
单词 捻成
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Molotov cocktail〕A makeshift bomb made of a breakable container filled with flammable liquid and provided with a usually rag wick that is lighted just before being hurled.燃烧弹:一种用装满可燃液体的可炸裂性容器制成的临时替用炸弹,通常用碎布捻成引线,在扔出前点燃美国传统〔gunpowder tea〕A Chinese green tea, each leaf of which is rolled into a pellet.中国珠茶:一种中国绿茶,每片叶子都被捻成一个小球美国传统〔lay〕To place together (strands) to be twisted into rope.编,绞:把(绳子)放在一起以捻成一股绳索美国传统〔rope〕When taken out it was a thick rope of tobacco that they could carry in their pocket.拿出来一看, 原来是一截烟草捻成的粗绳, 他们可以随身装在口袋里。外研社新世纪〔spinning frame〕A machine that draws and twists fibers into yarn and winds it on spindles.精纺机,细纱机:将纤维拉捻成纱并将纱绕于纺锤之上的机器美国传统〔spin〕To draw out and twist (fibers) into thread.纺:将(纤维)拉且捻成线美国传统〔throwster〕One that twists fibers into thread.把纤维捻成线束的人美国传统〔throw〕To twist (fibers) into thread.搓丝成线:把(纤维)捻成线束美国传统

