
单词 spontaneous
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PLAN〕The crowd gave a spontaneous cheer when the news was announced. 消息宣布时,人群立时发出一阵欢呼。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕The invitation was completely spontaneous. 邀请完全是自发的。朗文写作活用〔RELAX/RELAXED〕Her acting is completely spontaneous and uninhibited. 她的表演非常自然,无拘无束。朗文写作活用〔VIOLENT〕Defence lawyers claimed that the shooting was a spontaneous reaction, ferocious, but not part of a plan. 辩方律师声称,开枪是自然反应,动作凶猛但不是有预谋的。朗文写作活用〔action painting〕A style of abstract painting that uses techniques such as the dribbling or splashing of paint to achieve a spontaneous effect.动作画派,抽象画派:一种抽象派绘画,通过运用滴洒或喷溅颜料的技巧以取得自然的效果美国传统〔autistic〕He was autistic, with hardly any spontaneous speech.他患有自闭症, 几乎不会主动说什么话。外研社新世纪〔automatic writing〕Writing performed without conscious thought or deliberation, typically by means of spontaneous free association or as a medium for spirits or psychic forces.无意识书写:不经思考或考虑的书写动作,尤指经由自然产生的自由联想或由灵媒、精神压力所致美国传统〔autonomic〕Resulting from internal stimuli; spontaneous.自发的:因内部刺激导致的;自发的美国传统〔breathing〕Our days are punctuated by spontaneous breathings of praise and adoration.我们的生活不时被自然流露出的表达称赞和敬意的话语打断。外研社新世纪〔contrast〕Her affected manners were in striking contrast with Harriet's spontaneous gaiety.她矫揉造作的举止与哈里特由衷的乐天脾气形成了鲜明的对照。英汉大词典〔diffusion〕The spontaneous intermingling of the particles of two or more substances as a result of random thermal motion.分子扩散运动:两种或更多种物质的分子由于随机的热运动自发混合在一起美国传统〔free association〕A spontaneous, logically unconstrained and undirected association of ideas, emotions, and feelings.自由联想:观念,情绪或感情的自发的、不受逻辑束缚且无目的的联合美国传统〔freemasonry〕Spontaneous fellowship and sympathy among a number of people.本能的同情:一群人自然产生的友谊和同情美国传统〔galactorrhea〕Spontaneous milk flow not associated with childbirth or the nursing of an infant.乳溢:乳汁自然流出,与分娩及喂奶无关美国传统〔happening〕An improvised, often spontaneous spectacle or performance, especially one involving audience participation.事件剧:一种即兴的、通常是自发的、尤指由观众参与的场景或演出美国传统〔improvisation〕Most of their music was spontaneous improvisation.他们的大部分音乐作品都是即兴创作的。牛津搭配〔last〕Every movement, no matter how casual and spontaneous, needs to be worked out to the last detail.对每一个动作,无论它显得多么随意和无意识,都不能放过一丝细节。柯林斯高阶〔radioactive decay〕Spontaneous disintegration of a radioactive substance accompanied by emission of ionizing radiation in the form of particles and gamma rays.放射性衰变:放射性物质的自发的分裂,伴随有放出微粒或r射线形式的电离辐射美国传统〔radioactivity〕Spontaneous emission of radiation, either directly from unstable atomic nuclei or as a consequence of a nuclear reaction.自动放射:自动地发出辐射,直接源于不稳定的原子核或是作为核反应的结果美国传统〔sing-along〕A spontaneous group singing, as by an audience at a performance.合唱:自发的合唱,如在表演时观众的合唱美国传统〔slow burn〕When angered, Ellen was given to spontaneous outbursts, while her partner Terry would do a slow burn.