
单词 条例
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AVOID〕He gets around the fire codes by claiming the building is a private club and not a business. 他声称这建筑是一个私人会所而不是公司,从而避开了消防条例朗文写作活用〔AVOID〕Through the help of powerful Senators, the firm has successfully dodged most federal environmental regulations. 在一些有权势的参议员的帮助之下,这家公司成功地避开了大多数的联邦环保条例朗文写作活用〔BPOE〕Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.爱护和保护麋鹿条例美国传统〔DISOBEY〕The sale of untreated milk may contravene public health regulations. 销售未经处理的牛奶可能违反公众卫生条例朗文写作活用〔EVERYONE〕Fire regulations state that every single child should be out of the building in three minutes. 消防条例规定三分钟之内每个孩子都应撤出大楼。朗文写作活用〔NDEA〕National Defense Education Act.国防教育条例美国传统〔NEED/NECESSARY〕Carlton acknowledged that there was a need for stricter safety regulations at some of the sites. 卡尔顿承认,有些工地上需要有更严格的安全条例朗文写作活用〔NUMBER〕The regulations limit the number of students in each class. 条例限制每个班级的学生人数。朗文写作活用〔OBEY〕British meat products now have to conform to strict hygiene regulations. 英国的肉类产品现在必须遵守严格的卫生条例朗文写作活用〔PAY〕The company was fined $1.6 million for breaking environmental regulations. 那家公司因违反环保条例被罚款160万美元。朗文写作活用〔RULE/REGULATION〕All cars sold in Germany must conform to the regulations laid down by the Federal Road Safety Board. 所有在德国销售的汽车必须符合联邦道路安全委员会制定的条例朗文写作活用〔RULE/REGULATION〕Anyone who takes milk from an unhealthy cow will be contravening public health regulations. 任何人从病牛身上取奶均违反公共卫生条例朗文写作活用〔RULE/REGULATION〕The building regulations are very strict about the materials you can use. 建筑条例对材料的使用规定非常严格。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕BEA has made good progress in implementing the new health and safety regulations. BEA在落实新的健康与安全条例上取得了可喜的进展。朗文写作活用〔Section Eight〕A U.S. Army discharge based on military assessment of unfitness or character traits deemed undesirable.美国陆军条例第八款:美国军队中的一条规定:士兵达不到军事标准或具有不受欢迎的品行将被解雇美国传统〔TAKE〕The government is planning to tighten up regulations governing the transport of toxic waste. 政府正计划收紧对运送有毒废弃物的监管条例朗文写作活用〔act〕He was charged under the Firearms Act.他被指控违反了《枪支管理条例》。牛津搭配〔act〕The act contains regulations for financial institutions.该条例含有对金融机构的规定。牛津搭配〔amateur〕New rules on amateurism allow payment for promotional work.新的业余条例规定,做促销工作可获得报酬。牛津高阶〔bag〕New airline regulations banned scissors in carry-on bags.新的航空管理条例禁止在随身行李中携带剪刀。牛津搭配〔bed check〕An inspection held at night in order to ensure that certain people, such as students or military personnel, are in bed as required by rules and regulations.夜间查铺:夜间进行的以确保某些人,如学生、军人,根据规则或条例的要求按时上床睡觉的检查美国传统〔bump〕We kept bumping up against inflexible regulations.我们不断遭遇到僵化的管理条例牛津高阶〔circumvent〕Advertising restrictions are easily circumvented.广告限制条例很容易被规避。麦克米伦高阶〔codify〕The convention codified the rules of war.公约把有关战争的条例编成了法典。韦氏高阶〔conduct〕The business conduct of this bank will be subject to UK rules.这家银行的商业行为将受英国规章条例的约束。牛津搭配〔conform〕The building does not conform with safety regulations.这座建筑物不符合安全条例牛津高阶〔constrict〕This frees him from many of the rules that constricted his predecessor.这使他免于像他的前任那样受很多条例束缚。外研社新世纪〔contravene〕The company was found guilty of contravening safety regulations.那家公司被判违反了安全条例牛津高阶〔council〕An assembly of church officials and theologians convened for regulating matters of doctrine and discipline.会议、公会议:教会官员和神学研究者的集会,来规定宗教条例和原则等事务美国传统〔disadvantageous〕The complex regulations are potentially disadvantageous to UK investors.这套复杂的条例可能对英国投资者不利。外研社新世纪〔equity〕A system of jurisprudence supplementing and serving to modify the rigor of common law.