
单词 没有到达
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔event〕We set out for the seaside, but in the event never got there.我们出发去海边,但结果始终没有到达那儿。 英汉大词典〔giddy〕Although she had been quite a successful model, she had never reached the giddy heights of the Paris fashion world.她虽然是一个很成功的模特,但是她从来没有到达巴黎时装界那个高不可攀的顶峰。朗文当代〔hadn't〕They hadn't arrived at the party yet.他们还没有到达聚会现场韦氏高阶〔neither〕Neither he nor his wife has arrived.他和他妻子都还没有到达英汉大词典〔puff〕We ran out of puff before we got to the top of the hill.我们还没有到达山顶就用尽了气力。麦克米伦高阶His letter never reached its (final/ultimate) destination.他的信根本没有到达最终目的地。剑桥国际The aid programme has been misconducted, resulting in large quantities of food failing to reach the famine victims.由于援助计划管理不善,致使大量食品没有到达饥荒受害者手里。剑桥国际

