
单词 品目
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AFTER〕You'll find a reference number after each item in the catalogue. 产品目录上每件商品之后都有一个编号。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕His work-in-progress is currently showing at the Guildhall in Manchester. 他的未完成作品目前正在曼彻斯特的大会堂展出。朗文写作活用〔available〕Our autumn catalogue is now available from our usual stockists.秋季商品目录现已推出,请到我们公司零售处索取。剑桥高阶〔bibliography〕A list of the works of a specific author or publisher.书目,目录索引:某一作者或出版商的作品目美国传统〔bibliography〕A list of writings used or considered by an author in preparing a particular work.作者参考书目:某一作者在准备某一著作时用到或参考的作品目美国传统〔bite-sized〕There are a lot more bite-sized lists and snippets of writing.还有更多简短的作品目录及片段。外研社新世纪〔catalogue〕A brilliant essay on this subject is included in the exhibition catalogue.展品目录中收录了一篇有关这一主题的精彩文章。外研社新世纪〔catalogue〕I got a catalogue from one of the big department stores.我拿到了一家大型百货店的商品目录。外研社新世纪〔catalogue〕The gallery produced a catalogue of young artists.美术馆制作了年轻艺术家们的作品目录。牛津搭配〔catalogue〕The gallery produced a catalogue of young artists.美术馆制作了年轻艺术家的作品目录。牛津搭配〔crony〕The general and his cronies are now awaiting trial for drug smuggling.将军和他的亲信因走私毒品目前正在等待受审。剑桥高阶〔die〕There are some hats in the catalogue that are absolutely to die for.商品目录里有些帽子漂亮得要命。外研社新世纪〔forward〕We will be forwarding our new catalogue to you next week.我们将于下星期给你寄上新的商品目录。牛津高阶〔forward〕We will be forwarding you our new catalogue next week.我们将于下星期给你寄上新的商品目录。牛津高阶〔house〕The collection is currently housed in the British Museum.该藏品目前被大英博物馆收藏。朗文当代〔identity〕His identity was stolen and used to purchase goods from a catalogue.有人盗用他的身份从商品目录中购买物品。牛津搭配〔inquire〕Several people have been inquiring for the new catalogue.好几个人曾来索取新的商品目录。英汉大词典〔mail order〕The products are currently being offered for sale by mail order.这些产品目前正在以邮购方式销售。外研社新世纪〔mailing list〕He asked the company to put him on their mailing list so that he could receive their catalog.他让那家公司把他列入邮寄名单,这样他就能收到他们的商品目录了。韦氏高阶〔model〕She got a job modeling shoes for a catalog company.她找到了一份工作,为一家商品目录制作公司做鞋模。韦氏高阶〔notice〕The prices in this catalogue are subject to change without notice.本商品目录所列价格随时可能调整,不另行通知。英汉大词典〔perforate〕The edge of the order blank in the catalog was perforated so that it could be torn out easily.商品目录中空白订单的边沿打有孔眼线,便于撕下。英汉大词典〔present〕The item you want is not available at present.您想要的那件商品目前没有货。朗文当代〔refer〕Please refer to our catalogue for details of all our products.对于本公司所有产品的详细情况请查阅商品目录。麦克米伦高阶〔repurpose〕We put a lot of material up on our website simply by repurposing our existing catalog.我们在网站上放了很多东西,就是把现有的产品目录改了个新的用途。朗文当代〔run through sth〕We ran through the list, but none of the machines seemed any good.我们浏览了一下商品目录,但那些机器好像都不太好。剑桥高阶〔select〕You can select goods from our catalogue.您可从我们的商品目录中挑选商品。牛津搭配〔send away for〕She used to send away for pretty clothes out of mail-order catalogues.她过去常写信邮购产品目录上的漂亮衣服。外研社新世纪〔send away for〕The catalogue will be posted if you send away for.商品目录函索即付。21世纪英汉〔send for〕Send for our free product catalog.派人去取我们免费的产品目录。韦氏高阶〔send〕I've sent away for some things that I saw in the catalogue.在商品目录上见到的一些东西我已去函邮购了。英汉大词典〔testimonial〕The catalogue is full of testimonials from satisfied customers.这份商品目录满篇皆是称心顾客的赞辞。牛津高阶〔traipse〕If traipsing around shops does not appeal to you, perhaps using a catalogue will.如果不愿逛商店逛得腰酸腿疼,也许您会愿意使用商品目录。柯林斯高阶〔whet〕A really good catalogue can also whet customers' appetites for merchandise.一份真正好的商品目录也可以激起顾客购买的欲望。柯林斯高阶〔whet〕A really good catalogue can also whet customers' appetites for merchandise.一份非常好的商品目录也可以激起顾客的购买欲望。外研社新世纪〔write〕I've written off for the catalogue.我已去函索取商品目录。牛津高阶As catalogues use sale by description, the law requires that their descriptions are accurate.因为商品目录上的货品是凭说明出售,所以法律要求对这些货物的说明必须准确。牛津商务As price leaders, whatever prices they charge for toys and games in their catalogue will be followed by the rest of the market.作为领头定价者,无论对商品目录中的玩具和游戏如何定价,市场上其他参与者都会跟随。牛津商务In the gardening catalogue I saw several articles that I wanted to buy.在园艺用品目录中,我看到好几样我想买的物品。剑桥国际Many small businesses order their office furniture, sight unseen, through catalogues.许多小企业都通过看产品目录订购办公家具,而事先不看现货。牛津商务Our autumn catalogue is now available from our usual stockists.本公司现备有秋季商品目录,请向本公司常年供应代理商索取。剑桥国际She ran up a huge bill with a mail-order catalogue.她累积了大笔邮购商品目录的账单。牛津商务The catalogue is full of testimonials from satisfied customers.这份产品目录满篇都是顾客的赞辞。牛津商务The company sells home furnishings through/via an online catalogue.公司通过网上产品目录出售家居陈设用品。牛津商务The new catalogue will open up the market for our products.这本新的商品目录将会为我们的产品打开市场。牛津商务The store sent us a new catalog of its merchandise. 商店寄给我们一份新的商品目录。译典通They sell household goods door to door and through catalogues.他们通过上门推销和寄送商品目录来销售家庭用品。牛津商务We mail a new catalogue to our customers every year.我们每年向客户邮寄新的产品目录。牛津商务We mail our customers a new catalogue every year.我们每年向客户邮寄新的产品目录。牛津商务We will be forwarding our new catalogue to you next week.我们下星期会给你寄新的商品目录。牛津商务You can look through the catalogue, make a selection and pay online.您可查看商品目录,选择商品后进行在线支付。牛津商务

