
单词 嘲弄
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HIGH〕He mocked her by repeating what she said in a high, childish voice. 他嘲弄她,用一种稚嫩的高音模仿她说的话。朗文写作活用〔Hudibrastic〕Of or relating to a style of satirical or mock-heroic verse composed in rhymed iambic pentameter couplets.休迪布拉斯风格的:用五音步抑扬格压韵对句写成的讽刺诗或嘲弄英雄诗体风格的、或与这种风格有关的美国传统〔Momus〕The god of blame and ridicule.莫摩斯:非难指责与嘲弄之神美国传统〔a travesty of justice〕The trial was a travesty of justice.这场审判是对正义的嘲弄韦氏高阶〔bait〕She loves to bait him about his vanity.她喜欢嘲弄他的虚荣。英汉大词典〔butt〕She was the butt of some very unkind jokes.她受到了刻薄的嘲弄牛津高阶〔cucking stool〕An instrument of punishment no longer in use, consisting of a chair in which the offender was tied and exposed to public derision or ducked in water.马桶椅:现已被废弃的一种刑具,由一把椅子组成,犯法者被绑于其上让众人嘲弄或浸入水中美国传统〔dalliance〕It turned out to be his last dalliance with the education system.这一次竟成了他对教育体制最后的嘲弄牛津高阶〔degree〕His tone was a degree less bantering now.他的语气现在稍稍变得不那么嘲弄人了。英汉大词典〔deride〕Opposition MPs derided the Government's response to the crisis.反对党议员嘲弄政府针对危机作出的反应。柯林斯高阶〔derision〕Contemptuous or jeering laughter; ridicule.嘲笑:轻蔑的,嘲弄的笑容;嘲弄美国传统〔derision〕He became an object of universal derision.他成了众人嘲弄的对象。牛津高阶〔derisively〕There was a short, derisive laugh.有人短促、嘲弄地笑了一声。柯林斯高阶〔derisive〕Mocking; jeering.嘲笑的;嘲弄美国传统〔derisory〕Expressing derision; derisive.(因无用、无效或数目不足)受人嘲笑的:表示为嘲笑的;嘲弄美国传统〔expression〕The expression “to make fun of” means “to ridicule.” 短语to make fun of意为“嘲笑、嘲弄”。韦氏高阶〔fleer〕A taunting, scoffing, or derisive look or gibe.嘲笑:奚落的、嘲笑的或嘲弄的表情或笑美国传统〔fleer〕To smirk or laugh in contempt or derision.嘲笑:轻蔑或嘲弄地假笑或笑美国传统〔gibbet〕To expose to infamy or public ridicule.暴露以出丑或当众嘲弄美国传统〔gibe〕To deride with taunting remarks.讲嘲弄的话取笑美国传统〔gutter press〕The gutter press has held the royals up to ridicule.低俗小报将王室成员作为嘲弄的对象。外研社新世纪〔guy〕Ali G guyed celebrities on his show.阿里克在节目中嘲弄了一众名流。外研社新世纪〔hint〕I glanced at her and saw no hint of irony on her face.我瞥了她一眼,没有在她的脸上看到一丝嘲弄柯林斯高阶〔howl〕The candidate was howled down at the town meeting.在镇上的集会中,候选人的声音被嘲弄的喧嚷声淹没了美国传统〔ironic〕At the most solemn moments he will flash a mocking smile or make an ironic remark.在最庄严的时刻他脸上会闪现嘲弄的微笑或说一句讽刺挖苦的话。柯林斯高阶〔irony〕It was one of life's little ironies.那是生活中的一个小小的嘲弄牛津高阶〔irony〕That's just one of life's little ironies.那不过是生活的一个小小的嘲弄而已。韦氏高阶〔irony〕The situation has its ironies.这局面本身颇带几分嘲弄的意味。英汉大词典〔jeer〕The young painter's works were jeered at at first,but later they proved to be very valuable.那位年轻画家的作品起初受到嘲弄,但后来事实证明那些作品是非常有价值的。21世纪英汉〔jibe〕He jibed repeatedly at the errors they had made.他一而再、再而三地嘲弄他们所犯的错误。牛津高阶〔laughingstock〕An object of jokes or ridicule; a butt.笑柄:玩笑或嘲弄的对象;抨击的对象美国传统〔let〕The children teased Frank, but he smiled and let it go.孩子们嘲弄弗兰克,但他只是付之一笑,不加理会。英汉大词典〔make a mockery of sth〕Behaviour like this makes a mockery of professional sport.