
单词 surpass
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔anticipation〕The result surpassed the highest anticipations of the designer.结果十分理想,远远超出设计师的预料。英汉大词典〔best〕One that surpasses all others.佼佼者美国传统〔better〕To surpass or exceed.优于或超过美国传统〔capper〕Informal Something that surpasses or completes what has gone before; a finishing touch or finale.【非正式用语】 顶点,极点:超过或完成在其之前已做事物的东西;最后一笔或点睛之笔美国传统〔conception〕The development of the city surpassed all conception.该城市的发展超过一切想象。英汉大词典〔concord〕In this work he achieved a concord of form, space, light and color which he was never to surpass.在这部作品中, 他实现了之后再也未能超越的形式、空间、光线和色彩的和谐统一。外研社新世纪〔dominant〕These adjectives mean surpassing all others in power, influence, or position.这些形容词的意思是指在力量、影响或地位方面超出其他一切。美国传统〔emulation〕Effort or ambition to equal or surpass another.竞争,好胜心:争取赶上或超过另一个的努力或野心美国传统〔emulous〕Eager or ambitious to equal or surpass another.竞争心强的,好胜的:渴望或有雄心敢上或超过别人的美国传统〔exceed〕To be greater than; surpass.比…更好;超过美国传统〔excel〕To do or be better than; surpass.优于:比…好或做得优于;超过美国传统〔excel〕To show superiority; surpass others.胜过:显示优越性;超过其它的人或事物美国传统〔expectation〕This realization of our dreams surpassed even our wildest expectations.我们梦想的实现甚至超越了我们最大胆的估计。牛津搭配〔fineness〕This material surpasses all others in fineness.这料子质地之佳,超过所有其他的料子。文馨英汉〔life〕Nothing in life surpasses that.世上没有东西可超过那个。英汉大词典〔outclass〕To surpass decisively, so as to appear of a higher class.超出:绝定性地超出以显示出更高的等级美国传统〔outfox〕To surpass (another) in cleverness or cunning; outsmart.智胜:在聪明或狡猾程度上超过(别人);比…更精明美国传统〔outgeneral〕To surpass (another, especially an opponent) in leadership.在领导才能上胜过(别人,尤指对手)美国传统〔outgo〕To go beyond; exceed or surpass.超过:超过;逾越或优于美国传统〔outgun〕To surpass in military force.在军事力量上胜过美国传统〔outmatch〕To prove greater or better than; surpass.胜过:证明比…更强大或更好;超过美国传统〔outpace〕To surpass or outdo (another), as in speed, growth, or performance.超过:如在速度、生长或表现上胜过(另一个)或比(另一个)做得好美国传统〔outperform〕To surpass (another) in performance.优过,胜于:在性能上超过(其它的)美国传统〔outplay〕To surpass (an opponent) in skill or technique or in scoring points.比赛技巧胜于,击败:在技艺、技能或在得分上超过(对手)美国传统〔outpoint〕Sports To surpass (an opponent) in the number of points won.【体育运动】 得分超过:比(对手)获得更多分数而取胜美国传统〔outrace〕To surpass in speed or performance.赛跑胜过:在速度或性能上超过美国传统〔outshine〕To surpass in obvious excellence; outdo.明显比…更优异;超越美国传统〔outwit〕Archaic To surpass in intelligence.【古语】 在智慧上超过美国传统〔outwit〕To surpass in cleverness or cunning; outsmart.智胜:比…更聪明或更狡猾;比…更机灵美国传统〔overpass〕To go beyond; surpass.超越;越出美国传统〔overstride〕To go beyond; surpass.超过;胜过美国传统〔overtop〕To be greater or better than; surpass.超过:比…更伟大或更好;超过美国传统〔precede〕To come before in order or rank; surpass or outrank.高于…:在次序或地位上先于或高于…;超过或等级高于美国传统〔production〕Naples surpassed Rome as a centre / center of artistic production in the 18th century.那不勒斯超过罗马成为 18 世纪艺术创作的中心。牛津搭配〔remain behind〕She remained behind the leading students for the first two years and surpassed them in the last year.她头两年保持在那些领先的学生之后,到最后一年超过了他们。21世纪英汉〔rival〕One who attempts to equal or surpass another, or who pursues the same object as another; a competitor.竞争对手,敌手:试图与另一人匹敌或超越的人,或者是与另一个人追求同一目标的人;竞争对手美国传统〔rival〕These verbs mean to seek to equal or surpass another.这些动词都表示试图与…匹敌或超越另一人。美国传统〔rival〕To attempt to equal or surpass.与…竞争:试图匹敌或越过美国传统〔set〕To go at a speed that other competitors attempt to match or surpass.领先:以其它竞争者企图赶上或超过的速度前进美国传统〔shame〕To disgrace by surpassing.使相形见拙:通过超越使丧失体面美国传统〔show〕Informal To surpass, as in ability or intelligence.【非正式用语】 胜过:超过,如在能力或智力方面美国传统〔superior〕One who surpasses another in rank or quality.长官:等级或品质超过他人的人美国传统〔superlative〕Of the highest order, quality, or degree; surpassing or superior to all others.