当被激怒的时候,埃伦会立刻火冒三丈,而她的搭档特里则是怒火慢慢积聚,最终发作。剑桥高阶〔spontaneity〕Spontaneous behavior, impulse, or movement.自发行为,行为冲动,自发动作美国传统〔spontaneity〕The quality or condition of being spontaneous.自发性:自发的状态或属性美国传统〔spontaneously〕Diana's house was crowded with happy people whose spontaneous outbursts of song were accompanied by lively music.戴安娜的家里挤满了兴奋的人们,他们伴着欢快的音乐不由自主地引吭高歌。柯林斯高阶〔spontaneously〕I had another spontaneous miscarriage at around the 16th to 18th week.我在大约第 16 至 18 孕周时又经历了一次自然流产。柯林斯高阶〔spontaneously〕I joined in the spontaneous applause.我跟着也自然而然地鼓起掌来。柯林斯高阶〔spontaneous〕Elsie's one of the most spontaneous, fun-loving people I know.埃尔西是我所认识的最天真率直、爱开玩笑的人之一。麦克米伦高阶〔spontaneous〕He was suddenly filled with tears of spontaneous emotion.他突然激动得热泪盈眶。麦克米伦高阶〔spontaneous〕He's a guy who's spontaneous and fun.他这个人做事心血来潮,而且有趣。韦氏高阶〔spontaneous〕His jokes seemed spontaneous, but were in fact carefully prepared beforehand.他讲的笑话似乎是即兴的,但实际上是事先精心准备好的。剑桥高阶〔spontaneous〕I joined in the spontaneous applause.我也跟大家一起不由自主地鼓起掌来。外研社新世纪〔spontaneous〕Much effort was put to achieving the gesture that had such a spontaneous look.看上去那么自然而优美的手势是经过很大努力才做到的。英汉大词典〔spontaneous〕My spontaneous reaction was to run away.我的本能反应就是逃跑。朗文当代〔spontaneous〕She's such a spontaneous, lively woman.她是个为人率直、充满活力的女子。剑桥高阶〔spontaneous〕The Kirks are very fresh and spontaneous people.柯克一家充满活力、为人率直。英汉大词典〔spontaneous〕The audience burst into spontaneous applause.观众自发地鼓起掌来。牛津高阶〔spontaneous〕The comment was completely spontaneous.那个评论完全是脱口而出的。韦氏高阶〔spontaneous〕The crowd gave a spontaneous cheer.人群自发地欢呼起来。朗文当代〔spontaneous〕The eruption of a volcano is spontaneous.火山爆发是自发的。英汉大词典〔spontaneous〕The two suddenly embraced in a spontaneous gesture of affection.两个人因爱而突然自发地拥抱在一起。美国传统〔uncalculated〕Not thought out in advance; spontaneous.未事先考虑的;自发的美国传统〔uncaused〕Existing without a perceptible cause; spontaneous.自存的:无存在原因的;自存的美国传统〔unwilled〕Involuntary; spontaneous.无意识的;自发的美国传统〔woodnote〕Natural, spontaneous verbal utterance.自然的、朴素的语言发声美国传统He made a spontaneous offer of help. 他自愿提供帮助。译典通Hearing the joke, we burst into spontaneous laughter. 听到笑话,我们不由自主地大笑起来。译典通Her witticisms seemed spontaneous, but were in fact carefully prepared beforehand.她的妙语听起来似乎是脱口而出,实际上她事先经过了精心的准备。剑桥国际His reactions are spontaneous and instinctive rather than calculated.他的反应是自发的、出于本能的,而不是苦心设计的。剑桥国际Pentecostal services are characterized by enthusiastic singing and spontaneous exclamations of praise and thanksgiving.五旬节聚会的特点是热情的歌唱,自发的赞美和谢恩。剑桥国际There have been a few cases reported of people dying by spontaneous combustion (= by starting to burn without any obvious cause).有一些关于人们死于自燃的报道。剑桥国际When people saw pictures of the atrocities on TV, there was a spontaneous reaction against the war.当人们在电视中看到残暴画面时,会自然产生一种反战的反应。剑桥国际

