“stand in”例句

单词 stand in
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-lined〕I had been standing in line for three hours.我已经排了3个小时的队。柯林斯高阶〔BEAUTIFUL〕Standing in the doorway was a beautiful woman with long black hair and green eyes. 一个有黑色长发、绿色眼睛的美丽女子站在门道上。朗文写作活用〔LINE〕Standing in line for hours at some government office was not exactly my idea of fun. 在政府办公室里排队等上几个小时,我觉得那可不是什么好玩的事儿。朗文写作活用〔REPLACE〕Can you stand in for me at the meeting next week? 你能代我去开下星期的会议吗?朗文写作活用〔REPUTATION〕Jacques Tati was a man of international standing in the world of screen comedy. 雅克·塔蒂在喜剧电影界享有国际声望。朗文写作活用〔abroad〕He will stand in for Mr Goh when he is abroad.吴先生出国时由他代替。柯林斯高阶〔ambo〕One of the two pulpits or raised stands in early Christian churches from which parts of the service were chanted or read.讲道台,读经台:早期基督教堂中两个读经台或高台的一个,在那里举行部分宗教仪式中的唱诗和颂读美国传统〔apart〕We were asked to stand in two lines three metres apart.要求我们站成间距为3米的两排。剑桥高阶〔aside〕He has nothing aside from the clothes he stands in.除了身上穿的衣服, 他一无所有。外研社新世纪〔contrast〕Her views stand in stark contrast to those of her colleagues.她的观点和其他的同事形成了强烈的对照。麦克米伦高阶〔contrast〕The poverty of her childhood stands in total contrast to her life in Hollywood.她孩提时的贫困处境与她在好莱坞的生活有着天壤之别。牛津高阶〔demote〕It's very difficult to demote somebody who has been standing in during maternity leave.要将一个在别人休产假期间顶替上来的人再降职是非常困难的。外研社新世纪〔doorway〕There was Paolo, standing in the doorway .保罗就在那里,站在门口。朗文当代〔field〕The cows were all standing in one corner of the field.奶牛全都站在牧场的一角。剑桥高阶〔in〕I've been standing in the rain for over an hour.我在雨中已站了一个多小时。朗文当代〔light〕You're standing in his light.你挡住了他的光线美国传统〔move〕The people standing in the bus moved along, to make room for others.公共汽车上站着的人往里走,好给别的乘客腾出地方。英汉大词典〔open-mouthed〕The finale had 50,000 adults standing in open-mouthed wonderment.终场一幕让50,000名成年观众惊叹得张大嘴站了起来。柯林斯高阶〔peril〕Tell him that he stands in great peril.告诉他,他的处境非常危险。英汉大词典〔pour〕I was standing in the pouring rain for an hour waiting for my bus.为了等公共汽车我在倾盆大雨中站了1个小时。剑桥高阶〔ramp〕Heraldry To stand in the rampant position.【纹章学】 用后腿立起:以后腿站立的姿态站立美国传统〔rank〕To form or stand in a row or rows.使成横排:形成或站入一排或数排中美国传统〔roll call〕We had to stand in the snow every morning for roll call.我们每天早上都得站在雪地里等着点名。柯林斯高阶〔seemingly〕Alice was standing in the street, seemingly oblivious to the rain.艾丽斯站在街上,似乎没有注意到天在下雨。朗文当代〔short〕Craig was standing in the kitchen in his shorts.克雷格穿着短裤衩站在厨房里。朗文当代〔stand in line〕We had to stand in line for over an hour.我们只好站着排了一个多小时的队。韦氏高阶〔stand in〕He asked me to stand in for him while he was away.他不在的时候,他让我代替他。韦氏高阶〔standing〕The scandal damaged the Governor's standing in the polls.这一丑闻损害了州长在民意调查中的声望。朗文当代〔stand〕All the members agreed to stand in with the secretary, who had bought the club supplies with his own money.俱乐部干事自己掏钱买了用品,全体会员一致同意跟他分担费用。英汉大词典〔stand〕He took up his stand in the shadow of the big tree.他站在大树的树荫下。英汉大词典〔stand〕He was standing in a puddle of water.他站在一个水坑里。韦氏高阶〔stand〕How do their sales stand in relation to those of similar firms? 与同类公司相比较,他们的销售情况如何?朗文当代〔stand〕I always encouraged Brian. I didn't want to stand in his way.我始终鼓励布莱恩,我可不想做他的绊脚石。朗文当代〔stand〕I must warn you that you stand in grave danger.我得告诉你,你的处境非常危险。英汉大词典〔stand〕I stand corrected. We stand in awe of the view.我是正确的。那景象令我们很恐惧美国传统〔stand〕If you are starting a movement for a wage hike, I'll stand in.要是你发起增加工资运动,我将参加。英汉大词典〔stand〕Lorraine was ready to stand in if Helen got sick.如果海伦病了,洛林准备替换她。麦克米伦高阶〔stand〕Smallpox is making its last stand in some African countries. 天花在某几个非洲国家尚未灭绝。英汉大词典〔stand〕The British government would not stand in the way of such a proposal.英国政府不会阻止这样一项提议。柯林斯高阶〔stand〕You can't stand in the way of progress.你无法阻止前进的步伐。麦克米伦高阶〔through〕There were people standing in the doorway and I couldn't get through.有人站在门口,我过不去。朗文当代〔touch〕The ball was thrown in by a player standing in touch.球被站在边线外的选手投了进来。韦氏高阶〔waffle〕Still, the administration, after some waffling, has now said that it will not stand in the way of Congress.政府犹豫再三后,还是表示不会阻止国会。柯林斯高阶〔who〕And who am I to stand in the way of true love?那么我又怎能阻挡真爱呢?外研社新世纪A financial scandal would shake the Institute's standing in the international academic community.一桩金融丑闻会动摇该机构在国际学术界的地位。剑桥国际If you're standing in a queue and someone cuts in (on you)/ cuts in front of you (=pushes in front of you), tell them to go to the back! 排长队等候时,若有人插在你前面,让他们排到后面去。剑桥国际The snack bar on the corner is very busy and you often have to stand in line for a quarter of an hour to buy some lunch.拐角那家快餐店生意很红火,你常常不得不排上一刻钟队才能买到午饭。剑桥国际The teacher told the children to stand in a row. 老师叫孩子们站成一排。译典通We were asked to stand in two lines 3 metres apart.我们被要求站成相隔3米的两排。剑桥国际You are invited to join us at our exhibition stand in hall 9.诚邀您到 9 号大厅光临我们的展台。牛津商务

