
单词 我都听腻了
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔claptrap〕I'm tired of hearing all that claptrap about how hard her life is.她总是在说自己的生活如何艰辛,我都听腻了韦氏高阶〔groan〕I'm tired of him moaning and groaning all the time.他一天到晚牢骚满腹,我都听腻了朗文当代〔rest〕I'm tired of hearing about him. Let's give him a rest.他的事我都听腻了,咱们不谈他吧。英汉大词典〔shop〕I'm fed up with you two talking shop.你们两个人老谈工作,我都听腻了朗文当代〔sick〕I'm sick and tired of your moaning.你的牢骚我都听腻了牛津高阶〔spout〕I'm tired of hearing him spout off about his adventures.他喋喋不休地大讲冒险经历,我都听腻了韦氏高阶

