
单词 木星
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Adrastea〕The satellite of Jupiter that is third in distance from the planet.木卫十四,阿德拉斯蒂尔星:距离木星第三远的木星卫星美国传统〔Amalthea〕The satellite of Jupiter that is fourth in distance from the planet.木卫五:距离木星第四远的木星卫星美国传统〔Europa〕One of the four brightest satellites of Jupiter and the seventh in distance from the planet. It was originally sighted by Galileo.木卫二:木星最亮的四颗行星之一,与木星的距离排在其卫星的第七位,最早为伽俐略观测到美国传统〔INFORMATION〕The spacecraft has sent back new data about Jupiter's atmosphere. 这艘宇宙飞船送回了有关木星的大气的新资料。朗文写作活用〔Io〕One of the four brightest satellites of Jupiter and the ninth in distance from the planet. It was first sighted by Galileo.木卫一:木星四颗最明亮的卫星之一,距木星的距离排为第九。它首先为伽利略所发现美国传统〔Jovian planet〕One of the four major planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, which have very large masses and are farther from the sun than the terrestrial planets.木星:四大行星,即木星、土星、天王星、海王星中之一,质量很大,比起类地行星来离太阳更远美国传统〔Jovian〕Of, relating to, or resembling the planet Jupiter.(似)木星的:木星的,或似木星美国传统〔LOT〕We already know a great deal about the planet Jupiter. 我们已经了解了许多关于木星的情况。朗文写作活用〔Leda〕The tenth satellite of the planet Jupiter.勒达星:木星的第十颗卫星美国传统〔Metis〕The satellite of Jupiter that is second in distance from the planet.梅第星:距离木星第二远的木星卫星美国传统〔NEW〕The newly discovered planets around distant stars are similar to Jupiter in size. 远处星球附近新发现的一些行星和木星差不多大小。朗文写作活用〔Thebe〕The satellite of Jupiter that is fifth in distance from the planet.西比:距木星第五远的卫星美国传统〔asteroid belt〕The region of the solar system between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, where most of the asteroids are found.小行星带:火星和木星轨道间的太阳系区域,大多数小行星都在此运转美国传统〔asteroid〕Most asteroids are found between Mars and Jupiter.大多数小行星是在火星和木星之间发现的。韦氏高阶〔density〕Jupiter's moon Io, whose density is 3.5 grams per cubic centimetre, is all rock.密度为每立方厘米 3.5 克的木星卫星木卫一上遍布岩石。柯林斯高阶〔gas〕Jupiter is a gas giant, made largely of liquid hydrogen so it's actually very light.木星是一颗主要由液氢组成的气态巨行星, 因此实际上很轻。外研社新世纪〔innermost〕Jupiter's innermost moon 距木星最近的卫星韦氏高阶〔momentum〕The spacecraft will fly around the earth to gain/gather momentum for its trip to Jupiter.航天器将绕着地球飞行以获取飞向木星所需的动力。剑桥高阶〔moon〕Europa and Io are both moons of Jupiter.木卫二和木卫一都是木星的卫星。韦氏高阶〔moon〕Galileo discovered the moons of Jupiter.伽利略发现了木星的卫星。牛津搭配〔moon〕How many moons does Jupiter have? 木星有多少颗衞星?牛津高阶〔moon〕How many moons has Jupiter got? 木星有几颗卫星?麦克米伦高阶〔moon〕Jupiter has at least 16 moons.木星至少有16颗卫星。剑桥高阶〔outer planet〕Any of the five planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, with orbits outside that of Mars.外行星:五大行星木星、土星、天王星、海王星、冥王星的任一个,远行轨道在火星轨道以外美国传统〔outermost〕They are going to explore Jupiter's outermost atmosphere for the first time.他们将首次探测木星大气层的最外层。外研社新世纪〔primordial〕The planet Jupiter contains large amounts of the primordial gas and dust out of which the solar system was formed.木星含有大量的原始气体和尘埃,太阳系就是由这些气体和尘埃形成的。剑桥高阶〔radiate〕The planet Jupiter radiates twice as much heat from inside as it receives from the Sun.木星内部散发出的热量是它吸收太阳热量的两倍。剑桥高阶〔revolution〕Jupiter makes a complete revolution around the sun every 12 years.木星每 12 年绕太阳一周。牛津搭配〔satellite〕Jupiter's satellites 木星的卫星麦克米伦高阶〔solid〕The planet Jupiter may have no solid surface at all.木星表面可能根本就不是固体的。牛津高阶〔zip〕NASA's Galileo spacecraft has successfully zipped past Jupiter's moon Io.美国航空航天局的“伽利略”号航天器已经成功飞过木星的卫星木卫一。外研社新世纪Jupiter has at least sixteen moons.木星至少有十六颗卫星。剑桥国际Jupiter has the distinction of being the largest planet. 木星的特点在于它是太阳系中最大的行星。译典通Jupiter is the largest planet.木星是最大的行星。剑桥国际The planet Jupiter contains large amounts of the primordial gas and dust out of which the solar system was formed.木星含大量的原始气体和尘埃,太阳系即由它们演变而来。剑桥国际The planet Jupiter has an internal source of heat, and radiates twice as much heat from inside as it receives from the Sun.木星有一内部热源,从内发散出的热量是它从太阳获得热量的两倍。剑桥国际The spacecraft will fly round the Earth to gain momentum for its trip to Jupiter.太空船绕地球飞行以得到它向木星飞行的动力。剑桥国际