最高的:最高的等级、品质或程度的;比所有别的更好的或更优越的美国传统〔surpass〕All of us were surpassed by his clever answer.我们在座的每一个人谁也不会想到他会做出这样机智的回答。21世纪英汉〔surpass〕Attendance is expected to surpass last year's record.出席人数有望超过去年的纪录。韦氏高阶〔surpass〕Conrad Black gave an excellent party that surpassed expectations.康拉德·布莱克举办了一次远超人们预期的精彩聚会。柯林斯高阶〔surpass〕He surpassed me in maths.他的数学比我学得好。21世纪英汉〔surpass〕He had surpassed all our expectations .他超越了我们所有的预期。朗文当代〔surpass〕He hopes one day to surpass the world record.他希望有一天能刷新世界纪录。牛津高阶〔surpass〕He was determined to surpass the achievements of his older brothers.他决心超越几个哥哥的成就。外研社新世纪〔surpass〕He was determined to surpass the achievements of his older brothers.他决心超越几个哥哥的成就。柯林斯高阶〔surpass〕Her cooking was always good, but this time she had surpassed herself(= done better than her own high standards).她的厨艺向来不错,但这一次她更是胜过以往。牛津高阶〔surpass〕His time for the 100 metres surpassed the previous world record by one hundredth of a second.他以0.01秒的优势打破了100米短跑的前世界纪录。剑桥高阶〔surpass〕His work regularly surpasses all expectations.他的工作经常超出预期。韦氏高阶〔surpass〕India's population now surpasses that of Africa.印度的人口现已超过非洲。麦克米伦高阶〔surpass〕It was an excellent party that surpassed expectations.这是一次远超人们预期的精彩聚会。外研社新世纪〔surpass〕Its success has surpassed all expectations.它所取得的成功远远超出了预期。牛津高阶〔surpass〕Last quarter, sales surpassed two million.上个季度,销售额超过了两百万美元。韦氏高阶〔surpass〕The book's success has surpassed everyone's expectations.这本书获得了出乎所有人意料的成功。剑桥高阶〔surpass〕The costs of the vacation surpassed my expectation.这次度假的花销超出了我的预想。21世纪英汉〔surpass〕The death toll may eventually surpass two thousand.死亡人数最终可能会超过两千。牛津搭配〔surpass〕The director has really surpassed himself (= done better than he has done before) with this new film.这位导演凭借这部新电影实现了真正的自我超越。剑桥高阶〔surpass〕The modesty of this approach was surpassed only by its success.这种方法非常适度, 在这一点上, 其值得称道的地方仅次于其取得的成效。外研社新世纪〔surpass〕The number of multiple births has surpassed 100,000 for the first time.多胎产首次突破了 100,000 大关。朗文当代〔surpass〕The second half easily surpassed the first in entertainment value.下半场比赛的精彩程度远胜于上半场。牛津搭配〔surpass〕The success of the sale surpassed our expectations.我们没料到销售这样成功。牛津同义词〔surpass〕The theory surpasses my comprehension.这个理论我无法理解。外研社新世纪〔surpass〕Warwick Arts Centre is the second largest Arts Centre in Britain, surpassed in size only by London's Barbican.沃里克艺术中心是英国第二大艺术中心,规模仅次于伦敦的巴比肯。柯林斯高阶〔surpass〕Winning the gold medal surpassed my wildest dreams.我根本没有想到会赢得这枚金牌。麦克米伦高阶〔surpass〕With this painting he has surpassed himself (=done better than he has ever done before).凭这幅画,他胜过了以往。朗文当代〔topper〕Slang Something, such as a witticism, that surpasses all that has gone before.【俚语】 第一流事物:超过了过去所有事情的同类事物,例如一句精妙绝伦的俏皮话美国传统〔top〕Surpassing a goal or quota.超过目标或定额的美国传统〔top〕To exceed or surpass.多于,超过美国传统〔transcendental〕Surpassing all others; superior.杰出的:超过所有其它的;卓越的美国传统〔transcendent〕Surpassing others; preeminent or supreme.超凡的:超出他人的;卓越的或最优秀的美国传统〔turn〕To reach and surpass a midpoint or milestone.到达并超越了终点或里程碑美国传统His success surpassed belief. 他的成功令人难以置信。译典通His time for the 100 metres surpassed the previous world record by one hundredth of a second.他以0.01秒的优势打破100米跑的前世界纪录。剑桥国际Our students’educational achievements equal, and in many cases surpass, those of students in previous years.我们学生的教育成果与以往的学生相当,在很多方面还超过了他们。剑桥国际Sales so far this year have surpassed expectations.今年到目前为止,销售额已超过预期。牛津商务She surpassed her brother in mathematics. 她在数学方面超过了她的兄弟。译典通The book's success has surpassed everyone's expectations.谁也没想到这本书会如此成功。剑桥国际The director has really surpassed himself (= done better than he has done before) with this new film.这位导演的这部新电影确实超过他以往的水平。剑桥国际

