
单词 排字
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Linotype〕A trademark used for a machine that sets type on a metal slug, operated by a keyboard.行型活字排版机:一种商标,用于指利用键盘操作排成铅字条的排字美国传统〔Monotype〕A trademark used for a typesetting machine operated from a keyboard that activates a unit that casts and sets individual characters.莫诺铸排机:一种排字机的商标,通过使一个构件动作的键盘来操作,这种构件可以浇铸或排版单个字美国传统〔cold type〕Typesetting, such as photocomposition, done without the casting of metal.冷排:没有金属铸件的排字、排版,如照相排版美国传统〔composable〕The printer composed the page.排字工人排好了这一页。21世纪英汉〔compositor〕One that sets written material into type; a typesetter.排字工:把书面材料置于版面上的工人;排版工美国传统〔copyholder〕A device that holds copy in place, especially for a typesetter.原稿架:一种固定稿件的装置,尤指为排字工人设置的美国传统〔dedicate to〕Part of the building was dedicated to computer typesetting.大楼的一部分拨作计算机排字或排版之用。21世纪英汉〔flush〕Printing Aligned evenly with a margin, as along the left or right edge of a typeset page; not indented.【印刷术】 页面相齐的:如在排字页上沿左或右边平均排列并留边;没有缩排美国传统〔interface〕We installed an interface between the computer and the typesetting machine.我们在电脑和排字机之间装了个连接系统。韦氏高阶〔key〕To operate (a device), as for typesetting by means of a keyboard.用键盘操作:操作(一个装置),如用键盘排字美国传统〔overset〕To set too much type for (a given space).超排字行:对于(给定的空间)排过多铅字美国传统〔reproduction proof〕A proof of typeset material made for reproduction through a photographic process such as photo-offset lithography.复制清样:为通过摄影方法而进行复制制作的排字材料的样张,如照相平版胶印法美国传统〔runaround〕Printing Type set in a column narrower than the body of the text, as on either side of a picture.【印刷术】 狭条排印:比正文窄的栏目排字方式,如图画旁边美国传统〔run〕Printing To make a solid body of text without a paragraph or other break.【印刷术】 使不间断,使不分段,连排:使排字材料不分段落或间隙地连下去美国传统〔stickful〕The amount of type a composing stick will hold.满满一盘:一个排字盘所能容纳的数量美国传统〔stick〕A composing stick.手盘,排字美国传统〔stone〕Printing A table with a smooth surface on which page forms are composed.【印刷术】 排板用石台:具有光滑表面的石板,用于纸张印板排字美国传统〔typeset〕To set (written material) into type; compose.把……排版:把(书面的材料)排成铅字;排字美国传统〔typographer〕One that sets written material into type; a compositor or printer.排字工:把书面材料排成铅字的人;排字工人或印刷工美国传统

