
单词 弟弟
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALWAYS〕My brother is almost always late. 我弟弟几乎每次都要迟到。朗文写作活用〔As is the case〕As it happens, I know his brother. [=I happen to know his brother] 我碰巧认识他弟弟韦氏高阶〔CATCH〕Ted caught the ball and threw it back to his brother. 特德接住球,把它扔回给弟弟朗文写作活用〔COPY〕As the eldest in the family, she was expected to be an example to her younger brothers and sisters. 作为家里的老大,她应该为弟弟妹妹作个榜样。朗文写作活用〔DECIDE〕I haven't decided what I'm going to get my brother for his birthday. 我还未决定弟弟生日该给他买什么。朗文写作活用〔DISLIKE〕Your brother's got something against me. God knows what. 你弟弟不喜欢我,天知道是什么原因。朗文写作活用〔FRIEND〕Julie's nice, but I don't really get on with her brother. 朱莉很不错,但我和她弟弟不太投契。朗文写作活用〔ILL/SICK〕Clare was more active than her brother, who had always been a delicate child. 克莱尔比她的弟弟活跃,他一向体弱多病。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕My brother ran away to South America to escape his debts. 我弟弟逃到了南美去躲债。朗文写作活用〔NEW〕My brother's just bought a brand new BMW. 我弟弟刚买了一辆崭新的宝马。朗文写作活用〔OWN〕A stranger who said he was my father's brother had arrived to lay claim to his fortune. 一个自称是我父亲弟弟的陌生人来了,声称对父亲的财产有继承权。朗文写作活用〔REMEMBER〕It's about a woman who is forced to relive her past when she discovers her long-lost brother. 它讲的是一个女人在找到了失散已久的弟弟后,不得不把过去的经历重新回忆起来的故事。朗文写作活用〔USE〕Older brothers and sisters often take advantage of the younger children in a family. 大哥哥大姐姐经常会欺负家里的小弟弟小妹妹。朗文写作活用〔ache〕Sarah ached with sadness that her brother was so ill.弟弟病得很重,萨拉忧心忡忡。朗文当代〔act〕My brother speaks French – he can act as interpreter.我弟弟说法语,他可以充当翻译。朗文当代〔anger〕In a moment of anger he hit his kid brother.他一时怒起,打了他的小弟弟英汉大词典〔apologize〕I think you should apologize to your brother.我觉得你应该给你弟弟赔个不是。朗文当代〔approbation〕Julian Lloyd Webber thinks his brother would like the approbation of serious critics.朱利安·劳埃德·韦伯认为, 他弟弟希望获得严肃批评家的认可。外研社新世纪〔bereavement〕When Mary died Anne did not share her brother's sense of bereavement.玛丽去世后,安妮并没有像她弟弟那样哀痛。柯林斯高阶〔bloody〕He punched his brother and bloodied his nose.他给了弟弟一拳, 打得他鼻子流血了。外研社新世纪〔both〕Both his younger brothers are teachers.他的两个弟弟都是教师。英汉大词典〔call〕My brother called me from Spain last night.我弟弟昨晚从西班牙给我打电话来了。牛津高阶〔carouse〕My brother and his friends went out carousing last night.昨晚,弟弟和他的朋友们出去饮酒作乐了。韦氏高阶〔chum〕He chummed with my little brother in Beijing University.他与我的弟弟在北京大学住在一间寝室里。21世纪英汉〔claw〕His face was badly clawed by his little brother.他的脸被小弟弟抓坏了。21世纪英汉〔comparison〕He was a loud friendly man. In comparison, his brother was rather shy.他是个热情的大嗓门,相比之下他弟弟就比较腼腆。朗文当代〔cue〕Their youngest brother was nine when he picked up a cue for the first time.他们最小的弟弟第一次玩台球时才9岁。外研社新世纪〔deeply〕He loved his brother deeply.他深爱自己的弟弟柯林斯高阶〔diametrical〕He's the diametrical opposite of his brother.他和他的弟弟截然不同。牛津高阶〔errand〕She made her brother run some little errands for her.他让弟弟帮他跑腿办些小事。牛津搭配〔expel〕My brother was expelled from school for bad behaviour.我弟弟因为行为不端被学校开除了。