衡平法:用以补充和修改普通法条例的法律体系美国传统〔even〕Crashes are rare, but even so, there should be stricter safety regulations.撞毁事故是罕见的,尽管如此,仍需要有更为严格的安全条例麦克米伦高阶〔exception〕The third exception allows employees to seek damages for outrageous acts related to termination, including character defamation.第三条例外条款规定, 如果雇用方在解聘员工时做出人格诽谤等无礼行为, 员工可以寻求赔偿。外研社新世纪〔exclusionary rule〕A rule that forbids the use of illegally obtained evidence in a criminal trial.排斥法例:禁止在法庭诉讼程序中使用以不合法手段获得的证据的一种法律条例美国传统〔exhibit A〕He says that the new regulations have hurt small businesses, and he offers his own company as exhibit A.他说新条例损害了小企业的利益,并搬出自己的公司作为首要证据。韦氏高阶〔fine〕The company was fined £20 000 for breaching safety regulations.这家公司因违反安全条例而被罚款 2 万英镑。牛津高阶〔forbid〕The company's rules forbid dating among employees.公司的条例禁止员工之间谈恋爱。韦氏高阶〔force〕The regulations have not yet been put/brought into force.这些条例还未开始实施。韦氏高阶〔guidelines〕The Department of Education has issued new national guidelines for science teachers.教育部发布了新的全国理科教师指导条例麦克米伦高阶〔hold〕They were arrested and held under the Prevention of Terrorism Act.他们被依照反恐条例逮捕并拘留。麦克米伦高阶〔infraction〕He was penalized for an infraction of the rules. = He was penalized for a rules infraction.他因违反条例而受到处罚。韦氏高阶〔instrumental〕She was instrumental in bringing about the prison reform act.监狱改革条例得以出台多亏她大力促成。剑桥高阶〔ministerial〕Law Of, relating to, or being a mandatory act or duty admitting of no personal discretion or judgment in its performance.【法律】 行政的:在执行中不允许个人酌处或裁决的强制性条例或义务的或与之有关的美国传统〔misapply〕The board misapplied anti-doping regulations.委员会错用了反兴奋剂条例外研社新世纪〔move〕The new environmental regulations represent a move in the right direction.新的环境条例意味着向正确方向迈进了一步。牛津搭配〔ordinance〕City Ordinance 126 forbids the parking of cars in this area.《市政条例》第126条禁止在该地区停放车辆。剑桥高阶〔parole〕He broke (his) parole.他违背了假释条例牛津搭配〔piecemeal〕The new fire regulations have been introduced piecemeal.新的防火条例推行时缺乏通盘计划。朗文当代〔prescribe〕The regulations prescribe that all employees must pass a physical examination.条例规定所有员工必须通过体检。韦氏高阶〔prescription〕Something prescribed as a rule.法令,规则:作为条例而规定的东西美国传统〔prescriptive〕Critics claim the new rules/regulations are too prescriptive.评论家认为新规章/条例规定性太强。韦氏高阶〔proceed〕The freighter was allowed to proceed after satisfying them that it was not breaking sanctions.在确认没有违反制裁条例后,货船被放行了。柯林斯高阶〔prosecute〕The company is to be prosecuted under the Health and Safety Act.按照《卫生安全条例》,这家公司将受到起诉。朗文当代〔prosecute〕The company was prosecuted for breaching the Health and Safety Act.这家公司被控违反《衞生安全条例》。牛津高阶〔provide for〕We provide for the possibility of illness in the examination regulations.我们在考试条例中对生病作出了规定。外研社新世纪〔public〕The regulations should be written in plain English that the public understands.这些条例应该用公众能看懂的平实英语来写。麦克米伦高阶〔regulation〕In practice, the regulations are rarely enforced.实际上,这些条例很少得以执行。牛津搭配〔regulation〕Smoke detectors must be installed to comply with fire regulations.遵照消防条例必须安装烟雾探测器。麦克米伦高阶〔regulation〕The local authority is introducing new planning regulations.地方政府正在实施新的规划条例朗文当代〔regulation〕The notice is in accordance with Regulation 7.这一通知是依照《 7 号条例》发出的。牛津搭配〔regulation〕The regulations are designed to encourage lower consumption of water.这些条例旨在鼓励节约用水。牛津搭配〔regulation〕There are some things that Government has to establish regulations on.对于有些事情政府必须订出条例加以管制。英汉大词典〔regulation〕These regulations apply to all cows sold after June 1998.这些条例适用于所有 1998 年 6 月以后出售的奶牛。牛津搭配〔regulation〕Under the new regulations, all staff must have safety training.根据新条例,所有员工都必须接受安全培训。朗文当代〔rejig〕Supplementary Benefits is essentially a rejig of National Assistance.