乔伊斯认为他的美国公民身份在道德上和政治上是很大的负担。朗文当代〔naturalization〕No one expects the Baltic states to naturalise young Russian soldiers, but army pensioners can be given citizenship.没人期待波罗的海各国会让年轻的俄罗斯士兵加入其国籍,但领取抚恤金的军人可获得公民身份柯林斯高阶〔prerequisite〕Citizenship is a prerequisite for voting.公民身份是参与投票选举的前提。韦氏高阶〔reclaim〕In 1986, they got the right to reclaim South African citizenship.1986年,他们取得了恢复南非公民身份的权利。柯林斯高阶〔take away〕They're going to take my citizenship away.他们要剥夺我的公民身份外研社新世纪〔unless〕They can't vote unless they have French citizenship.如果他们没有法国公民身份, 就不能投票。外研社新世纪

