
单词 扬帆
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISAPPEAR〕She watched the boat sail out to sea until it disappeared over the horizon. 她看着小船扬帆驶向大海,直至在地平线上消失。朗文写作活用〔airy〕Giving them an airy wave of his hand, the Commander sailed past.这位海军中校随意地朝他们挥挥手便扬帆而过。柯林斯高阶〔blue〕They sailed off into the blue.他们扬帆出海。韦氏高阶〔book〕He was booked to sail on Monday.已为他安排好周一去扬帆航行。韦氏高阶〔breezy〕It was a breezy day, just right for sailing.微风习习,正好适合扬帆航行。剑桥高阶〔canvas〕Nautical With sails spread.【航海】 扬帆美国传统〔canvas〕The manual gives instructions on the management of boats under canvas.这本手册说明了扬帆小船的驾驶方法。外研社新世纪〔condition〕Conditions are ideal(= the weather is very good)for sailing today.今天是扬帆出海的理想天气。牛津高阶〔crowd〕To spread a large amount of sail to increase speed.扬帆加速:张起众多的风帆以加速行驶美国传统〔fair〕They set sail with the first fair wind.顺风一起他们就扬帆出航了。牛津高阶〔fan along〕She saw their boat fanning along.她看到他们的船在扬帆徐进。21世纪英汉〔sailing〕There was swimming and sailing down on the lake.有人在湖上游泳和扬帆柯林斯高阶〔sail〕He sailed across the Atlantic.他扬帆横渡大西洋。牛津搭配〔sail〕The ship came in under sail and anchored near us.那条船扬帆驶入,停泊在我们附近。牛津搭配〔sail〕We set sail for France at first light.我们迎着第一缕晨曦扬帆起航去法国。牛津搭配〔set〕To begin a voyage on water.起航:扬帆开始在水上航行美国传统〔square away〕He squared away to a spanking wind.他乘劲风扬帆21世纪英汉〔tender〕Nautical Likely to heel easily under sail; crank.【航海】 易倾斜的:扬帆时易倾斜的;不稳的美国传统〔trim〕To make sails and yards ready for sailing.准备船帆和帆桁以使扬帆航行美国传统〔truck〕Nautical A small piece of wood placed at the top of a mast or flagpole, usually having holes through which halyards can be passed.【航海】 桅(旗)杆帽:放在桅杆或旗杆顶端的一小木片,通常带有小孔,可让旗绳或扬帆绳穿过美国传统〔up〕The captain wished to set sail as soon as the wind was up.船长希望一起风就扬帆启航。英汉大词典〔wind〕They set sail the next morning with a fair wind.第二天早上,他们顺风扬帆出发了。牛津搭配After ten hours under sail (= being moved by wind pushing sails), they reached dry land.经过10小时的扬帆航行,他们抵达了陆地。剑桥国际It was a sunny, breezy day (= one with quite strong but pleasant winds), just right for sailing.天气晴朗,有微风,正好适合扬帆航行。剑桥国际Roger is a keen sailor--he sails with his club every Saturday.罗杰是个热心的帆船运动员----他每个星期六都和俱乐部会员一起扬帆出游。剑桥国际We'll sail on the ebb (= when the TIDE is moving away from the coast).我们将在退潮时扬帆航行。剑桥国际