这样的行为是对职业体育的嘲弄剑桥高阶〔make a mockery of〕The judge's decisions have made a mockery of the legal system.这位法官的判决是对司法制度的嘲弄韦氏高阶〔mockery〕His kind of personality invites mockery.他那种个性易遭嘲弄韦氏高阶〔mockery〕If he succeeds, it will make a mockery of parliamentary democracy.如果他取得胜利, 那将是对议会民主的嘲弄外研社新世纪〔mockery〕There was a tone of mockery in his voice.他的声音里带着嘲弄外研社新世纪〔mockery〕This action makes a mockery of the Government's continuing protestations of concern.这一行动是对一再声明表示关注的政府的嘲弄柯林斯高阶〔mock〕She mocked him with her smile.她对他嘲弄地微微一笑。牛津搭配〔mock〕The act of mocking.嘲弄嘲弄的行为美国传统〔mock〕They mocked at the idea.他们嘲弄这个主意美国传统〔more〕This is no more no less than a travesty of justice.这完全是对法律的嘲弄外研社新世纪〔needle〕His classmates needled him about his new haircut.他的同学嘲弄他的新发型。韦氏高阶〔parodiable〕All these peculiarities of his style have been parodied by his assailants.他的所有这些风格特征都受到攻击者模仿嘲弄21世纪英汉〔parody〕All these peculiarities of his style have been parodied by his assailants.他的所有这些风格特征都受到攻击者模仿嘲弄英汉大词典〔parody〕The trial was a parody of justice.那次审判是对正义的嘲弄牛津高阶〔persiflage〕Light good-natured talk; banter.嘲弄,说笑:轻松和善的谈话;开玩笑美国传统〔piss-take〕The record is a piss-take of people who have a high opinion of themselves.那张唱片是对自视甚高者的嘲弄模仿。朗文当代〔play at〕When Jack made that remark, he meant merely to play at her.杰克讲那句话,只是想嘲弄她。21世纪英汉〔poke〕Her novels poke fun at the upper class.她的小说嘲弄上流社会。牛津高阶〔rag〕She was about thirty, ten years older than the youngsters ragging her.她大概有30岁,比那些嘲弄她的年轻人大10岁。柯林斯高阶〔razz〕A raspberry sound; a Bronx cheer.轻蔑声:表示瞧不起的声音,表示嘲弄的起哄美国传统〔razz〕Konrad was getting the razz in school about being German.康拉德在求学时因自己是个德国人而不断受到嘲弄英汉大词典〔rehabilitate〕His candidacy has divided the party; while most have scorned him, others have sought to rehabilitate him.他的候选资格使该党出现分化;其中大多数人都嘲弄他,而另外一些人则想办法为他恢复名誉。柯林斯高阶〔rib〕Slang A teasing remark or action; a joke.【俚语】 嘲弄嘲弄的评论或行为;玩笑美国传统〔ridicule〕He's become an object of ridicule (= a person that everyone thinks is stupid and criticizes or laughs at).他成了众人嘲弄的对象。剑桥高阶〔ridicule〕I admired her all the more for allowing them to ridicule her and never striking back.她任由他们嘲弄却从不反击, 这使我对她越发敬佩。外研社新世纪〔ridicule〕The process of judicial selection was held up to ridicule.法官的遴选过程受到了众人的嘲弄外研社新世纪〔rise〕Just ignore his teasing you — he's just trying to take a rise out of you.你别理他对你的嘲弄,他就是有意要惹你恼火。英汉大词典〔satirical〕His smile was satirical.他的笑容嘲弄人。英汉大词典〔scoff〕Marco Polo was scoffed at.马可·波罗曾受嘲弄英汉大词典〔scoff〕To mock at or treat with derision.嘲笑或嘲弄美国传统〔scout〕To treat another with derision; scoff.嘲弄,嘲笑:以嘲笑对待他人;嘲弄美国传统〔seethe〕She grinned derisively while I seethed with rage.我怒火中烧,她却嘲弄地咧着嘴笑。柯林斯高阶〔self-parody〕By the end of his life, Presley's vocals often descended close to self-parody.在人生的最后阶段,猫王普雷斯利的歌曲大不如前,通常近乎于自我嘲弄柯林斯高阶〔send〕The film hilariously sends up Hollywood disaster movies.这部电影把好莱坞的灾难片令人捧腹地嘲弄了一番。