《附加津贴条例》实质上是经过修订的《国家补助条例》。英汉大词典〔relation〕This act has relation to January 1st this year.本条例的适用溯及本年元月1日为止。英汉大词典〔review〕The committee reviewed the applications/regulations.委员会审查了申请/条例韦氏高阶〔rule〕Before you start your own business you should be familiar with the government's rules and regulations.在创立自己的公司之前,你应该了解政府的有关条例和规定。剑桥高阶〔rule〕Stephen explained the safety rules without patronizing.斯蒂芬不卑不亢地解释了安全条例外研社新世纪〔rule〕The body of regulations prescribed by the founder of a religious order for governing the conduct of its members.教规,条例,教条:某宗教派别的建立者为控制其成员的行为而规定的一系列条例美国传统〔statutes〕The Union's statutes forbade party members from holding high office.工会条例禁止党员担任高级职务。外研社新世纪〔statute〕An established law or rule, as of a corporation.条例:公司制定的规则美国传统〔stifle〕Too many regulations stifle innovation.太多的条例扼杀了创新性。韦氏高阶〔street〕The whole street protested the new parking regulations.整条街的人们反对这一新的停车条例美国传统〔stringent〕The rules are stringently enforced.这些条例得到严格执行。牛津高阶〔subject〕The tribunal is unique because Mr Jones is not subject to the normal police discipline code.因为琼斯先生不受一般的治安条例法规约束,所以专门设立了特别法庭。柯林斯高阶〔such〕The rules make it quite clear what should be done in such a situation.条例中明确规定在这种情况下应当如何处理。朗文当代〔toughen〕British regulations are also being toughened.英国的规章条例也正在得到强化。外研社新世纪〔unimpeded〕Fire regulations require unimpeded access to emergency exits.防火条例规定,至紧急出口的通道必须畅通无阻。麦克米伦高阶〔woeful〕She displayed a woeful ignorance of the rules.她对这些条例表现出可悲的无知。牛津高阶〔woeful〕They displayed woeful ignorance of the safety rules.他们对安全条例表现出极端的无知。剑桥高阶Although the company sticks to the letter of the law, its employment practices are clearly unfair.尽管这家公司严守法律的字面意义,但实际执行雇用条例时显然是不公平的。牛津商务It will be at least Easter next year before the legislation and regulations are on/reach the statute book.至少要到明年复活节这法规和条例才会生效。剑桥国际Most political prisoners were freed under the terms of the amnesty.大多数政治犯按大赦条例被释放了。剑桥国际New regulations will limit the practice of overbooking.新条例将限制超额预订的做法。牛津商务She was instrumental in bringing about the prison reform act.监狱改革条例得以产生多亏她从中斡旋。剑桥国际Some basic safety rules were wilfully ignored.一些基本的安全条例被故意忽略了。剑桥国际Strict adherence to the safety regulations is expected at all times.在所有的时间内都要严格遵守安全条例剑桥国际Teachers who fail to fall in line with the new regulations may face dismissal.不遵守新条例的老师可能会被解职。剑桥国际The banks deny that cash-machine withdrawals can be made as a result of computer error or internal breaches of security.银行说现金机不能因计算机故障或内部违反保安条例而撤销。剑桥国际The city passed an ordinance restricting the size of advertising signs, but grandfathered all those signs erected before 1992. 该城市通过了限制广告招牌大小的条例,但是一九九二年以前竖立的招牌不在此限。译典通The institution of a Freedom of Information Act has had a significant effect.信息自由条例的制定已产生了重要的影响。剑桥国际The new regulations will go into effect/force/action next year.新的条例将会从明年开始生效。剑桥国际There is growing public disquiet over inadequate food safety regulations.公众越来越担忧食品安全条例不完备的问题。剑桥国际These regulations do not discriminate a large company from a small one.这些条例平等对待大小不同的公司。牛津商务They agreed that the introduction of the parking regulations should be postponed until the autumn.他们同意将有关停车的条例推迟到秋天再实行。剑桥国际They displayed woeful ignorance of the safety rules.他们对安全条例表现出可悲的无知。剑桥国际They installed smoke detectors in every room to comply with building regulations.为了符合建筑条例,他们在每个房间都安装了烟雾探测器。牛津商务We must square up to the challenges posed by the new regulations.我们必须勇于面对新条例带来的挑战。牛津商务Zoning laws/regulations/restrictions/rules/ordinances do not allow buildings over a certain height to be built in the city.分区规划法律/条例/限制规定/规定/法令不允许城市内建造超过一定高度的建筑物。剑桥国际