剑桥高阶〔feckless〕Alice's feckless younger brother 艾丽斯没出息的弟弟朗文当代〔forget〕In the excitement I forgot all about my little brother.我兴奋得完全忘了我弟弟牛津搭配〔girlhood〕She had shared responsibility for her brother since girlhood.她还是个小女孩时就开始分担照顾弟弟的责任了。外研社新世纪〔hand〕Tell your little brother to keep his hands off my car.告诉你的小弟弟别碰我的汽车。朗文当代〔have nothing on sb or sth〕He's a good player, but he's got nothing on his brother.他是个不错的运动员,但是没有他弟弟优秀。剑桥高阶〔head case〕Her brother's a real head case.她的弟弟真是神经兮兮的。韦氏高阶〔hopeless〕My brother was always pretty hopeless at ball games.我弟弟对球类游戏一直很不在行。朗文当代〔humdinger〕My brother and sister had a humdinger of a row last night.我弟弟和我妹妹昨晚大吵了一场。剑桥高阶〔jokey〕Bruno has not got his younger brother's jokey manner.布鲁诺还无法理解他弟弟诙谐的举止。柯林斯高阶〔jumble up〕John and his brother is so much alike that I jumble them up.约翰和他弟弟如此之相像,以至于我把他们混淆起来了。21世纪英汉〔junior〕My brother is five years my junior.我弟弟比我小5岁。剑桥高阶〔kind〕You and your brother are two of a kind.你和你弟弟是同一类人。朗文当代〔lack〕She has the determination that her brother lacks.她有决心,而她弟弟却没有。牛津高阶〔little〕Her little brother and sister were fighting again.她的弟弟和妹妹又在打架了。朗文当代〔loony〕Her brother's a complete loony.她的弟弟是个十足的疯子。朗文当代〔machine〕My younger brother is an eating machine.我弟弟就是个吃货。韦氏高阶〔mistake〕He was often mistaken for his brother.人们常把他误认作他弟弟外研社新世纪〔mix〕I always mix him up with his brother. They look so much alike.我总是把他和他弟弟弄混,他们长得太像了。朗文当代〔nasty〕Don't be so nasty to your brother - he's four years younger than you! 别对你弟弟这么凶——他可比你小4岁!剑桥高阶〔on/from the sidelines〕She could only watch from the sidelines as her brother's health deteriorated.她只能眼睁睁地看着弟弟的身体垮下去。剑桥高阶〔owe〕I owe my brother $50.我欠我弟弟 50 美元。朗文当代〔pack ... off〕Pack these books off to your brother.把这些书寄给你弟弟21世纪英汉〔pinch〕My little brother is always trying to pinch me.我的小弟弟老是想拧我。韦氏高阶〔pinch〕We have to stop her pinching her baby brother.我们必须制止她掐她还是婴儿的弟弟朗文当代〔put ... on〕For one reason or another,he was pushed off the ticket and his brother was put on.由于某种原因,从候选人名单中取消了他,而放上了他弟弟的名字。21世纪英汉〔ran〕Tom's little brother ran third in the 100-metre race.汤姆的小弟弟在百米赛跑中跑第三。21世纪英汉〔reasonably〕I did reasonably well at school but nowhere near as well as my sister or brother.我的学习成绩还不错,但和我的弟弟妹妹没法比。剑桥高阶〔ruffle up〕His little brother ruffled up the bed every day.他的小弟弟每天把床铺弄得乱七八糟。21世纪英汉〔rummage〕He rummaged about among old papers and found his brother's letter.他在旧文件堆里翻找,终于找到弟弟的来信。21世纪英汉〔save〕Little is known about his early life, save that he had a brother.除了知道他有个弟弟外,对他的早期生活几乎一无所知。朗文当代〔school〕I was at school with Luke's brother.我和卢克的弟弟在同一所学校念书。剑桥高阶〔school〕I went to school with (= I went to the same school at the same time as) Luke's brother.我和卢克的弟弟在同一所学校念书。剑桥高阶〔see sb through sth〕My brother lent me $500 to see me through the next few weeks.我弟弟借给我500美元,我这才维持下去接下来的几个星期。剑桥高阶〔sib〕This is a nice book for older sibs to share with a younger one.这是一本哥哥姐姐可以分享给弟弟妹妹的好书。剑桥高阶〔sign over〕He signed over the property to his brother.