朗文当代〔sling off at〕He is the man at whom every one would sling off in this town.在这个小镇中,他是大家的嘲弄对象。21世纪英汉〔subject〕They quickly developed a hatred for a society which subjected them to ridicule.他们很快对这个令他们遭到嘲弄的社会生出一种恨意。外研社新世纪〔target〕The President is a favourite / favorite target of comedians.总统是喜剧演员热衷的嘲弄对象。牛津搭配〔taunt〕A gang taunted a disabled man.一伙小混混嘲弄一个残疾人。外研社新世纪〔taunt〕A scornful remark or tirade; a jeer.嘲弄的话或长篇的激烈言辞;嘲弄美国传统〔taunt〕He taunted her with details of her personal life.他拿她私生活的细节对她进行嘲弄外研社新世纪〔taunt〕They taunted him with the nickname 'Fatso'.他们嘲弄他,给他起个绰号叫“胖子”。朗文当代〔taunt〕When will players learn that racist taunts are simply not acceptable?运动员何时才能明白种族主义嘲弄是完全不可接受的?外研社新世纪〔tease〕He teases him mercilessly, but with affection.他虽毫不留情地嘲弄他, 却对他心存好感。外研社新世纪〔tease〕The best way to deal with a tease is to ignore him.对付嘲弄你的人, 最好的方法就是置之不理。外研社新世纪〔teasing〕He's big enough to handle the teasing.他长大了, 能应对人们的嘲弄外研社新世纪〔teasing〕There was a teasing note in his voice.他话音里有嘲弄的意味。外研社新世纪〔thick-skinned〕He was thick-skinned enough to cope with her taunts.他脸皮厚,不怕她嘲弄柯林斯高阶〔thumb〕To express scorn or ridicule by or as if by placing the thumb on the nose and wiggling the fingers.作蔑视的手势:把或似把拇指放在鼻子上并摆动其它手指以表示批评或嘲弄美国传统〔tone〕A suggestion of mockery coloured his tone.他说话时略微流露出嘲弄的口吻。英汉大词典〔travesty〕Langdale described the court ruling as a travesty of justice.兰代尔把法庭的裁决描述为对司法的嘲弄剑桥高阶〔travesty〕The trial was a travesty of justice.这一审判是对正义的嘲弄牛津高阶〔trifle〕To act, perform, or speak with little seriousness or purpose; jest.嘲弄:轻率无礼的行事,说话;取笑,开玩笑美国传统〔twit〕You shouldn't have twitted her about her looks.你不该嘲弄她的长相。英汉大词典〔utter〕Seagulls were flying overhead uttering their mocking cry.海鸥在上空飞翔,发出嘲弄般的鸣叫声。麦克米伦高阶〔vulnerable〕He is vulnerable to ridicule.他对嘲弄很敏感。英汉大词典〔wag〕She wagged a finger under his nose in a taunting gesture.她当着他的面嘲弄地摇晃着手指。柯林斯高阶〔wipe〕Informal A jeer; a gibe.【非正式用语】 嘲弄,讥笑美国传统By taking bribes the judge made a burlesque of his high office. 那位法官受了贿赂,嘲弄了自己的高位。译典通He was teased by his classmates for not wearing the proper school uniform.他因为没有穿正规的校服而遭到同班同学的嘲弄剑桥国际His bullying made a mock of all the fine things he said about kindness to others. 他那恃强欺弱的行为对于他所说的待人友善的漂亮言词是一个嘲弄译典通It was Oscar Wilde who made the famous quip about life, in the end, mimicking art.正是奥斯卡·王尔德说出了关于生活的妙语--实际上是嘲弄艺术。剑桥国际The idea of democracy has more believers than scoffers.对于民主的思想,信奉者多于嘲弄者。剑桥国际The two team-mates exchanged handshakes and badinage for a group of photographers.这两个队员在一群摄影师面前握手之后相互嘲弄了一番。剑桥国际Their ridicule stung him into making a sharp reply. 他们的嘲弄刺激他作出了尖刻的回答。译典通They always make fun of Mr. Smith. 他们总是嘲弄史密斯先生。译典通They taunted him into taking the dare. 他们嘲弄得他接受挑战。译典通They were gibbeted in the press. 他们在报纸上受到公开嘲弄译典通University freshmen get lots of razzing, but they like the initiation. 大一新生受各种嘲弄,但是他们对这种入门经验甘之如饴。译典通

