
单词 民主制
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LONG〕She had a basic and abiding belief in democratic systems. 她对民主制度一直坚信不移。朗文写作活用〔Pericles〕Athenian leader noted for advancing democracy in Athens and for ordering the construction of the Parthenon.伯里克利:古雅典首领,因其推进了雅典民主制并下令建造巴台农神庙而著名美国传统〔adherence〕Their adherence to democratic systems is unquestionable.他们坚信民主制度,这是无可置疑的。文馨英汉〔beginning〕Did democracy have its beginnings in ancient Greece? 民主制度创始于古希腊吗?牛津高阶〔bode〕The way the bill was passed bodes ill for democracy.这个法案通过的方式对民主制来说是个坏兆头。外研社新世纪〔budding〕Russia's budding democracy.俄罗斯新生的民主制柯林斯高阶〔curse〕Apathy is the long-standing curse of British local democracy.冷漠是英国地方民主制度长期以来难以推广的祸根。柯林斯高阶〔curse〕Apathy is the long-standing curse of British local democracy.冷漠是英国地方民主制度长期面对的难题。外研社新世纪〔democracy〕The nation has chosen democracy over monarchy.这个国家选择了以民主制取代君主制。韦氏高阶〔democratic〕There have been major changes in the constitution, but the system remains democratic.宪法有了重大变更,但实行的仍然是民主制度。牛津搭配〔form〕Democracy is a form of government.民主制度是一种政体。英汉大词典〔guardian〕The US sees itself as the guardian of democracy.美国把自己看作是民主制度的捍卫者。朗文当代〔justly〕India is justly proud of her democratic institutions.印度有充分的理由为她的民主制度感到骄傲。麦克米伦高阶〔machinery〕The machinery of democracy could be created quickly.民主制度可以迅速建立起来。外研社新世纪〔machinery〕The machinery of democracy could be created quickly.民主制度可以迅速建立起来。柯林斯高阶〔oligarchy〕Eventually oligarchy took over from democracy.最终寡头政治取代了民主制度。朗文当代〔operate〕All the parties have to operate within the democratic system.所有政党都必须在民主制度的范围内进行活动。麦克米伦高阶〔ours〕Japanese democracy is certainly different from ours.日本的民主制度无疑与我们的不同。柯林斯高阶〔paper〕On paper, their country is a multi-party democracy.理论上, 他们的国家是多党民主制外研社新世纪〔participatory〕Participatory democracy is a fundamental principle of cooperative businesses.参与式民主制是合作企业的基本原则。牛津高阶〔question〕The paper says the President's move has called into question the whole basis of democracy in the country.报纸上说,总统的做法让人们对国家民主制度的整个基础提出了质疑。柯林斯高阶〔return〕The United States called for a return to democracy.美国呼吁恢复民主制度。朗文当代〔strike〕He felt that they had struck a blow for democracy.他感觉他们维护了民主制度。牛津高阶〔sustenance〕Elections are necessary for the sustenance of democracy.选举是维持民主制度所必需的。朗文当代〔ticket〕She would want to fight the election on a ticket of parliamentary democracy.她想以实施议会民主制为纲领去参加竞选。外研社新世纪〔ticket〕She would want to fight the election on a ticket of parliamentary democracy.她想以实施议会民主制为纲领去参加竞选。柯林斯高阶〔timidity〕A number of these states are moving timidly towards multi-party democracy.这些国家中有很多正小心翼翼地向多党民主制发展。柯林斯高阶〔timidly〕A number of these states are moving timidly towards multi-party democracy.这些国家中有很多正小心翼翼地向多党民主制发展。外研社新世纪〔transition〕The transition to a multi-party democracy is proving to be difficult.事实证明, 向多党民主制的转型非常艰难。外研社新世纪〔transition〕The transition to a multi-party democracy is proving to be difficult.事实证明,向多党民主制的转型非常艰难。柯林斯高阶〔transparently〕We are now striving hard to establish a transparent parliamentary democracy… 我们现在正努力建立明晰的议会民主制柯林斯高阶〔truly〕It is a truly democratic system.这是一个真正的民主制度。外研社新世纪〔typical〕This reluctance to move towards a democratic state is typical of totalitarian regimes.不愿朝民主制国家迈进是极权主义政权的特性。柯林斯高阶〔vital〕A strong opposition is vital to a healthy democracy.有一个强大的反对党对于健康的民主制度来说非常重要。剑桥高阶Few of the Western democracies still have a royal family.西方民主制国家很少还有王室的。剑桥国际Many people hoped that the arrival of democracy in Russia would act as a stabilizing force.许多人本来希望民主制会给俄罗斯带来稳定。剑桥国际Now that democracy has returned to the former dictatorship, thousands of émigré are thinking about going back home.现在既然民主制度重新取代了先前的专制统治,成千上万的流亡者在考虑重返家园。剑桥国际The problem was the immaturity (=newness) of the country's democratic system.问题是这个国家民主制度的不成熟。剑桥国际They did not dare to challenge the sacred cow of parliamentary democracy.他们不敢对神圣不可侵犯的议会民主制度提出质疑。剑桥国际You can gauge (= measure) the strength of a democracy by the way it treats its minorities.你可通过一个国家对待少数民族的方式来估量其民主制度的力量。剑桥国际You expect to find wide divergences of opinion/views in a healthy democracy.在健全的民主制度下你能预期发现较大的意见分歧。剑桥国际

