
单词 中世纪时期
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔David〕Patron saint of Wales. His shrine at St. David's in southwest Wales was an important place of pilgrimage during the Middle Ages.圣戴维:威尔士的守护神,他在威尔士西南部的圣戴维圣地是中世纪时期朝圣的重要地点美国传统〔Mudéjar〕A Moslem who remained in Spain after it had been reconquered by the Christians in the Middle Ages.穆德哈尔人:指中世纪时期在基督教徒收复西班牙后仍留在西班牙的穆斯林美国传统〔Neo-Platonism〕A revival of Neo-Platonism or a system derived from it, as in the Middle Ages.新柏拉图主义:新柏拉图主义的复兴或由它发展而来的体系,如在中世纪时期美国传统〔burn〕Women were burned as witches in the Middle Ages.中世纪时期, 女人被当成巫婆烧死。外研社新世纪〔catapult〕A military machine for hurling missiles, such as large stones or spears, used in ancient and medieval times.弹弓:用在古代和中世纪时期发射投掷物,如大块石头或矛的军事器械美国传统〔chastity belt〕A beltlike device of medieval times designed to prevent the woman wearing it from having sexual intercourse.贞操带:中世纪时期为使戴上它的妇女不能进行性交而设计的一种带状的装置美国传统〔date back〕This tradition dates back to medieval times.这个传统可以追溯到中世纪时期剑桥高阶〔present〕The practice has continued from medieval times to the present day.这种做法从中世纪时期一直延续至今。朗文当代〔religious〕The cathedral at Chartres is an expression of the religious fervor of the Middle Ages.在查特雷斯的大教堂是中世纪时期宗教热情的表现之一。美国传统〔time〕In/During medieval times, women thought to be witches were burned at the stake.中世纪时期,人们把被认为是女巫的女人烧死在火刑柱上。剑桥高阶〔usury〕In medieval times, it was illegal for Christians to practise usury.在中世纪时期,基督徒放高利贷是不合法的。朗文当代〔verderer〕A man serving as an official in charge of the royal forests of medieval England.王室护林官:中世纪时期英国作为掌管王室森林的官员的人美国传统〔wearer〕In medieval times the sapphire was believed to offer protection to its wearer.中世纪时期,蓝宝石被认为可以保护它的佩戴者。剑桥高阶In/During medieval times, women thought to be witches were burnt at the stake.中世纪时期,人们把被认作为女巫的女人烧死在柱子上。剑桥国际

