
单词 中头
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALIVE〕An 18-year-old San José man clung to life late Wednesday after being shot in the head during a robbery. 星期三晚上,一名18岁的圣何塞青年因为在一起抢劫事件中头部中枪而奋力与死神搏斗。朗文写作活用〔double vision〕He suffered headaches and double vision after hitting his head in the accident.自从在事故中头部受撞击后,他就出现了头痛和复视的症状。剑桥高阶〔floor〕He was floored with a single punch to the head.打中头部的一拳就把他击倒在地。剑桥高阶〔fulfilled〕For the first time in my life, I feel really fulfilled.我一生中头一次感到真正的满足。剑桥高阶〔headshot〕A bullet or shot aimed at and hitting the head.瞄准和击中头部的子弹或一枪美国传统〔headstand〕A position, as in gymnastics or yoga, in which one supports oneself vertically on one's head with the hands braced for support on the floor or on a mat.倒立:体操或瑜珈功中头手垂直支撑身体于地或垫子上的一种姿势美国传统〔instrument〕Death was due to a blow on the head with a blunt instrument .死亡是由于钝器击中头部所致。朗文当代〔paracetamol〕I often take paracetamol at work if I get a bad headache.工作中头疼得厉害时, 我常服用扑热息痛。外研社新世纪〔paracetamol〕I often take paracetamol at work if I get a bad headache.工作中头疼得厉害时,我常服用扑热息痛。柯林斯高阶〔pellet〕He was shot in the head by an air gun pellet.他被气枪弹丸击中头部。柯林斯高阶〔point-blank〕The victim was shot point-blank in the head.受害者被近距离射中头部。韦氏高阶〔range〕He was shot in the head at close range.他被人近距离开枪击中头部。外研社新世纪〔shot〕She was killed by a single shot to the head.她被一枪击中头部丧命。牛津搭配〔speech therapy〕She needed speech therapy after she suffered severe head injuries in a car accident.她在一起车祸中头部多处严重受伤,需要接受言语治疗。剑桥高阶〔superfecta〕A method of betting in which the bettor, in order to win, must pick the first four finishers of a race in the correct sequence.超级正序连赢赌:一种赌博方法,博彩者必须选定赛马中头四匹马的确切名次才能赢美国传统After suffering head injuries in an accident, she was given speech therapy to help her learn to talk again.她在车祸中头部受到伤害,后来她接受了语言治疗以帮助恢复语言能力。剑桥国际For the first time in my life, I feel really fulfilled (=I am happy with my life).我一生中头一次感到真正的满足。剑桥国际He was hit on the head. 他被击中头部。译典通The boxer was felled by a punch to the head.那个拳击手被击中头部倒下了。剑桥国际The police said that it was the blow that had been delivered (= given) to her head that had killed her.警方说使她致死的是击中头部的一拳。剑桥国际The research showed that 40% of clerical workers suffer headaches and tiredness at work.研究表明 40% 的办公室人员在工作中头痛而且很疲劳。牛津商务