他签字把财产转让给他弟弟韦氏高阶〔sisterly〕She gave her brother a sisterly kiss on the cheek.她像姐姐一样亲了一下弟弟的脸。韦氏高阶〔slap〕He gave his brother a hearty slap on the back to congratulate him.他亲切地拍了拍弟弟的后背以示祝贺。牛津搭配〔so〕He can speak German, and so can his brother.他会说德语,他的弟弟也会。文馨英汉〔so〕He's fairly bright - well, certainly more so than his brother.他挺聪明的——嗯,绝对比他弟弟聪明。剑桥高阶〔splash〕Don't splash water at your brother.别朝你弟弟洒水!韦氏高阶〔split〕She split the money she won with her brother.她把得到的钱与弟弟分了。牛津高阶〔stand by〕My brother had gotten the upper hand in their fight, but I was kept standing by if necessary.我弟弟在这场打斗中已占了上风,可我做好了随时冲上去的准备。21世纪英汉〔stepbrother〕Father Major Ronald Ferguson remarried, giving Fergie two stepsisters and a stepbrother.父亲罗纳德•弗格森少校再婚了, 这样菲姬就多了两个同父异母的妹妹和一个弟弟外研社新世纪〔study〕My brother's studying to be an accountant.我弟弟在读会计。朗文当代〔swipe〕She took a playful swipe at her brother.她玩笑般地朝她弟弟挥手打去。牛津搭配〔tickle〕Her little brother screamed with laughter as she tickled him.她弟弟被她胳肢得又叫又笑。韦氏高阶〔town〕He admits he doesn't even know when his brother is in town.他承认自己甚至不知道弟弟什么时候来了本市。柯林斯高阶〔trouble〕My brother was always getting me into trouble with my parents.以前我弟弟经常连累我遭父母的责难。牛津高阶〔try〕After a few tries Patrick had given up any attempt to reform his brother.几次尝试之后,帕特里克放弃了改造弟弟的任何努力。柯林斯高阶〔twin〕Sarah and her brother are twins.萨拉和她的弟弟是一对双胞胎。韦氏高阶〔uncrowned〕The uncrowned king abdicated in favour of his brother.尚未加冕的国王为了自己的弟弟选择退位。外研社新世纪〔unspectacular〕His progress at school had been unspectacular compared to his brother.和弟弟相比,他在学校里的进步很不起眼。柯林斯高阶〔upstage〕He had a younger brother who always publicly upstaged him.他有一个弟弟, 总是当众抢他的风头。外研社新世纪〔while〕While Tom's very good at science, his brother is absolutely hopeless.汤姆很擅长理科,而他的弟弟绝对是不可救药。牛津高阶〔young〕He played with his younger brother.他和弟弟一起玩。柯林斯高阶A few months later my younger brother enlisted as a bugler. 几个月以后,我弟弟作为号兵应征入伍。译典通I wish you'd set a good example to your brother instead of coming home drunk every night.我希望你给你弟弟作个好榜样,而不是每天晚上醉着回家。剑桥国际My brother and sister had a real humdinger of a row last night.我弟弟和我妹妹昨晚大吵了一场。剑桥国际My brother is/has an MA in linguistics.我的哥哥(弟弟)是语言学硕士。剑桥国际My brother's voting for me by proxy in the club elections.在俱乐部选举中我弟弟代表我投票。剑桥国际My little brother is a very cheerful helper. 我弟弟非常乐于助人。译典通My mother always takes my brother's side (= supports my brother) when I argue with him.当我同弟弟吵架时,母亲总是站在他一边。剑桥国际My mother doesn't approve of my brother's friends.我母亲不赞成我弟弟所交的朋友。剑桥国际My younger brother has always wanted to be a cameraman. 我弟弟一直想当个影视摄影师。译典通My younger brother wants to be an instrumentalist. 我弟弟想当一个器乐家。译典通She had a civilizing effect on her younger brother.她影响了她的弟弟, 使他变得文明起来。剑桥国际She squirted her brother with soapy water as he came out of the house.在她弟弟走出房子时,她用肥皂水淋他。剑桥国际She travelled the length and breadth of Ireland looking for her missing brother.为了寻找丢失的弟弟,她找遍了整个爱尔兰。剑桥国际She was stabbed in the back by her brother, who had told the newspaper about her private life.她弟弟在背后中伤了她,将她的私生活告诉了报纸。剑桥国际

